Welcome to tyranny.

The True Colors of the leftist Communist dictator wanna bees.........are being exposed yet again......they shouldn't be allowed to be in charge of a girl scout troop.

aren't Jewish people white? Of course, I have nothing against Jews, other than their fucked up religion that makes Greed and taking other people's shit okay.

But you don't have anything against Jewish people. :auiqs.jpg:

Because this country can STILL be fixed.

We need to get rid of the Second Amendment, because it's been misinterpreted. It was about Militias, not guns.

We need to get rid of the electoral college because it perverts the will of the people. It was meant to keep a guy like Trump from taking power, but it gave us one instead.

Dr. Joe, sometimes I only need you to prove a point I'm making about you.

Socialism is what's going to be the end of this country--not capitalism. Every government program is going broke and not one proven to be sustainable in the long term. Eventually it will lead us to be like Greece or Venezuela because we won't be able to even pay the interest on our debt and that means nobody will loan us anymore money. It may not happen in our lifetime, but the generations following us will have a lot to worry about.

We have one of the only capitalistic based countries in the world, which is what made us the wealthiest and strongest in the world. If you people don't like capitalism, nobody is stopping you going to countries already setup to your liking. There is no need to ruin this country as well.

If you don't want to move, or they won't let you move there because of their strict immigration policies, I'm happy to inform you we have socialist places in the US too. Places where government takes care of your healthcare, nobody has guns except government, you get paid the same wages as everybody else regardless of what job you are doing, nobody has money except the government, they even take care of your clothing and choose what you are allowed to eat.

We call these socialist utopias prisons, and it's not very hard to get in.
Socialism is what's going to be the end of this country--not capitalism. Every government program is going broke and not one proven to be sustainable in the long term. Eventually it will lead us to be like Greece or Venezuela because we won't be able to even pay the interest on our debt and that means nobody will loan us anymore money. It may not happen in our lifetime, but the generations following us will have a lot to worry about.

Wow... really? Uh, guy, Venezuela has been under constant economic attack since 2002, when Chavez first got elected. Our economy fell apart because Cleetus the redneck couldn't get a haircut for a couple of weeks.

The reality is, socialism is inevitable, because the current system doesn't work. The fact that Covid-19 brought the economy down in a few weeks is evidence enough of that.

We have one of the only capitalistic based countries in the world, which is what made us the wealthiest and strongest in the world. If you people don't like capitalism, nobody is stopping you going to countries already setup to your liking. There is no need to ruin this country as well.

But that's not true anymore. We've been in decline pretty much since the 1970's, with the decline happening faster when Repukes are in charge. The fact we are supposedly the richest country but we still have kids who go to bed hungry at night is a REAL PROBLEM.

If you don't want to move, or they won't let you move there because of their strict immigration policies, I'm happy to inform you we have socialist places in the US too. Places where government takes care of your healthcare, nobody has guns except government, you get paid the same wages as everybody else regardless of what job you are doing, nobody has money except the government, they even take care of your clothing and choose what you are allowed to eat.

We call these socialist utopias prisons, and it's not very hard to get in.

So this would be hysterical... when you remember that right now, you are on disability waiting on a government check to take care of your needs because you are no longer useful enough to a capitalist to make money off of...

lecturing a guy who started and runs his own business about the merits of capitalism.
Wow... really? Uh, guy, Venezuela has been under constant economic attack since 2002, when Chavez first got elected. Our economy fell apart because Cleetus the redneck couldn't get a haircut for a couple of weeks.

The reality is, socialism is inevitable, because the current system doesn't work. The fact that Covid-19 brought the economy down in a few weeks is evidence enough of that.

It brought down many countries. Venezuela collapsed because government ran everything. The only reason socialism is inevitable is because we allowed the Democrats to make people more and more irresponsible. Great for me being a landlord because so many less people want the responsibility of home ownership. Bad for the rest of the country entirely.

In allowing government to dictate every aspect of your life, you lose freedom. Because any government large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have. Socialism is a great system until you run out of other people's money to spend.

But that's not true anymore. We've been in decline pretty much since the 1970's, with the decline happening faster when Repukes are in charge. The fact we are supposedly the richest country but we still have kids who go to bed hungry at night is a REAL PROBLEM.

It is a real problem. But in our country, you are allowed to have children you can't support unfortunately. If it were up to me, anybody applying for financial aid on behalf of their children, wouldn't get one red cent until they were fixed first. No more having babies on welfare. That would stop a lot of it.

So this would be hysterical... when you remember that right now, you are on disability waiting on a government check to take care of your needs because you are no longer useful enough to a capitalist to make money off of...

lecturing a guy who started and runs his own business about the merits of capitalism.

You don't have a business writing resumes. That's a living, not a business. If that's the case, then I have a business too. Yes, government stopped me from working, government forced me into these social programs beyond my will, and I am getting what's promised to me for my forced participation. If it were an option, and I could have invested all my money into a private account, I'd be a multi-millionaire today and would have no use for government period.
It brought down many countries. Venezuela collapsed because government ran everything.

Uh, no, Venezuela collapsed because we've made economic war on them for 18 years, and attempted two coups against their democratically elected governments.

Great for me being a landlord because so many less people want the responsibility of home ownership. Bad for the rest of the country entirely.

Meh, no one wants to live in a slum. That's what you don't get.

In allowing government to dictate every aspect of your life, you lose freedom.

How am I any more free with big corporations that I have no control over dictating every aspect of my life. At least the government, we can vote out when they aren't doing their jobs. Which is why the big corporations spend so much money subverting democracy.

Because any government large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have. Socialism is a great system until you run out of other people's money to spend.

Uh, guy, awesome that you are repeating whatever shit you've heard on talk radio. Now what you need to do is dutifully tear up your disability check and starve to death, as you are no longer useful to a capitalist. Seems reasonable to me.

It is a real problem. But in our country, you are allowed to have children you can't support unfortunately. If it were up to me, anybody applying for financial aid on behalf of their children, wouldn't get one red cent until they were fixed first. No more having babies on welfare. That would stop a lot of it.

If it were up to me, we'd take kids out of houses run by racists... That way, we'd be rid of racists in a few generations and that would stop a lot of it.

You don't have a business writing resumes.

Well, the IRS tells me it's a business and they tax me like a business... so it's a business.

Yes, government stopped me from working, government forced me into these social programs beyond my will, and I am getting what's promised to me for my forced participation.

No, dude, you firmly believe that human life ONLY has value related to it's ability to produce wealth for the One Percent. You've outlived your usefulness and dutifully need to go off and die. No Dressage Horse left behind.
Meh, no one wants to live in a slum. That's what you don't get.

I have outstanding tenants and always have. That's what YOU don't get.

How am I any more free with big corporations that I have no control over dictating every aspect of my life. At least the government, we can vote out when they aren't doing their jobs. Which is why the big corporations spend so much money subverting democracy.

How is it big corporation ran your life and never impacted mine? If anything, they made my life much more convenient and comfortable. They make products that I use several times a day. They pay all the income tax I don't have to pay. They employ people like my wonderful tenants so they can earn money to pay me rent.

If it were up to me, we'd take kids out of houses run by racists... That way, we'd be rid of racists in a few generations and that would stop a lot of it.

Sorry, but your Gastopo fantasies will never carry through. I'm sure that upsets you, but nothing that reading a few chapters of Mein Kampf can't fix. It will put you right back on track for the rest of the day.

Well, the IRS tells me it's a business and they tax me like a business... so it's a business.

They tell me the same thing, but I know it's not in the sense of an actual business where you have a building, hire employees, and make out payrolls.

No, dude, you firmly believe that human life ONLY has value related to it's ability to produce wealth for the One Percent. You've outlived your usefulness and dutifully need to go off and die. No Dressage Horse left behind.

Why would I want to die? I'm living the life right now. My first entire summer off in over 30 years. No worrying if I'll get to sleep on time, wake up on time, dealing with my medical issues on the job, so much less stress that's bound to add years to my existence.

What's best about it all is that it's killing you. That's the most fun part.
5th post
How is it big corporation ran your life and never impacted mine?

Because you worked for Bottom Feeder Trucking and kept bending over. Good thing for you a benevolent government is paying you welfare.

Sorry, but your Gastopo fantasies will never carry through. I'm sure that upsets you, but nothing that reading a few chapters of Mein Kampf can't fix. It will put you right back on track for the rest of the day.

Sorry, man, it's you racists who pine for Hitler, not us. Frankly, I put racists raising kids right up there with crackheads raising kids... it shouldn't happen.

Why would I want to die? I'm living the life right now. My first entire summer off in over 30 years. No worrying if I'll get to sleep on time, wake up on time, dealing with my medical issues on the job, so much less stress that's bound to add years to my existence.

Yup, you LIVING LARGE on welfare. Just don't pretend you are any better than any other welfare queen sucking on the Government Teet.

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