Welfare….The Scam...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….and how to beat it.

One way of saying it is…..
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" -Mark 8:36”

And, a different way:
“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

1.I can’t say that Trump has a better understanding of the value of earning than the Democrats/Liberals, but there is the sense that for the Left, it is no more than a vote-buying scheme.

a. Over half a century and $22 trillion poured into the scheme, the poverty rate is but a few points lower.

b. The main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.

Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.
Peter Ferrara, “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb,” chapter five.

2. Today, under Trump, there are more job openings today than there are unemployed workers.
“The Trump administration on Wednesday released a final rule strengthening work requirements in the food stamp program.”

Let the hand-wringing begin!

3. “…first, let’s look at what the Trump administration food stamp reform would do and who it would affect. … the reform does not affect parents with minor children, the elderly, or disabled. It is limited to able-bodied adults without dependents. There are currently 3 million such people receiving food stamp benefits. The overwhelming majority have zero employment and earnings. Under the rule, some recipient able-bodied adults without dependents who have received aid for more than three months would be required to take a job; if a job is not immediately available, recipients would be required to undertake training, perform community service work, or at least look for a job.
The Truth About the New Food Stamp Work Requirements’ Effects

That's right: work for what your receive.

The 'tough love' method.
Able-bodied single men should never be entitled for welfare.
I applaud Trump's "tough love".

Me too.

And, I wouldn't mind seeing charity back in the hands where it was before FDR co-opted it.

The Federal Budget needs to be tightened. IMHO we need another "Grace Commission" to fix the Federal Budget deficit. We spend too much on entitlements now, God forbid that the dems win and have free everything for illegals. The $23T Debt is the biggest threat to the US, and Congress is doing nothing to address it. Throwing some deadbeats off welfare is at least doing "something".
2019 Federal Budget
Mandatory spending $2.74T

Social Security $878b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b
I want to focus on the last thing you've said.....

The scam is the use of 'welfare' to buy the votes of the lazy.

As the heart of the scam is convincing government school grads that there is a bottomless barrel of funds created by government.

"Money from Obama's stash"

….and how to beat it.

One way of saying it is…..
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" -Mark 8:36”

And, a different way:
“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

1.I can’t say that Trump has a better understanding of the value of earning than the Democrats/Liberals, but there is the sense that for the Left, it is no more than a vote-buying scheme.

a. Over half a century and $22 trillion poured into the scheme, the poverty rate is but a few points lower.

b. The main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.

Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.
Peter Ferrara, “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb,” chapter five.

2. Today, under Trump, there are more job openings today than there are unemployed workers.
“The Trump administration on Wednesday released a final rule strengthening work requirements in the food stamp program.”

Let the hand-wringing begin!

3. “…first, let’s look at what the Trump administration food stamp reform would do and who it would affect. … the reform does not affect parents with minor children, the elderly, or disabled. It is limited to able-bodied adults without dependents. There are currently 3 million such people receiving food stamp benefits. The overwhelming majority have zero employment and earnings. Under the rule, some recipient able-bodied adults without dependents who have received aid for more than three months would be required to take a job; if a job is not immediately available, recipients would be required to undertake training, perform community service work, or at least look for a job.
The Truth About the New Food Stamp Work Requirements’ Effects

That's right: work for what your receive.

The 'tough love' method.

as a sane and rational lib-prog I would END WELFARE for LIFE and change it to


if anyone finds themselves in need of assistance they apply and if accepted they receive the following

1. entrance into program until re-inserted back into the work place
2. 4 hours a day/5 days a week education/training for job placement
3. 4 hours a day/5 days a week must perform various jobs according to necessity; clean roadways, cross walk guard, bus drivers......
4. if they already have skills then they can teach those skills to others
5. since babies and children are involved every applicant must assist in baby sitting duties while other participants work or are in training.

the intent would be to place people BACK into the work force (and OFF assistance) as quickly as possible......

Now call me a nazi.......
4. "Housework won't kill you, but then again why take the chance?"
Phyllis Diller

Seems to be the attitude of the Left, too. After all, Ocasio’s Green New Deal, central to Democrat plans, provides for ‘economic security for those who don’t care to work.’

5. What happened to the Judeo-Christian ethic on which this nation was built?
The Bible is specific about what God expects of able-bodied members of society. In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, Paul said, “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat”
Pay attention….it says ‘will not work,’ not ‘cannot work.’

Americans have always taken care of those in need, even before the founding.

The Scots' Charitable Society, organized in 1684, "open[ed] the bowells of our compassion" to widows like Mrs. Stewart, who had "lost the use of her left arm" and whose husband was "Wash'd Overboard in a Storm."
...." "Heritage of American Social Work: Readings in Its Philosophical and Institutional Development," by Ralph Pumphrey and W. Muriel Pumphrey, p. 29.

And here is the major difference between current efforts and the earlier: charity was not handed out indiscriminately- "no prophane or diselut person, or openly scandelous shall have any pairt or portione herein."

The able-bodied were expected to find work, and if they chose not to, well....it was considered perfectly appropriate to press them to change their mind.
Olasky, "The Tragedy of American Compassion," chapter one.
I don't disagree with the sentiment, or the "fix", but, welfare programs are much broader than just what's referred to-
Subsidy for Industries is one- the "Food Stamp" program is intertwined with the Farm bills- also the MIC is a jobs program, as are the alphabet agencies, including the TSA.

The Pentagon is a huge jobs program also: So, there you have it. A one-trillion-dollar war built on intentional, deliberate, and knowing lies, just like the Vietnam War was. More than 2,300 American soldiers killed for nothing. Thousands more injured, mentally, spiritually, or physically. Tens of thousands of Afghans killed, maimed, incarcerated, or tortured. The entire country destroyed.

A Pentagon Paradise Built on Lies

Tax payers *will* foot the bill for the rebuilding of that country (just like we have ALL the countries we've invaded)- a this point I don't think it can be "fixed"- but, it can be chipped away at (incrementally which is THE how we've arrived at where we are)- btw, selling arms to foreign countries won't mitigate the damage done, though it does support the MIC jobs program- the author of the above article refers to our situation as the Welfare/Warfare State- too many elected sociopaths have been elected, on BOTH sides of the aisle-
The common denominator is "lies"- how do we prevent politicians from lying? There is no instant fix. That's called instant gratification - "we have to do something" which brings unintended consequences- the elected sociopaths answer to that is to give to another, that which he didn't earn from the pockets of one who did,to appease the offended- sold with "lies" and "officially" vilifying those who manage to beat them at their own game to achieve a certain level of success deemed *too much*
So, we have those who "lie" to sell a "we have to do something" (of course in the form of a tax)- round and round it goes- where it stops nobody knows- and make no mistake, Republicans are no better than Democrats and vice versa-
….and how to beat it.

One way of saying it is…..
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" -Mark 8:36”

And, a different way:
“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

1.I can’t say that Trump has a better understanding of the value of earning than the Democrats/Liberals, but there is the sense that for the Left, it is no more than a vote-buying scheme.

a. Over half a century and $22 trillion poured into the scheme, the poverty rate is but a few points lower.

b. The main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.

Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.
Peter Ferrara, “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb,” chapter five.

2. Today, under Trump, there are more job openings today than there are unemployed workers.
“The Trump administration on Wednesday released a final rule strengthening work requirements in the food stamp program.”

Let the hand-wringing begin!

3. “…first, let’s look at what the Trump administration food stamp reform would do and who it would affect. … the reform does not affect parents with minor children, the elderly, or disabled. It is limited to able-bodied adults without dependents. There are currently 3 million such people receiving food stamp benefits. The overwhelming majority have zero employment and earnings. Under the rule, some recipient able-bodied adults without dependents who have received aid for more than three months would be required to take a job; if a job is not immediately available, recipients would be required to undertake training, perform community service work, or at least look for a job.
The Truth About the New Food Stamp Work Requirements’ Effects

That's right: work for what your receive.

The 'tough love' method.

as a sane and rational lib-prog I would END WELFARE for LIFE and change it to


if anyone finds themselves in need of assistance they apply and if accepted they receive the following

1. entrance into program until re-inserted back into the work place
2. 4 hours a day/5 days a week education/training for job placement
3. 4 hours a day/5 days a week must perform various jobs according to necessity; clean roadways, cross walk guard, bus drivers......
4. if they already have skills then they can teach those skills to others
5. since babies and children are involved every applicant must assist in baby sitting duties while other participants work or are in training.

the intent would be to place people BACK into the work force (and OFF assistance) as quickly as possible......

Now call me a nazi.......
that was the proposal in the 90's when Clinton was president. it worked. Now the leftists in MSM tell the world we hate the lazy because we want them to work for their money.

Really, I don't care what those sniveling snotballs say, one should be expected to do something other than drink and smoke with our tax money while we work giving it to them.

Just saying.
….and how to beat it.

One way of saying it is…..
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" -Mark 8:36”

And, a different way:
“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

1.I can’t say that Trump has a better understanding of the value of earning than the Democrats/Liberals, but there is the sense that for the Left, it is no more than a vote-buying scheme.

a. Over half a century and $22 trillion poured into the scheme, the poverty rate is but a few points lower.

b. The main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.

Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.
Peter Ferrara, “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb,” chapter five.

2. Today, under Trump, there are more job openings today than there are unemployed workers.
“The Trump administration on Wednesday released a final rule strengthening work requirements in the food stamp program.”

Let the hand-wringing begin!

3. “…first, let’s look at what the Trump administration food stamp reform would do and who it would affect. … the reform does not affect parents with minor children, the elderly, or disabled. It is limited to able-bodied adults without dependents. There are currently 3 million such people receiving food stamp benefits. The overwhelming majority have zero employment and earnings. Under the rule, some recipient able-bodied adults without dependents who have received aid for more than three months would be required to take a job; if a job is not immediately available, recipients would be required to undertake training, perform community service work, or at least look for a job.
The Truth About the New Food Stamp Work Requirements’ Effects

That's right: work for what your receive.

The 'tough love' method.

as a sane and rational lib-prog I would END WELFARE for LIFE and change it to


if anyone finds themselves in need of assistance they apply and if accepted they receive the following

1. entrance into program until re-inserted back into the work place
2. 4 hours a day/5 days a week education/training for job placement
3. 4 hours a day/5 days a week must perform various jobs according to necessity; clean roadways, cross walk guard, bus drivers......
4. if they already have skills then they can teach those skills to others
5. since babies and children are involved every applicant must assist in baby sitting duties while other participants work or are in training.

the intent would be to place people BACK into the work force (and OFF assistance) as quickly as possible......

Now call me a nazi.......
that was the proposal in the 90's when Clinton was president. it worked. Now the leftists in MSM tell the world we hate the lazy because we want them to work for their money.

Really, I don't care what those sniveling snotballs say, one should be expected to do something other than drink and smoke with our tax money while we work giving it to them.

Just saying.

how conservative of you;

a topic came up; welfare (for life!)

I offered a rational alternative; HELPFARE for a short term

and you spit on it and then just started rambling about how much you hate welfare for life.

If you stopped bitching and started discussing perhaps we could get somewhere
….and how to beat it.

One way of saying it is…..
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" -Mark 8:36”

And, a different way:
“Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

1.I can’t say that Trump has a better understanding of the value of earning than the Democrats/Liberals, but there is the sense that for the Left, it is no more than a vote-buying scheme.

a. Over half a century and $22 trillion poured into the scheme, the poverty rate is but a few points lower.

b. The main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.

Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.
Peter Ferrara, “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb,” chapter five.

2. Today, under Trump, there are more job openings today than there are unemployed workers.
“The Trump administration on Wednesday released a final rule strengthening work requirements in the food stamp program.”

Let the hand-wringing begin!

3. “…first, let’s look at what the Trump administration food stamp reform would do and who it would affect. … the reform does not affect parents with minor children, the elderly, or disabled. It is limited to able-bodied adults without dependents. There are currently 3 million such people receiving food stamp benefits. The overwhelming majority have zero employment and earnings. Under the rule, some recipient able-bodied adults without dependents who have received aid for more than three months would be required to take a job; if a job is not immediately available, recipients would be required to undertake training, perform community service work, or at least look for a job.
The Truth About the New Food Stamp Work Requirements’ Effects

That's right: work for what your receive.

The 'tough love' method.

as a sane and rational lib-prog I would END WELFARE for LIFE and change it to


if anyone finds themselves in need of assistance they apply and if accepted they receive the following

1. entrance into program until re-inserted back into the work place
2. 4 hours a day/5 days a week education/training for job placement
3. 4 hours a day/5 days a week must perform various jobs according to necessity; clean roadways, cross walk guard, bus drivers......
4. if they already have skills then they can teach those skills to others
5. since babies and children are involved every applicant must assist in baby sitting duties while other participants work or are in training.

the intent would be to place people BACK into the work force (and OFF assistance) as quickly as possible......

Now call me a nazi.......
that was the proposal in the 90's when Clinton was president. it worked. Now the leftists in MSM tell the world we hate the lazy because we want them to work for their money.

Really, I don't care what those sniveling snotballs say, one should be expected to do something other than drink and smoke with our tax money while we work giving it to them.

Just saying.

how conservative of you;

a topic came up; welfare (for life!)

I offered a rational alternative; HELPFARE for a short term

and you spit on it and then just started rambling about how much you hate welfare for life.

If you stopped bitching and started discussing perhaps we could get somewhere
That isn't what you proposed at all. You provided how the working class does its job. nothing else.
I don't disagree with the sentiment, or the "fix", but, welfare programs are much broader than just what's referred to-
Subsidy for Industries is one- the "Food Stamp" program is intertwined with the Farm bills- also the MIC is a jobs program, as are the alphabet agencies, including the TSA.

The Pentagon is a huge jobs program also: So, there you have it. A one-trillion-dollar war built on intentional, deliberate, and knowing lies, just like the Vietnam War was. More than 2,300 American soldiers killed for nothing. Thousands more injured, mentally, spiritually, or physically. Tens of thousands of Afghans killed, maimed, incarcerated, or tortured. The entire country destroyed.

A Pentagon Paradise Built on Lies

Tax payers *will* foot the bill for the rebuilding of that country (just like we have ALL the countries we've invaded)- a this point I don't think it can be "fixed"- but, it can be chipped away at (incrementally which is THE how we've arrived at where we are)- btw, selling arms to foreign countries won't mitigate the damage done, though it does support the MIC jobs program- the author of the above article refers to our situation as the Welfare/Warfare State- too many elected sociopaths have been elected, on BOTH sides of the aisle-
The common denominator is "lies"- how do we prevent politicians from lying? There is no instant fix. That's called instant gratification - "we have to do something" which brings unintended consequences- the elected sociopaths answer to that is to give to another, that which he didn't earn from the pockets of one who did,to appease the offended- sold with "lies" and "officially" vilifying those who manage to beat them at their own game to achieve a certain level of success deemed *too much*
So, we have those who "lie" to sell a "we have to do something" (of course in the form of a tax)- round and round it goes- where it stops nobody knows- and make no mistake, Republicans are no better than Democrats and vice versa-

"I don't disagree with the sentiment, or the "fix", but, welfare programs are much broader than just what's referred to-"

Is it a vote-buying scam or does it address the problem?
I don't disagree with the sentiment, or the "fix", but, welfare programs are much broader than just what's referred to-
Subsidy for Industries is one- the "Food Stamp" program is intertwined with the Farm bills- also the MIC is a jobs program, as are the alphabet agencies, including the TSA.

The Pentagon is a huge jobs program also: So, there you have it. A one-trillion-dollar war built on intentional, deliberate, and knowing lies, just like the Vietnam War was. More than 2,300 American soldiers killed for nothing. Thousands more injured, mentally, spiritually, or physically. Tens of thousands of Afghans killed, maimed, incarcerated, or tortured. The entire country destroyed.

A Pentagon Paradise Built on Lies

Tax payers *will* foot the bill for the rebuilding of that country (just like we have ALL the countries we've invaded)- a this point I don't think it can be "fixed"- but, it can be chipped away at (incrementally which is THE how we've arrived at where we are)- btw, selling arms to foreign countries won't mitigate the damage done, though it does support the MIC jobs program- the author of the above article refers to our situation as the Welfare/Warfare State- too many elected sociopaths have been elected, on BOTH sides of the aisle-
The common denominator is "lies"- how do we prevent politicians from lying? There is no instant fix. That's called instant gratification - "we have to do something" which brings unintended consequences- the elected sociopaths answer to that is to give to another, that which he didn't earn from the pockets of one who did,to appease the offended- sold with "lies" and "officially" vilifying those who manage to beat them at their own game to achieve a certain level of success deemed *too much*
So, we have those who "lie" to sell a "we have to do something" (of course in the form of a tax)- round and round it goes- where it stops nobody knows- and make no mistake, Republicans are no better than Democrats and vice versa-

"I don't disagree with the sentiment, or the "fix", but, welfare programs are much broader than just what's referred to-"

Is it a vote-buying scam or does it address the problem?
yep, vote for me and get it free is a leftist mantra.
  1. "The lessons of history … show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit."

    These searing words about Depression-era welfare are from Franklin Roosevelt's 1935 State of the Union Address.

  1. On Dec. 7, 2012, liberal New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof offered an unexpected concession:
    “This is painful for a liberal to admit, but … America’s safety net can sometimes entangle people in a soul-crushing dependency. Our poverty programs do rescue many people, but other times they backfire.”
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.

Alexis deToqueville

show conclusively that continued dependence
People have determined The Declaration of Independence was a Proclamation of co-Dependence- and politicians are at the top of that list of people.
6. While the Democrat Party pretends to have concern for those in need, the unemployed, it is their own power that is always foremost.

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:

"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found

7. You think that their black constituency hasn’t caught on?

"New Polls: Black American support for President Trump:

Rasmussen: 34.5%

Emerson: 34%

Marist: 33%"
Three new polls: Trump's approval rating among black voters has quadrupled
— Patricia Dickson (@Patrici15767099) December 2, 2019
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.

Alexis deToqueville

show conclusively that continued dependence
People have determined The Declaration of Independence was a Proclamation of co-Dependence- and politicians are at the top of that list of people.

Is it a vote-buying scam or does it address the problem?

"The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."

I'm gonna assume that this equates to a 'yes.'
Is it a vote-buying scam or does it address the problem?
For a sociopath the excuse is immaterial to the result- power for me to stoke my visions of grandeur and prove I am special as I have been led to believe by sycophants who become acolytes to worship at the church of godvernment.
6. While the Democrat Party pretends to have concern for those in need, the unemployed, it is their own power that is always foremost.

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:

"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found

7. You think that their black constituency hasn’t caught on?

"New Polls: Black American support for President Trump:

Rasmussen: 34.5%

Emerson: 34%

Marist: 33%"
Three new polls: Trump's approval rating among black voters has quadrupled
— Patricia Dickson (@Patrici15767099) December 2, 2019
the only thing the demofks do is keep people dependent. They did when they owned slaves. They still believe the populace is their slave. Period. Drop Mic.

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