West to Teach Iran How to Block Israeli Nuclear Sabotage


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
More disturbing details surface in Iran deal: Europe and US to train Iran to 'protect against and respond to sabotage' at nuclear sites.

One particularly interesting detail: Tucked away near the very end of the deal's massive text is a section entitled "Nuclear Safety, Safeguards and Security," which stipulates that the West will train Iran to thwart sabotage against its nuclear facilities.

According to text, Iran will learn how to secure its controversial and covert nuclear program from all threats thanks to training by the "E3/EU+3," another designation for the P5+1 countries consisting of the US, UK, France, Germany, Russia and China, as well as the EU.

The direct reference to sabotage in the deal's text is highly significant, given that Israel - as well as US President Barack Obama - has been accused of launching several cyber sabotage attempts in the past to delay Iran's suspected march to obtaining nuclear weapons.

Iran has frequently claimed to have thwarted sabotage attempts against its nuclear facilities, and Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) head Ali Akbar Salehi claimed last August that the West and "the Zionist regime" were seeking to sabotage Iran’s nuclear industry.

Shortly afterwards, last October, a massive explosion rocked the covert Parchin nuclear weapon facility, in what was reportedly an act of sabotage. An in-depth report indicated that a transport company may have been targeted by sabotage as it brought hazardous materials into the facility as part of the site's suspected nuclear testing.

'Blast' deepens mystery of Iran's Parchin military complex

'Blast' deepens mystery of Iran's Parchin military complex - BBC News

The most effective attempt against Iran's nuclear program which significantly set it back was a 2010 cyber attack known as the "Stuxnet virus." The cyber attack wrought havoc by taking the Islamic regime's reactors out of commission.

In December 2013, Iran's semi-official Fars News Agency claimed Israel and Saudi Arabia were teaming up to launch an updated version of the virus.

Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Likud) in May 2012 indirectly hinted that Israel may have been behind a computer virus that followed Stuxnet and was launched against Iran, known as the "Flame" malware.


ISRAEL NEWS, Its a good thing the the Eu nations are helping protect against Israel attacks. Israel must think we all exist for them.

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