Wendy davis, gun grabber, lied about supporting open carry...to get votes, not a surprise....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Never, ever trust a democrat on gun issues....wendy davis....in a remarkable moment of truth for a democrat admits she lied about supporting open carry in Texas to get votes....I know....it is not a surprise that as a democrat she lied, conservatives/tea party/libertarians knew she was lying, it was just democrats who believed her....it is just interesting that she is now admitting it.....

Blog Wendy Davis comes clean on her fake gun rights election position

Still, explaining away her admission this week that she faked her position on open carry (the ability of Texans to wear firearms visible to others) in order to get elected, even though she doesn’t believe it is the right policy, will require some contortions.

Asche Schow if the Washington Examiner writes:

Former Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, in her first interview after losing by 20 points to governor-elect Greg Abbott,admitted she only claimed to support an open-carry gun law in order to win votes.

“There is one thing that I would do differently in that campaign, and it relates to the position that I took on open-carry,” Davis told the San Antonio Express-News on Monday. “I made a quick decision on that with a very short conversation with my team and it wasn't really in keeping with what I think is the correct position on that issue.”

Davis added that she does support “people’s right to own and to bear arms in appropriate situations,” but fears that open carry would be used “to intimidate and cause fear.”

Remember when Democrats were excited about the glamorous crusader who was going to turn Texas blue? Now she is just a phony Joanie who turned out to be not above slyly reminding voters he opponent is wheelchair bound, and who claimed to advocate gun rights policies she didn’t believe in.
I wonder what this huge star of the Democrat party is up to these days?
I'm hearing talk of a shakeup over at MSNBC.
Maybe they can dress her up a bit and have her jog onto the set of her new cable show at MSNBC wearing a hot
little outfit and different running shoes every show.
Run Wendy.Run...

Wendy Davis running shoes.jpg

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