Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

Spaghetti with meat sauce and zucchini bread for dessert. Some lady was selling individual little loaves of zucchini bread and banana bread by the market the other day. I'm allergic to bananas, but I snagged the zucchini right away.
Visited my favorite Indian restaraunt last night. Chicken Tikka and Tandoori Shrimp with Jasmine Rice.
I bought a big bag of sweet potatos!

I will peel them and chop them... pour olive oil and salt and pepper .... put in hot oven for a few hours turning them around...

I will serve these with chicken loaf and some lettuce leaves on the side!

I adore sweet potato, and these are super super sweet! YUMMYYYYYYY

That's in the menu for tonight in chez-skye!:D
The world's all time greatest sandwich...fat slice of homegrown tomato on homemade bread fresh outta the oven with Hellman's Real Mayonnaise, salt, pepper, and a just the tiniest pinch of garlic powder.
Enchiladas I found in the freezer that I put in there (homemade) 2 weeks ago and forgot about. Delish!

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