WH Council To Obama Says Summer of Recovery Was Just A Slogan


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I'm tired of hearing all of the lies. Austin Goolsbee said on Fox News Sunday this morning that when the VP said this would be the Summer of Recovery...he actually meant in so many words that it was just a slogan . He meant the jobs they intended on creating would be labeled recovery jobs not that there would be an actual recovery. I bet we can find hundreds of videos that would prove this is a bold-faced lie.

He spent the entire interview telling Chris Wallace that all of the negative news didn't mean what it appeared. I really couldn't believe anything the guy said. He's was just spinning the hell out of the economic indicators trying desperately to illuminate the silver-lining beneath the dark cloud of a very poor economy. It came across as being extremely dishonest. All one needs to do is listen to Obama or in this case his senior adviser moonwalk his way through a serious interview dodging questions and monopolizing the interview in an attempt not to answer questions....is there any wonder there is a lack of confidence in the direction this country is going. The job losses in this country can be directly attributed to a lack of confidence...not the so-called "Failed policies of the Bush Administration".

First of all Goolsbee is being called the "NEW" senior economic adviser...but Goolsbee has always been Obama's closest adviser on economics from the very beginning...as early as 2004. He is the man behind Obama's economic plan. The Man Behind Obama's Economic Plan : NPR

Okay...he's on leave from the University of Chicago to run our economic policy. The last person filling this position was also a university professor.

Do you want college professors running the economy? People that never have run a business in their lives. That's insane.

If you remember in 08' Goolsbee was the go-between to Canada when Obama was bashing NAFTA yet Goolsbee was telling the Canadian government not to worry....it's all an act. Now today Goolsbee is telling us that the Summer of Recovery claim was just an act as well.

Is this the kind of person you want running our economic policy? Someone who doesn't believe in being up front and honest about the real direction this country is going? I personally believe our government should say what they mean and mean what they say. Is that too much to ask?

Oh...and just for your information Goolsbee is also a member of the infamous Skull And Bones Society. Other notables like John F. Kerry and George W. Bush are also members. Talk about being part of the establishment...
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There was some hope when Romer left that Obama's economic team would recognize, at least internally, the failure of their policies and change course.
The appointment of the little twit Goolsby puts an end to any notion of that. There will be more of the same with even bigger lies.
"It was just a slogan." Yeah, so was Hope n' Change.

I'm tired of hearing all of the lies. Austin Goolsbee said on Fox News Sunday this morning that when the VP said this would be the Summer of Recovery...he actually meant in so many words that it was just a slogan . He meant the jobs they intended on creating would be labeled recovery jobs not that there would be an actual recovery. I bet we can find hundreds of videos that would prove this is a bold-faced lie.

He spent the entire interview telling Chris Wallace that all of the negative news didn't mean what it appeared. I really couldn't believe anything the guy said. He's was just spinning the hell out of the economic indicators trying desperately to illuminate the silver-lining beneath the dark cloud of a very poor economy. It came across as being extremely dishonest. All one needs to do is listen to Obama or in this case his senior adviser moonwalk his way through a serious interview dodging questions and monopolizing the interview in an attempt not to answer questions....is there any wonder there is a lack of confidence in the direction this country is going. The job losses in this country can be directly attributed to a lack of confidence...not the so-called "Failed policies of the Bush Administration".

First of all Goolsbee is being called the "NEW" senior economic adviser...but Goolsbee has always been Obama's closest adviser on economics from the very beginning...as early as 2004. He is the man behind Obama's economic plan. The Man Behind Obama's Economic Plan : NPR

Okay...he's on leave from the University of Chicago to run our economic policy. The last person filling this position was also a university professor.

Do you want college professors running the economy? People that never have run a business in their lives. That's insane.

If you remember in 08' Goolsbee was the go-between to Canada when Obama was bashing NAFTA yet Goolsbee was telling the Canadian government not to worry....it's all an act. Now today Goolsbee is telling us that the Summer of Recovery claim was just an act as well.

Is this the kind of person you want running our economic policy? Someone who doesn't believe in being up front and honest about the real direction this country is going? I personally believe our government should say what they mean and mean what they say. Is that too much to ask?

Oh...and just for your information Goolsbee is also a member of the infamous Skull And Bones Society. Other notables like John F. Kerry and George W. Bush are also members. Talk about being part of the establishment...

Oh man, this is great stuff.

It's pretty obvious the summer of recovery, was the summer of bummer! ;)
David Gregory is reaming Obama's campaign manager David Axelrod as we speak on Meet The Depressed. All the guy has to say is we don't want to go back to the old policies of the past.

Right now....after seeing the damage that Obama's policies are doing....I think most people prefer to go back and take a second look at the previous policies....without Democrat interference this time.
Everything about the Obama and his Comrades in Arms is just a slogan and A LIE.

damn fools who fell it and give him the Presidency. now look where we are.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JDT5vBQQr8]YouTube - Andrew Klavan: Obama's Beach Blanket Recovery: It's Happy, Snappy & Incredibly Crappy.[/ame]
If "Recovery Summer" is just a slogan, it's safe to assume that so is all the rest of the propaganda spun by this Administration.
change we need, hope and change, we have to pass the bill to see what's in it, the war is lost, obama's the one, the future is near, that's my favorite.... better living thru spending... how 'bout "my next inauguration wouldn't have cost a hundred and seventy million, cause now everyone know's how great i am besides me"
too long for the campaign poster
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They inherited this mess but just imagine how much worse it would have been if they hadn't spent us into oblivion.:eusa_angel::eusa_angel:


I'm so tired of this "inherited" nonsense. As I recall, Obama spent an inordinate amount of time and money running for the Presidency - starting after only 2 years of his Senate term. Which really is the one of the roots of the problem - his entire career has been spent lobbying or running for his next gig, with no accomplishments to show for then current one. Sadly for the country, we are suffering from his first ever experience of being held accountable for anything.

It's not a pretty sight.
If "Recovery Summer" is just a slogan, it's safe to assume that so is all the rest of the propaganda spun by this Administration.

That's always been the weakness of Obama and his group.

They're just not real. They're really there to do what their benefactors want....and do their best to keep us from finding out about it.

Unfortunately once we find out what they're up to it's always too late to do anything about it.
I noted during the campaign when the Obama logo was introduced that he was just a brand and packaging without a real product that the electorate would want if they knew what is was.
I noted during the campaign when the Obama logo was introduced that he was just a brand and packaging without a real product that the electorate would want if they knew what is was.

Most of us who were paying attention recognized this. What did he stand for? What were his programs? What experience did he have getting things done? (and the left ludicrously fixed on Sarah Palin!)
The answer was "hope n change." "Change the dialogue." Reach out. Bring more people into the system.
And a dozen other platitudes that meant absolutely nothing.
The press is culpable for this train wreck. They gave Obama a pass on virtually everything. They never asked the hard questions, like "what the fuck are you actually going to do?" And "since that's been tried several times without success why do you think you're going to do better?"
But Obama was transformational. He allowed everyone to vote for a Black and MAKE HISTORY. And who doesnt want to make history?
Unfortunately his history is going to read like the Titanic.
There was one moment of honesty when he made the "spread the wealth around" comment.
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There was one moment of honesty when he made the "spread the wealth around" comment.

Notice when the press used the quote against him he turned around and tried to destroy the guy that was unfortunate enough to ask the question....Joe The Plumber.

This asshole sues everyone. He did it to Sarah Palin...he's doing it to Arizona...he's a GD menace.
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That is one of the hallmark's of a Statist - using his disproportionate power to destroy his critics or any other inconvenient little people.
If "Recovery Summer" is just a slogan, it's safe to assume that so is all the rest of the propaganda spun by this Administration.

No need to assume boe, this little community organizer, buffoon in the White House is completely full of shit, and lies like a rug. "Summer of Recovery" is as big a lie as all the "hope and change" bull shit has been. I pity the fools that still support this moron. This is all I can think of when I think of them...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3_jh2dO78U]YouTube - Obama Jedi Mind Trick[/ame]
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