'We're going to war, bro': Fort Bragg's 82nd Airborne deploys to the Middle East


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
And so it begins..again....the idiocy of putting troops on the ground..when the only thing we land in that region should be bombs and missiles:

'We're going to war, bro': Fort Bragg's 82nd Airborne deploys to the Middle East

"For many of the soldiers, it would be their first mission. They packed up ammunition and rifles, placed last-minute calls to loved ones, then turned in their cell phones. Some gave blood.
The 600 mostly young soldiers at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, were headed for the Middle East, part of a group of some 3,500 U.S. paratroopers ordered to the region. Kuwait is the first stop for many. Their final destinations are classified.
"We're going to war, bro," one cheered, holding two thumbs up and sporting a grin under close-shorn red hair. He stood among dozens of soldiers loading trucks outside a cinder block building housing several auditoriums with long benches and tables.

Soldiers were ordered not to bring cell phones, portable video games or any other devices that could be used to communicate with friends and family back home, out of concern that details of their movements could leak out.
"We're an infantry brigade," Burns said. "Our primary mission is ground fighting. This is as real as it gets."
A sergeant started rattling off last names, checking them off from a list after "heres" and "yups" and "yos."
For every fighter, there were seven support crew members shipping out - cooks, aviators, mechanics, medics, chaplains, and transportation and supply managers. All but the chaplains would carry guns to fight."
And so it begins

Been waiting three years and it still hasn't happened? You must be sooo disappointed.
Not at all....and apparently you didn't read the next words..you know..where I decried the exercise?

...the idiocy of putting troops on the ground..when the only thing we land in that region should be bombs and missiles
And so it begins

Been waiting three years and it still hasn't happened? You must be sooo disappointed.
Not at all....and apparently you didn't read the next words..you know..where I decried the exercise?

...the idiocy of putting troops on the ground..when the only thing we land in that region should be bombs and missiles

Did you ever stop to think this gamesmanship?
Them just being there is a deterrent and makes the Assahola's question whether fucking with us is a good idea.
And so it begins..again....the idiocy of putting troops on the ground..when the only thing we land in that region should be bombs and missiles:

How about doing as civilized nations do, and land diplomats? It isn't exactly that novel an idea, you know?

But then, haven't you heard, there is nothing to worry about:

"The country should feel good that this President is not going to let anything happen to anybody," Grisham said.​

Hands up, no googling, who knows who Stephanie Grisham is?
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The important part of the 82 Airborne

(other than they are the basest of the bad)

May be the AIRBORNE, part.
In history..diplomacy and force.....work hand in hand. Diplomacy is not in good repute these days..with this current administration. Using the carrot/stick approach worked well with Saddam---maybe if we punched Iran for real..they might make nice?

I do think that the timing says it all....and that this is a convenient chess move...not a lot of impeachment chatter...right now.
In history..diplomacy and force.....work hand in hand. Diplomacy is not in good repute these days..with this current administration. Using the carrot/stick approach worked well with Saddam---maybe if we punched Iran for real..they might make nice?

I do think that the timing says it all....and that this is a convenient chess move...not a lot of impeachment chatter...right now.

You think installing a murderous, torturing tyrant wasn't enough of "punched Iran for real"? How about giving Saddam a nice assist, like targeting information for their chemical weapons attacks during the 1980s? Was that like "punched Iran for real"?

Does, in this country, really no one ever think farther ahead than their own nose? Punched Afghanistan for real. Check. Punched Iraq for real. Check. Does anyone think the outcomes were in any way beneficial to the U.S.? If there are doubts about that question, how about learning from history, for eff'n once?

... and I am not talking about the feeble, illiterate geezers assembled here, who get a feeble, fleeting reminder of a vicarious hard-on upon hearing, "We're going to war, bro." I am talking about folks who, usually, don't think with their otherwise perfectly useless balls.
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Democrat Harry Truman deployed Troops to Korea on an illegal executive order and we lost anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 in the 3 year quagmire that the fawning liberal media deemed "the forgotten war". Democrat LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam on a faked "Tonkin Gulf" crisis and set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war at the cost of about 49,000 Troops. A republican sends the venerable 82 Airborne to prevent war and the left freaks out . No surprise here.
And so it begins..again....the idiocy of putting troops on the ground..when the only thing we land in that region should be bombs and missiles:

How about doing as civilized nations do, and land diplomats? It isn't exactly that novel an idea, you know?

But then, haven't you heard, there is nothing to worry about:

"The country should feel good that this President is not going to let anything happen to anybody," Grisham said.​

Hands up, no googling, who knows who Stephanie Grisham is?
This is iran. That has absolutely nothing to do with ‘civilized nations’.

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