Westboro Baptists to picket Edwards funeral


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Westboro church to picket at Edwards' funeral - USATODAY.com

Westboro Baptist Church, known for its protests at servicemembers' funerals, plans to protest for 90 minutes until the service begins. The protests typically speak out against homosexuality. Westboro's announcement of the picket also claims that God hates Edwards and that she is dead because she thought she could control God.
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Scummy Christians for sure.

This is one of the things I hate about thos who do such horrible acts in the name of god.
Again, they are doing this for the media attention, Fred Phelps knows this one will be a doozie. The best thing would have been for USA today, and other media outlets to ignore this. Of course, we are now going to talk about it here on this message board, but we are just a handful of people. If nobody reported about these idiots, they would eventually go away.

Did you see this?

Westboro Baptist Church, shown here in October demonstrating outside the U.S.Supreme Court, plans to picket Elizabeth Edwards funeral. The high court is considering whether Westboro, which pickets U.S. soldiers' funerals to claim that God is punishing Americans because of society's acceptance of homosexuality, is testing the limits of the First Amendment right to free speech.
The bible has a lot more impressive things to say about bearing false witness and blasphemy than it does about homosexuality.

One of these days Gd will deal with Westboro with a few well directed bolts of lightning. That will get folks attention to what the message actually is.
Again, they are doing this for the media attention, Fred Phelps knows this one will be a doozie. The best thing would have been for USA today, and other media outlets to ignore this. Of course, we are now going to talk about it here on this message board, but we are just a handful of people. If nobody reported about these idiots, they would eventually go away.

Did you see this?

Westboro Baptist Church, shown here in October demonstrating outside the U.S.Supreme Court, plans to picket Elizabeth Edwards funeral. The high court is considering whether Westboro, which pickets U.S. soldiers' funerals to claim that God is punishing Americans because of society's acceptance of homosexuality, is testing the limits of the First Amendment right to free speech.

Didn't the Supreme court already ponder this matter? What's changed? It's a celebrity now being defiled?
That is Why I am going with cremation.

Come on and protest my "funeral"! In fact, I invite you into where my body is laying--after it begins to smoke!! No liquids please!
She thought she could control God? From what I have heard her say it seems like she realized she couldn't. These people make pond scum look good.
She thought she could control God? From what I have heard her say it seems like she realized she couldn't. These people make pond scum look good.

Yep I am sure pond scum serves a useful purpose in the econogy. thos westboro types are pure wastes of skin who serv no useful purpose at all. Perhaps fertilizer when they die.
She thought she could control God? From what I have heard her say it seems like she realized she couldn't. These people make pond scum look good.

Pond scum is a necessary part of the ecosystem. It is part of the oxygen cycle. It provides food.

Westboro is not.
Again, they are doing this for the media attention, Fred Phelps knows this one will be a doozie. The best thing would have been for USA today, and other media outlets to ignore this. Of course, we are now going to talk about it here on this message board, but we are just a handful of people. If nobody reported about these idiots, they would eventually go away.

Did you see this?

Westboro Baptist Church, shown here in October demonstrating outside the U.S.Supreme Court, plans to picket Elizabeth Edwards funeral. The high court is considering whether Westboro, which pickets U.S. soldiers' funerals to claim that God is punishing Americans because of society's acceptance of homosexuality, is testing the limits of the First Amendment right to free speech.

Didn't the Supreme court already ponder this matter? What's changed? It's a celebrity now being defiled?

Well Willow, since Mrs. Edwards just died, I doubt the Supreme Court can work that fast. I think it's been in the making for awhile now,,,I'll try and find out later
:evil:Hey--Is this the praising of pond scum board?:evil:

There are bad things about pond scum!! For instance, frog piss can be found in pond scum!! It houses various types of bacteria! POND SCUM IS NOT HUMAN.

Now I've named some bad things about Pond scum, can you say something good about Westboro??

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