‘Well Over 200 Threat Warnings Against Benghazi Mission at Time of Attack


Nov 13, 2012
Feinstein: ‘Well Over 200′ Threat Warnings Against Benghazi Mission at Time of Attack​

by Bridget Johnson
December 2, 2012

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said she has reviewed “well over 200″ threat warnings that applied to the Benghazi mission before the Sept. 11 attack that killed four Americans.

“Now, it couldn’t say at a certain time or on a certain day. There had been prior attacks. It’s well known, the attack on the British ambassador, attack on the Red Cross. They both pulled out for a period of time,” she said today on CBS’ Face the Nation.

The Senate Intelligence Committee chairwoman also noted homemade improvised explosives that had been thrown over the fence in April and caused some damage to a wall, “which is not much, but it’s an indication.”

“If you look seriously at the intelligence, the country is spotted with training camps. The country is a magnet for all of these groups, and there is a kind of lawless history about the Benghazi area, also,” Feinstein added.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), appearing with Feinstein, agreed that “the intelligence was good.”

“I mean, the threat stream was very clear leading up to that 9/11 event,” Rogers said, noting that two days later al-Qaeda affiliates killed four Tunisians protecting the U.S. embassy there.

“The intelligence said, hey, they’re looking for Western targets. They want to be more aggressive. All of that was right. What I find just absolute gross negligence was that they did not take the right precautions to protect the ambassador and the consulate employees,” he said. “Nor did they have the right plans in place to get them out. And that’s what, I’ll tell you, this is a serious, serious event here.”

Feinstein confirmed that Ambassador Chris Stevens “was unhappy” with security. “Some improvements were made. They were, clearly, inadequate improvements,” she said. “And the outside security departed when they saw people with guns coming down the street. We looked at the video and saw that.”

The senator said she believes the intelligence community should not have prepared the talking points given to UN Ambassador Susan Rice to take on the Sunday news shows.

The PJ Tatler » Feinstein: ‘Well Over 200′ Threat Warnings Against Benghazi Mission at Time of Attack
How many threat attacks existed against all of our other overseas missions? Is 200 unusual for an American overseas mission in the Middle East, or is that normal?

If Stevens was unhappy with Benghazi's security, why did he go to the consulate there on 9/11 instead of remaining at the embassy in Tripoli?

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We're not supposed to bring up the Benghazi attacks... it makes Obama look bad. We're supposed to forget about dead Americans and concentrate on taxing the rich, and blaming Bush.
So they should have left early in June when the threats started and when the others left. We cannot send in an amy to protect 4 people who were in th wrong place at the wrong time trying to be heroes. NO evidence that more security were ever ask for. In danger is not a request for more security. Four people died and it's a major tragedy? 6,000 died in two wars and 26,000 injured and some without limbs and thousand of suicides. All for what based on lies. What have we gained for the sacrifices? Not a damm thing but a growing deficit because of the two ongoing wars.
How many threat attacks existed against all of our other overseas missions? Is 200 unusual for an American overseas mission in the Middle East, or is that normal?

If Stevens was unhappy with Benghazi's security, why did he go to the consulate there on 9/11 instead of remaining at the embassy in Tripoli?

Just "Four little bumps in the road." The CIA annex was scrubbed clean within 48 hours of the attack. Not a whiff of info left behind for the casual passerby to peruse. The Consul, meanwhile, was left untouched for weeks. CNN can drop by two weeks later and picks up the late Ambassadors personal papers. It may still be untouched yet, today. The FBI may still be negotiating with Libyan authorities.
A preplanned kidnapping of the Ambassador so he could be exchanged for the "Blind Sheik' with Obama looking like the God King he envisions himself to be by pulling off a seemingly impossible feat of negotiating for this election's October Surprise with Nihil Obstats and Imprimaturs signed off on by David Axelrod, Valerie Jarret, and Stephanie Cutter, or whats more likely, Iran's reaching out to touch the Chicago Jesus for meddling in Iran's backyard. Maybe that's why Obama wore that Amos and Andy "I think I jus saws a ghost, Boss" expression on his face when he made his joint appearance with Hillary a few days after Benghazi.
Its all about that video

Obama should have known it was gonna push the Jihadists over the edge
How many threat attacks existed against all of our other overseas missions? Is 200 unusual for an American overseas mission in the Middle East, or is that normal?

If Stevens was unhappy with Benghazi's security, why did he go to the consulate there on 9/11 instead of remaining at the embassy in Tripoli?


Well isn't that an interesting question? Why was Stevens in Benghazi? Don't you think that three months after the fact our government might answer the question?
How many threat attacks existed against all of our other overseas missions? Is 200 unusual for an American overseas mission in the Middle East, or is that normal?

If Stevens was unhappy with Benghazi's security, why did he go to the consulate there on 9/11 instead of remaining at the embassy in Tripoli?


We do know that Stevens did discuss lack of security at the Benghazi "Consulate" before the attack on more than several occassions. Orders are orders. Stevens was ordered there to meet the Turkish representative. That is why he was assassinated. Feinstein has indicated so. The MSM conspired with Maobama to keep the reason and the truth about the attack from the American people fearing it would cost him the election. Bias, partisanship, and Lies from Maobama. Nah never happen. Butter wouldn't melt in Maobama's mouth, He's that cold and uncaring. Egomania is Maobama's middle name.
How many threat attacks existed against all of our other overseas missions? Is 200 unusual for an American overseas mission in the Middle East, or is that normal?

If Stevens was unhappy with Benghazi's security, why did he go to the consulate there on 9/11 instead of remaining at the embassy in Tripoli?


We do know that Stevens did discuss lack of security at the Benghazi "Consulate" before the attack on more than several occassions. Orders are orders. Stevens was ordered there to meet the Turkish representative. That is why he was assassinated. Feinstein has indicated so. The MSM conspired with Maobama to keep the reason and the truth about the attack from the American people fearing it would cost him the election. Bias, partisanship, and Lies from Maobama. Nah never happen. Butter wouldn't melt in Maobama's mouth, He's that cold and uncaring. Egomania is Maobama's middle name.

So you have no idea if 200 threats against a US overseas mission in the Middle East is normal.

How many threat attacks existed against all of our other overseas missions? Is 200 unusual for an American overseas mission in the Middle East, or is that normal?

If Stevens was unhappy with Benghazi's security, why did he go to the consulate there on 9/11 instead of remaining at the embassy in Tripoli?


Who really cares?

All we know for certain was that the video was to blame

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