Well, It Was Palestinians...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
For all of our friends who wanted to wait until the guilty were found before we
concluded that it was Palestinians....

It was.

(NewsCore) - JERUSALEM -- Two Palestinians were arrested by Israel's Shin Bet internal security agency in connection with the murder of five Israelis at a West Bank settlement, Israeli public radio said Sunday.

The two men reportedly confessed to stabbing five members of the Fogel family at the northern West Bank settlement of Itamar on March 11 and also staged a reconstruction of the slaying, the report said.

The family -- including three-month-old Hadas, four-year-old Elad, 11-year-old Yoav and their parents, Udi and Ruthie -- was killed as they slept in their home near Nablus. Two of the couple's three other young children were not harmed in the attack, which was discovered by their 12-year-old daughter, Tamar, after she returned from a youth activity.

Shin Bet and the Israeli military said that the two suspects were from the West Bank village of Awarta, which lies near Itamar and has been the central focus of the investigation into the murders.

Two Palestinians Arrested Over Israeli Family Murder

Palestinian youths from Awarta "saw children sleeping in Fogel home," snuck in and stabbed them to death; suspects were affiliated with PFLP terror group, admitted to crime but showed no remorse. Two Palestinian youths from the village of Awarta were arrested in recent days for the brutal slaying of five members of the Fogel family in their Itamar home last month, the IDF and Shin Bet said on Sunday following the lifting of a media ban on the investigation.

The suspects have been named as Hakim Maazan Niad Awad, an 18-year-old high school student, and Amjad Mahmud Fauzi Awad, 19, both from the West Bank village of Awarta, located 2 kilometers south of the settlement of Itamar.

The suspects have confessed to the stabbings and reenacted their acts, security forces said on Sunday. According to Army Radio, they did not express remorse for their crimes.

They are affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLFP) terror group, and received significant assistance from family members and friends after the attack, security forces added.

The suspects planned the stabbings days ahead of time. On the night of March 11, after unsuccessful attempts to obtain firearms from a local PFLP representative in their village, the two set out towards Itamar on foot armed with knives, a wirecutter, and masks to cover their faces.

Immediately after entering the home, the youths set their knives on two young brothers sleeping in their beds, 4-year-old Elad and 11-year-old Yoav.]

They then entered the parents' bedroom, where they launched a knife attack on Ehud and Ruth Fogel. The parents fought back, attempting to fend off the attackers, but died of their stab wounds during the struggle.

The two then left the house. One of the suspects returned and stabbed the three-month-old baby Hadas to death in her crib.
Two Palestinians arrested for Fogel family massacre - Jihad Watch

I trust that those who were hesitant at first are now convinced....
Shall we have a trial or just lynch 'em?

You seem to be mistaken as to whether the savages were in the hands of Israelis or Palestinians....

You see, the Israelis don't behave in that fashion, as in .....

"The day the world witnessed animalism on display, shameless inhumane revelations, by “average” Arab-Palestinians & their official police.

* Two Israelis are nabbed –as they lost their way– by the “Palestinian” Police who beat them brutally.

* They then handed over the men to a mob to lynch, while they watch the scene.

* One “proud” Arab-Muslim “hero” had his hands covered in the blood of the Israelis and waved in a bragging manner through the window to the larger crowd anxiously waiting in the public square.

(* They were put on military clothes afterwards.)

* An Israeli is thrown out the window into the bloodthirsty [literally] mob waiting.

* They were beaten, stabbed to death, their faces disfigured…

* Their bodies were mutilated the ‘mainstream’ Arab-Muslim “Palestinians” screamed in ecstasy, moaning in beasty manners while waving the body parts in “joy”… all that savagery in broad day light in public square."http://freeisraelnow.wordpress.com/2010/07/27/10-years-to-ramallah-lynch-october-2000-animalism/

Did that clear the matter up for you?
Shall we have a trial or just lynch 'em?

You sound like ogibillm.... :cuckoo:


What idiots!
So does that mean you feel there should be no trial, and just get the lynch mob on?
you sound like Marc39

"The two men reportedly confessed to stabbing five members of the Fogel family at the northern West Bank settlement of Itamar on March 11 and also staged a reconstruction of the slaying, the report said."

Never said dont give them a trial.

Why is it you jew haters always question Isreal and not the filthy terrorists?

Take your Sunni shiite somewhere else.
Shall we have a trial or just lynch 'em?

You seem to be mistaken as to whether the savages were in the hands of Israelis or Palestinians....

You see, the Israelis don't behave in that fashion, as in .....

"The day the world witnessed animalism on display, shameless inhumane revelations, by “average” Arab-Palestinians & their official police.

* Two Israelis are nabbed –as they lost their way– by the “Palestinian” Police who beat them brutally.

* They then handed over the men to a mob to lynch, while they watch the scene.

* One “proud” Arab-Muslim “hero” had his hands covered in the blood of the Israelis and waved in a bragging manner through the window to the larger crowd anxiously waiting in the public square.

(* They were put on military clothes afterwards.)

* An Israeli is thrown out the window into the bloodthirsty [literally] mob waiting.

* They were beaten, stabbed to death, their faces disfigured…

* Their bodies were mutilated the ‘mainstream’ Arab-Muslim “Palestinians” screamed in ecstasy, moaning in beasty manners while waving the body parts in “joy”… all that savagery in broad day light in public square."http://freeisraelnow.wordpress.com/2010/07/27/10-years-to-ramallah-lynch-october-2000-animalism/

Did that clear the matter up for you?

Shall we have a trial or just lynch 'em?

You seem to be mistaken as to whether the savages were in the hands of Israelis or Palestinians....

You see, the Israelis don't behave in that fashion, as in .....

"The day the world witnessed animalism on display, shameless inhumane revelations, by “average” Arab-Palestinians & their official police.

* Two Israelis are nabbed –as they lost their way– by the “Palestinian” Police who beat them brutally.

* They then handed over the men to a mob to lynch, while they watch the scene.

* One “proud” Arab-Muslim “hero” had his hands covered in the blood of the Israelis and waved in a bragging manner through the window to the larger crowd anxiously waiting in the public square.

(* They were put on military clothes afterwards.)

* An Israeli is thrown out the window into the bloodthirsty [literally] mob waiting.

* They were beaten, stabbed to death, their faces disfigured…

* Their bodies were mutilated the ‘mainstream’ Arab-Muslim “Palestinians” screamed in ecstasy, moaning in beasty manners while waving the body parts in “joy”… all that savagery in broad day light in public square."http://freeisraelnow.wordpress.com/2010/07/27/10-years-to-ramallah-lynch-october-2000-animalism/

Did that clear the matter up for you?

Don't forget Jimmy Carter's new book:

I wonder why the Palestinians are so angry?? :doubt:

Now, Sunni, I know for a fact that you have never been so 'angry' that you slit the throat of a three month old baby.

....or of anyone, for that matter.

Nor do I think you ever could be.

he's too much of a coward to put his money where his mouth is. he just likes when other people do his dirty work for him. *shrug*

are we really surprised it was pals?

didn't think so.
the title of the thread should really read 'well, the israelis say it was palestinians'
I'm glad we don't generalize when we see black criminals here in the US. I guess it's easy pickin' when it's a Pali.

That being said, I hope these two go to trial and are punished for their actions. If the allegations are true then they should be held accountable. I guess I'm just not on the "SEEE, PALESTINIANS ARE ALL ANIMALS BECAUSE LOOK WHAT THESE TWO DID" bandwagon.

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