West-Bank land-stealing Settlements


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
This thread is about shifting the focus from Gaza to West-Bank.
Now that Gaza-Blockade was lifted by Israel and Egypt, it is time to push the Israelis on Settlement issues.
It is not over.
This thread is about shifting the focus from Gaza to West-Bank.
Now that Gaza-Blockade was lifted by Israel and Egypt, it is time to push the Israelis on Settlement issues.
It is not over.

I'm sure it won't be over for you until all the jews go back "home" to Poland and Germany.
(...)an event of historic magnitude and nobody quite knows where it will lead, Israel’s ambassador to the US Michael Oren told The Jerusalem Post on Monday.
Oren: Ankara?s new policy historical

Mr. Ambassador, It will lead into containing you in your tiny 8.019 square-miles, with no Centimeter more for you to step on.
I'm sure it won't be over for you until all the jews go back "home" to Poland and Germany.

It is not over, until Republic of Palestine with East-Jerusalem as its capital is established. Simple.
I'm sure it won't be over for you until all the jews go back "home" to Poland and Germany.

It is not over, until Republic of Palestine with East-Jerusalem as its capital is established. Simple.

Then it won't be over for the Islamic terrorists, because it ain't going to happen.

How about the turkeys treat the kurds and armenians fairly instead of butchering them?
there is a bit of irony about turks worrying about human rights.

i'm sure erdogan's religious beliefs have nothing whatsoever to do with his opposition to israel. (yeah, sure).

yet turkey still wants israeli weaponry.

too funny. i'd tell turkey to stick it and hold the weapons until they make amends for supporting terrorists.
some mexicans want L.A. 'back', too.

Geo-Politics of North-America does not allow that Mexican wish.

Arabs and Persians are "Pinky and Brain". The one able to tie its own shoes, the other to tie the shoes of himself and those of his relatives in South-Iraq.
= whole Gulag-AIPAC-Konzentrationslager misery of Middle-East.

Time for Change.
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Zionist occupation authorities continue in their schemes of Judaizing Jerusalem and displacing its Palestinian citizens, as the so-called Jerusalem Planning and Construction committee decided to confiscate land from residents of the Bustan neighborhood in the town of Silwan, south of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and to forcefully demolish the homes of twenty two homeowners in the neighborhood.

Abu Diab added that "the start of demolition in the Bustan neighborhood would mean the start of demolition in the town of Silwan, Jerusalem, which would mean the demolition of houses in each of the valley of Hulwa and the valley of Jura; which would mean the displacement of more than seven thousand Jerusalemites from the city, more than 1500 of them from the Bustan neighborhood.”

Israeli municipality confiscates Jerusalem land, threatens to demolish 22 homes
I'm sure it won't be over for you until all the jews go back "home" to Poland and Germany.

It is not over, until Republic of Palestine with East-Jerusalem as its capital is established. Simple.

Even if that happens it will not be over for the muslims who want Israel abolished. Jesrusalem belonged to ancient Israel.
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How about the turkeys treat (...) armenians (...)

Region is heading towards an inclusive order of econimical and political interdependence, bundling the voices under a tenor.
USA should be returning to its former policies of cultural, economical and political engagement.
Like the Post-WW2 Germans did De-Nazification of Germany, USA should do De-AIPACization of USA. It will make the world a far better place for everyone, and the USA again an admirable force for 1.X Billion people that have been systematically been excluded from the primacy of Washington foreign-policy thinking.
Unless that does not happen, USA is poised to further loosen its meaning in this region, and countries/allies becoming mature will go their own way without taking US interests into consideration by doing their foreign policy.

Bush said: "Either with us, or against us".
That kind of approach went bankrupt, now the region says, "You are either in or out in that shaping order". The problem is not really Israel, it grows and falls with the nation it has taken hostage.
There are frictions and colliding interests, yet, no matter how it plays out, there will be established Republic of Palestine with E.Jeruslaem as its Capital, being full-member of that inclusive order and Israel will be contained on its 8.000 sq.miles with its laim to be a regional-power being invalidated.
Your golden-age of post-1967 era is over.
You better make the mental shift without causing too much noise, so you can be member of that inclusive order in future, too.
How about the turkeys treat (...) armenians (...)

Region is heading towards an inclusive order of econimical and political interdependence, bundling the voices under a tenor.
USA should be returning to its former policies of cultural, economical and political engagement.
Like the Post-WW2 Germans did De-Nazification of Germany, USA should do De-AIPACization of USA. It will make the world a far better place for everyone, and the USA again an admirable force for 1.X Billion people that have been systematically been excluded from the primacy of Washington foreign-policy thinking.
Unless that does not happen, USA is poised to further loosen its meaning in this region, and countries/allies becoming mature will go their own way without taking US interests into consideration by doing their foreign policy.

Bush said: "Either with us, or against us".
That kind of approach went bankrupt, now the region says, "You are either in or out in that shaping order". The problem is not really Israel, it grows and falls with the nation it has taken hostage.
There are frictions and colliding interests, yet, no matter how it plays out, there will be established Republic of Palestine with E.Jeruslaem as its Capital, being full-member of that inclusive order and Israel will be contained on its 8.000 sq.miles with its laim to be a regional-power being invalidated.
Your golden-age of post-1967 era is over.
You better make the mental shift without causing too much noise, so you can be member of that inclusive order in future, too.

Funny stuff. The world would be a safer more peaceful world without Islam. Islam is the problem, not Israel. Everywhere Islam goes there is trouble, ignorance, and murder.
(1) Kurdistan!
(2) Armenia - They genocided the Armenians before they stole their land
(3) Cyprus - This was an unjust invasion and land grab
Fucking Whores!
I'm sure it won't be over for you until all the jews go back "home" to Poland and Germany.

It is not over, until Republic of Palestine with East-Jerusalem as its capital is established. Simple.

The Kurds struggle will never be over until Kurdistan with Ankara as is capital is established.
The Cyprus struggle will never be over until the Turkish whore invaders go back to the Turkey
just last week Turkey's large, state-backed company Turk Telekom announced a massive deal to install a 2,500-kilometer, state-of the-art fiber-optic network in Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia that will link those three countries through Turkey to European networks.
Syria's new alliances | The Middle East Channel

Turkey = business-class seat on plane in to future.
Israel/Iran = Gulag and Missiles

Region will fly Turkish Airlines.
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Funny stuff. (...)

Turkey now has free-trade zone with Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
A 4 country economy Union.
We build together fibre-networls, build and modernize Hijaz-railway from Istanbul to Jiddah.
Other countries and other projects will follow. Those countries, we dont like, will not join.

Interdependence and integration.
At the end of decade, we will give them full security guarantees, also to protect our business interests.
In Palestine we will send Freedom-Girl of New York, just like French did.
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