"We've given All You People Need to Know"--Ann Romney


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Ann Romney defended her husband’s decision to not release any additional tax records during an interview on Thursday morning, saying that “we’ve given all you people need to know” about her family’s financial records.

When you add this gaffe to the "kiss my ass" gaffe, it's no wonder that the Romney Campaign is bringing in a new PR person to help bail the water. Too little too late. They're circling the drain.
Who cares......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ann Romney defended her husband’s decision to not release any additional tax records during an interview on Thursday morning, saying that “we’ve given all you people need to know” about her family’s financial records.

When you add this gaffe to the "kiss my ass" gaffe, it's no wonder that the Romney Campaign is bringing in a new PR person to help bail the water. Too little too late. They're circling the drain.
Ann Romney defended her husband’s decision to not release any additional tax records during an interview on Thursday morning, saying that “we’ve given all you people need to know” about her family’s financial records.

When you add this gaffe to the "kiss my ass" gaffe, it's no wonder that the Romney Campaign is bringing in a new PR person to help bail the water. Too little too late. They're circling the drain.

If Romney thinks he can apply for a job and shun the background check, he's obviously as oblivious as Herman Cain. When a politician has something to hide, it will come out eventually.
I guess since republicans require proof that Romney did not pay his taxes they should also be requiring proof that there is any actual problem with Obama's college records, which there is no proof there is any problem. they should require proof he was born in enya, despite there being none. they should require proof that obamacare will raise taxes and force a lot of poor people to pay a fine/tax for not having health insurance, which there is none.

everyone except for the idiots knows mittens dodges taxes, and he can prove us all wrong by just releasing his secret tax returns and showing us all what an honest man he actually is, and just how wrong harry reid is. It is such an easy smackdown that would make so much difference if he did one very simple tiny little things. Why doesn't he do it? It is like a giftwrapped chanche to smack reid in the face and he is just fanning the fire.
The RUMOR is that Mitt didn't pay ANY TAXES during the ten years in question.

If that is not true, he'd be better off releasing that data.

If it is true, one can understand why he'd rather not let the American people know.

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