We're Moving To A New Server

Is the server ghey or straight and what tip ratio will be expected?

You should know better than to ask a Jew about tips.

We're rather short on that subject.

Isn't that how copper wire was invented? Two Jews picked up a penny at the same time!

Lord, I apologize, and be with the starving pygmies in New Guinea.

I do miss the penny. :(

Still, if I had a nickel for every time I said "If I had a penny...". :cool:

I always wondered when people say, "A penny for your thoughts..." then you give the your "two cents" worth, what happens to the other penny?
^ moonies in his feelz :D

I always wondered when people say, "A penny for your thoughts..." then you give the your "two cents" worth, what happens to the other penny?

It finds its way to someone who said "If only I had a penny...".

Old adage: You goes where you're wanted.

DF never did quite get that one.

Who needs a box for the big move? I just picked up a few at the grocery store to help with packing.
Other Education-Related Changes

The Republican tax plan contains several other changes. It eliminates the tax-free status of employer tuition reimbursements, up to $5,250 a year. It would also bar new contributions to Coverdell Saving Accounts, relatively little used (but tax-free) accounts; existing Coverdells would be rolled over into 529 plans
More on higher edu cuts ... pretty pathetic is this higher-education-not-so-friendly GOP - of course private rich families don't have a worry like this one with their higher education:


GOP Tax Bill: What Will Change for Students

Other Education-Related Changes

The Republican tax plan contains several other changes. It eliminates the tax-free status of employer tuition reimbursements, up to $5,250 a year. It would also bar new contributions to Coverdell Saving Accounts, relatively little used (but tax-free) accounts; existing Coverdells would be rolled over into 529 plans

Coverdell Savings Account were post-tax savings accounts that had zero utility for anyone. Isn't this the wrong thread?
When we were down I contacted FF.

The site will be intermittently up and down in the next few hours.

I like up and down happenings, um hold on, what is the topic of this thread again I forget? :eusa_whistle:
Yes. Up and down can be good....very, very, good.

Except when it's the server that is going up and down and up and down.

Is there any screaming involved?
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