Weimar/Zimbabwe-like Hyperinflation Is Coming To USA


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

The Obama Administration and the Rothschild/Warburg/Morgan/Rockefeller-owned Federal Reserve (Chapter 3) are printing and spending and printing and spending the USA down the path to Wiemar/Zimbabwe-like Hyperinflation.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMY3aJwhfqg"]FED Copies Weimar Hyperinflation[/ame]

Weimar Inflation (Wiki). Even regular John Q. Citizens all around the USA know FOR A FACT that Hyperinflation and a Severe Depression are coming for the USA:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnAp8SuvkHM&NR=1"]Listen To A Regular Guy[/ame]

Daniel @ VisionVictory (2009 stuff is good: uses www.shadowstats.com). The reason that many people are concerned about hyperinflation of the U.S. Dollar is because many people are saying that hyperinflation of the U.S. Dollar is coming! The best illustration of what is coming down the pike is given by Glenn Beck in this short video:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlHBYQrCnIk"]Glenn Beck On Hyperinflation[/ame]

Glenn Beck @ FoxNews. Nobody is saying that Zimbabwe-type Hyperinflation will happen overnight, but that country also started off with inflation that became far worse. Gerald Celente (Trends Research) makes the America/Zimbabwe connection here:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zmfTPePjgA"]America Like Zimbabwe: Total Collapse Part 1[/ame]

Zimbabwe Hyperinflation (Wiki). Gerald Celente is sending out warnings that we are entering the Greatest Depression (videos) and that the Panic of 2008 is transformed into the Collapse of 2009 that includes the crashing U.S. Economy and Dollar. Mark Farber (Bloomberg interview) is saying the exact same thing:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hyRPRWaPpo"]Marc Farber On Collapsing Dollar/Hyperinflation[/ame]

Too many economists and commentators are saying the exact same thing that the USA is on the road to serious Hyperinflation and Depression. Even Christian Patriots are sending out warnings . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuoaGOYCP8E"]Economic Collapse 2009 (Hyperinflation)[/ame]

Terry Coxon (Sr. Economist, Casey Research) is saying the exact same thing . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEfYY3cANqE&feature=related"]Great Depression Plus Hyperinflation[/ame]

Today is going to look like the ‘good ole days,’ when inflation mutates and the 800-pound Hyperinflation Gorilla starts to ROAR and the ‘big hammer’ drops. Peter Schiff (Europac.net = his Vlogs are good) is also using the same words and concluding that “Ron Paul was Right” (Ron Paul On Dangers Of Hyperinflation).

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqLXNCtgCFc"]Peter Schiff – Hyperinflation[/ame]

Peter Schiff >> “The whole idea is to get out of the US Dollar. It is on the verge of collapse. The people who don't get out of the US dollar are going to be completely broke and that is obvious. Look at what Ben Bernanke did. Interest rates are zero. Money is free.

Bernanke is going to run up printing presses as fast as he can. This is pure inflation Latin American style. This is hyperinflation; this is Zimbabwe; this is the identical monetary policy of the Weimar Republic.

I am just as convinced that people who have their money in US dollars are going to be just as broke as people who have their money with Madoff.” (transcript)
Far too many economist-types are saying the precise and exact same thing! Jim Rogers (NowPublic.com story) says that Hyperinflation WILL CONSUME US and that . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqQnScNE78s"]America Is Counting Its Last Breaths!!![/ame]

The U.S. Govt making things FAR WORSE with all of this printing and spending and printing and spending that can only lead to the destruction of the U.S. Dollar through Inflation and then Hyperinflation.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzKQyBY0Qys"]Lyndon LaRouche Addresses Imminent Hyperinflation Threat[/ame]

The U.S. Govt is playing a balance game between Inflation/Hyperinflation and Deflation that either way leads to eventual COLLAPSE. The Financial Derivatives Sector is the ‘driver’ of the whole crisis and the Derivatives DEBT is measured in quadrillions of dollars (story and story)!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r66MMYyz9VI"]Finanical Derivatives Explanation[/ame]

Many bets were placed on whether home loans ‘would’ or ‘would not’ be paid off and 10,000 foreclosures EVERY DAY (story) are piling up . . . and have been for some time. The best source I know on this planet for explaining what is coming down the pike is Lyndon LaRouche (bio) from the above video. His 6-part series on “What Is Empire?” is very good for getting a good handle on what is really going on.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dOaHgkAHP4&feature=PlayList&p=E141DDF52609A4D0&index=0"]LaRouche: April 28, 2009 – What Is Empire? 1/6[/ame]

A good source for explaining the Big Picture, and connecting all the dots, is Webster G. Tarpley (Homepage) in his series called:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LOmgTf-yVg&feature=PlayList&p=6089FC2245F3E706&index=0&playnext=1"]"Revolving Doors." Part 1[/ame]


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Greetings to All:

The USA is now entering the period where the U.S. Dollar is dumped as the world's reserve currency leading to inflation, hyperinflation and eventual COLLAPSE.

China, Russia, India meet to dump the Dollar.

June 25, 2009 by admin1
Filed under Featured, News

Chris Hedges speaks of a meeting between the largest and most populous countries on the planet, as they seek to organize and consolidate interests by dumping the U.S. Dollar and collecting on the U.S. Debt. The fact that the United States was not invited to the meeting, despite their expressed interest in attending, shows just how late in the game things have progressed.

The following first appeared on Truthdig.org:
Truthdig - Reports - The American Empire Is Bankrupt
Posted on Jun 14, 2009

By Chris Hedges

This week marks the end of the dollar’s reign as the world’s reserve currency. It marks the start of a terrible period of economic and political decline in the United States. And it signals the last gasp of the American imperium. That’s over. It is not coming back. And what is to come will be very, very painful.

Barack Obama, and the criminal class on Wall Street, aided by a corporate media that continues to peddle fatuous gossip and trash talk as news while we endure the greatest economic crisis in our history, may have fooled us, but the rest of the world knows we are bankrupt. And these nations are damned if they are going to continue to prop up an inflated dollar and sustain the massive federal budget deficits, swollen to over $2 trillion, which fund America’s imperial expansion in Eurasia and our system of casino capitalism. They have us by the throat. They are about to squeeze.

There are meetings being held Monday and Tuesday in Yekaterinburg, Russia, (formerly Sverdlovsk) among Chinese President Hu Jintao, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and other top officials of the six-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The United States, which asked to attend, was denied admittance. Watch what happens there carefully. The gathering is, in the words of economist Michael Hudson, “the most important meeting of the 21st century so far.” (Continued)
The U.S. Dollar is making ready to COLLAPSE and We The Sheeple are the last people on earth to gather one clue. Senor Obama (like Senor Bushie) is driving the U.S. Economy over the cliff and everyone drunk on the Loyal Obama Kool-aid is just as happy as lemmings can be. The story says,

It is the first formal step by our major trading partners to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. If they succeed, the dollar will dramatically plummet in value, the cost of imports, including oil, will skyrocket, interest rates will climb and jobs will hemorrhage at a rate that will make the last few months look like boom times. State and federal services will be reduced or shut down for lack of funds. The United States will begin to resemble the Weimar Republic or Zimbabwe. Obama, endowed by many with the qualities of a savior, will suddenly look pitiful, inept and weak. And the rage that has kindled a handful of shootings and hate crimes in the past few weeks will engulf vast segments of a disenfranchised and bewildered working and middle class. The people of this class will demand vengeance, radical change, order and moral renewal, which an array of proto-fascists, from the Christian right to the goons who disseminate hate talk on Fox News, will assure the country they will impose. (Continued)
The month of July will be see GREAT transitions (Peter Schiff Video Blog) from the Fear And Panic 2008 to Pandemonium and Chaos and Collapse 2009. How to Survive the Coming Collapse 2009 is here.


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Then I'll be able to pay off my house with dollars of no value.

Happy to hear it.

Bring it on!
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Hi Editec:


Then I'll be able to pay off my house with dollars of no value.

Happy to hear it.

Bring it on!

Am I to believe that Editec is really that naive?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRQ_Bh4jy5Q"]Survive The Economic Collapse 2009[/ame]

The events from the Collapse in Argentina teach valuable lessons about how to Survive The Coming Collapse 2009 (my Topic). Paying your mortgage is going to become very difficult, when you need every nickle simply to buy food. You will be among the millions of people with that look on your face like the deer caught in the headlights of the Coming U.S. Economic Implosion Train (pic) . . .


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Greetings to All:

Hyperinflation is coming and the writing is on the wall:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbUIlH0stSc&NR=1]Preparing Americans For Hyperinflation[/ame]


Hi Terral,

Greetings to All:

Hyperinflation is coming and the writing is on the wall:

Preparing Americans For Hyperinflation



I agree with a lot of what you are saying, my question is, Where do you plan to go during the US economic collapse/martial law/fema death camps? I plan on going to Malta myself. I agree with the inside job story on 9/11 due to the fact that those planes were most likely off course for too long a time for our air force not to shoot them down. The way we will all know that 9/11 was staged is: no bush administration personnel will be brought up on charges during the obama years and thereafter.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VFxA7o4f5E]YouTube - Puff the Magic Dragon - Peter Paul & Mary Live[/ame]
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Hi Scotty:

I agree with a lot of what you are saying, my question is, Where do you plan to go during the US economic collapse/martial law/fema death camps? I plan on going to Malta myself.

Foreign Troops have been training for some time in preparation for bringing the USA under Martial Law (Pam Schuffert story) and the smart people are heading for the hills! The Ten Reasons That The USA Will Be Destroyed are listed here.

I agree with the inside job story on 9/11 due to the fact that those planes were most likely off course for too long a time for our air force not to shoot them down. The way we will all know that 9/11 was staged is: no bush administration personnel will be brought up on charges during the obama years and thereafter.

Obama and Bush are puppets of the House Of Rothschild and the New World Order . . .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6sYGwWiCQY]. . . Just Like Bush Sr.[/ame]



As I currently have no sound with my computer, all your youtube links are unavailable for my review

Hence my lack of comments to your posts.

Perhaps this week I'll get my new box and we can have a more coherent discussion about your theories.

As to your concerns about hyperinflation?

Yeah it could happen I suppose...but it doesn't much look like its happening now.

Quite the contrary, right now deflation is putting the kabash on recovery.

This deflationary cycle is to be expected given the losses Americans have experienced due to the crash of the market and the crash of real estate prices.

So right now the problem is really a lack of liquidity, rather than a flood of liquidity.

Do you agree with that accessment of the economy, as it stands right now?
these countries going towards SDR's (special drawing rights) as a fiat benchmark are only concerned that inflation will devalue our debt to them
these countries going towards SDR's (special drawing rights) as a fiat benchmark are only concerned that inflation will devalue our debt to them

Still another good reason to inflate our money supply.

First it would devalue the debts we owe (which naturally the people owning our paper are going to hate).

Secondly, their response (the exchange rate) will make it more expensive for we Americans to buy their imports.

This might actually have the positive benefit of making it more sensible to build those facotreies here in the USA.

I think we NEED some devaluabion of our currency, folks.

I think keeping our currency so scarce is actually hurting our economy in the long run.

I know of at least three small businesses which would expand if they could right here in Maine.

But since money is so scarce, they cannot borrow from the banks to expand their businesses and put additional people to work.
Never teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and it annoys the pig.


Pearls before swine, Toro.

But some of us appreciated the effort, so don't imagine that your efforts were a complete waste.

Your scholarly approach to answering this question cemented my intuitive understanding of what is happening, if nothing else.

The faith-based deniers on this board you'll never reach.

They're not here to discuss things, or learn things, they're merely here spew venom at people who they imagine are the enemy.

Their superpower is their impervious ignorance.

As I currently have no sound with my computer, all your youtube links are unavailable for my review

Hence my lack of comments to your posts.

Perhaps this week I'll get my new box and we can have a more coherent discussion about your theories.

As to your concerns about hyperinflation?

Yeah it could happen I suppose...but it doesn't much look like its happening now.

Quite the contrary, right now deflation is putting the kabash on recovery.

This deflationary cycle is to be expected given the losses Americans have experienced due to the crash of the market and the crash of real estate prices.

So right now the problem is really a lack of liquidity, rather than a flood of liquidity.

Do you agree with that accessment of the economy, as it stands right now?

Ed, you are old enough for this to remind you of something. It's a slightly different tune, but it should be recognizable.

You are correct, deflation is the thing to watch right at the moment. If that ever took hold, it would be a far more dangerous monster than inflation. But, I'm going to stick with Warren Buffet's analysis. Deflation is a the short term problem, serious inflation is a mid-term problem. (two year horizon).
just imagine not being able to do either Tech_Esq

these long/short term fixes would then happen how?

would entities like the IMF and G8 (considering mintage of a global coin) care if America is insolvent? imho they would only if it hit an economic chord with the rest of it's participants

on that note, we have on one hand California (the world's 8th largest economy?) handing out IOU's , the Fed being subpoena'd otoh

meanwhile may i remind the board that this nations top 1% (you know, the one's we've rewarded for selling us out) have never had it better

all in all, i'm a firm believer in what goes around comes around

think of it as an economic pandemic , blind confidence usually isn't the best RX

Then I'll be able to pay off my house with dollars of no value.

Happy to hear it.

Bring it on!

How ya gonna do that when you have no more of them than you do now?

That assumes that the money supply will expand but nobody will have any cash.

Now that could happen, I suppose, (the cash could it on the books as liquid asset) but then there won't be any inflation happening, either, will there?

Because the prices of things rise when the demand (which requires the public to have cash) exceeds supply.

As I currently have no sound with my computer, all your youtube links are unavailable for my review

Hence my lack of comments to your posts.

Perhaps this week I'll get my new box and we can have a more coherent discussion about your theories.

As to your concerns about hyperinflation?

Yeah it could happen I suppose...but it doesn't much look like its happening now.

Quite the contrary, right now deflation is putting the kabash on recovery.

This deflationary cycle is to be expected given the losses Americans have experienced due to the crash of the market and the crash of real estate prices.

So right now the problem is really a lack of liquidity, rather than a flood of liquidity.

Do you agree with that accessment of the economy, as it stands right now?

Ed, you are old enough for this to remind you of something. It's a slightly different tune, but it should be recognizable.

You are correct, deflation is the thing to watch right at the moment. If that ever took hold, it would be a far more dangerous monster than inflation. But, I'm going to stick with Warren Buffet's analysis. Deflation is a the short term problem, serious inflation is a mid-term problem. (two year horizon).

Very possibly true, Tech.

Assuming the stimulus works, I could see how that might lead to inflation...even unhealthy inflation (where the money supply grows faster than the aggregate goods and services they're chasing)

But tech, generally inflation is the debtor's friend.

Since most Americans are in debt, and most of that debt is at a fixed rate of interest, high inflation actually works to their benefit.

For example...in the early 70s I borrowed enough to buy a condo in Boston to go to college.

By the late 70's inflation was hitting 20%.

The purchasing power of the money I repaid those debts with wouldn't have bought me a medium sized car.

Was inflation my enemy or my friend?

Now if you're in debt, and that debt is pegged to inflation, you're screwed.

Or if you have cash (or own bonds paying a fixed rate) you're screwed.

But if you have assets with a tangible intinsic value, inflation is basically a wash, assuming it doesn't get so bad as to wrech the economy (again).

Plan accordingly.
meanwhile may i remind the board that this nations top 1% (you know, the one's we've rewarded for selling us out) have never had it better

You got that one SPOT ON, Sparky.

That is exactly what this nation has done thanks to free trade.

It rewards the monied interests of this nation for selling out the American people.
well at least i got something right today Editec

i gotta say, these greenspan-esqe monetary debates can be rather trying , especially since the average Joe like myself sees a few dead presidents a week and thinks "hey, that looks like an economy!"

but the truth really is (and credit where due) in that old addage i heard my folks speak of when i was a wee lad " The rich get richer, the poor get poorer here" seems to be the one and only consistent thing that doesn't lie ....


on that note, one really doesn't need to be Greenspan, Bernake, or any other lofty economic guru to look at all the nations in the world and ask if their middle class sucks (or is basically non existent) because of the plain and simple human nature that allows for those at the top to flourish....

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