Weep for Alexandria

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
415 AD, a woman in Alexandria was pulled from her carriage, had her clothes pulled off her, and then skinned alive. Her body was dismembered, and parts cast into the desert. Her crime? She was a witch, and invented or improved on instruments of divination. That woman was Hypaptia, and the instrument of divination was an astrolabe. The mob were early Christians.

They then sacked and destroyed the greatest single accumulation of knowledge in the world at that time, the Library of Alexandria. They did this in the name of God. Very few of them could read, and regarded those that could, and that accumulated knowledge with distrust and fear. A Bishop that understood their psyche used that to destroy those who he felt threatened his power. A Bishop with no morals or ethics, only a thirst for power and willing to do whatever it took to get power. Even if it destroyed the wealth of that great city.

Today in this nation, we are seeing a very similar situation, a man that has risen to power, and has contempt of knowledge, and those that work to acquire that knowledge. And he has a cadre of followers that are proud of their ignorance, and despise those that work harder and smarter. They are willing to use violence and to pervert the law to destroy those that are wise.

Will our descendants one day weep for the United States?
415 AD, a woman in Alexandria was pulled from her carriage, had her clothes pulled off her, and then skinned alive. Her body was dismembered, and parts cast into the desert. Her crime? She was a witch, and invented or improved on instruments of divination. That woman was Hypaptia, and the instrument of divination was an astrolabe. The mob were early Christians.

They then sacked and destroyed the greatest single accumulation of knowledge in the world at that time, the Library of Alexandria. They did this in the name of God. Very few of them could read, and regarded those that could, and that accumulated knowledge with distrust and fear. A Bishop that understood their psyche used that to destroy those who he felt threatened his power. A Bishop with no morals or ethics, only a thirst for power and willing to do whatever it took to get power. Even if it destroyed the wealth of that great city.

Today in this nation, we are seeing a very similar situation, a man that has risen to power, and has contempt of knowledge, and those that work to acquire that knowledge. And he has a cadre of followers that are proud of their ignorance, and despise those that work harder and smarter. They are willing to use violence and to pervert the law to destroy those that are wise.

Will our descendants one day weep for the United States?

Can you provide any link or evidence the Republicans or Trump supporters have used violence or perverted the law in some way????
ORocks you are trying to speak intelligently to a pen full of wallowing pigs. They neither understand what you are saying nor can they lift their noses out of the slop.

Which makes your point succinctly.

The fat senile old orange clown is so innocent.

No, no, no........that's not what I said. Had nothing to do with what Trump said at all. I asked for any proof his supporters have ever carried out violence or law perversion.
Come on Dude, you know the difference and are skirting it. We all know you don't like Trump, but I will say I am surprised you've stooped to this...comparing the violence of the early Church to modern day Republicans??? And you know full well the majority of the violence is on the left.
ORocks you are trying to speak intelligently to a pen full of wallowing pigs. They neither understand what you are saying nor can they lift their noses out of the slop.

Which makes your point succinctly.
Yep. He was comparing those early Christians to AGW religious fanatics and the Library of Alexandria represents scientists who object through actual scientific data.

Clearly, these were not the typical “Islamic terrorists” described in the boogeyman stories of American politicians who exploit fear for votes. Glendon Crawford, the industrial mechanic who conceived the plan, has all the panache of a Macy’s shoe salesman; Eric Feight, a software engineer who helped build the device, looks like a less impish version of Kurt Vonnegut. But their harmless appearance belies their beliefs—Crawford was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, and the plot he hatched with Feight involved killing scores of Muslims, as well as officials at the governor’s mansion in Albany, New York and at the White House.

New America, a Washington think tank, Islamists launched nine attacks that murdered 45, while the right-wing extremists struck 18 times, leaving 48 dead. These Americans thrive on hate and conspiracy theories, many fed to them by politicians and commentators who blithely blather about government concentration camps and impending martial law and plans to seize guns and other dystopian gibberish, apparently unaware there are people listening who don’t know it’s all lies. These extremists turn to violence—against minorities, non-Christians, abortion providers, government officials—in what they believe is a fight to save America. And that potential for violence is escalating every day.

“Law enforcement agencies in the United States consider anti-government violent extremists, not radicalized Muslims, to be the most severe threat of political violence that they face,” the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security reported this past June, based on surveys of 382 law enforcement groups.

Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS

The cops don't see the extreme right as harmless. They have reason not to like the extreme left, either, but that faction has not killed nearly as many as the extreme right.
ORocks you are trying to speak intelligently to a pen full of wallowing pigs. They neither understand what you are saying nor can they lift their noses out of the slop.

Which makes your point succinctly.
Yep. He was comparing those early Christians to AGW religious fanatics and the Library of Alexandria represents scientists who object through actual scientific data.
Good little follower of the fat senile old orange clown. You have learned well.
ORocks you are trying to speak intelligently to a pen full of wallowing pigs. They neither understand what you are saying nor can they lift their noses out of the slop.

Which makes your point succinctly.
Yep. He was comparing those early Christians to AGW religious fanatics and the Library of Alexandria represents scientists who object through actual scientific data.
Good little follower of the fat senile old orange clown. You have learned well.
My post reflects a reality that predates trump's campaign by decades.

Clearly, these were not the typical “Islamic terrorists” described in the boogeyman stories of American politicians who exploit fear for votes. Glendon Crawford, the industrial mechanic who conceived the plan, has all the panache of a Macy’s shoe salesman; Eric Feight, a software engineer who helped build the device, looks like a less impish version of Kurt Vonnegut. But their harmless appearance belies their beliefs—Crawford was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, and the plot he hatched with Feight involved killing scores of Muslims, as well as officials at the governor’s mansion in Albany, New York and at the White House.

New America, a Washington think tank, Islamists launched nine attacks that murdered 45, while the right-wing extremists struck 18 times, leaving 48 dead. These Americans thrive on hate and conspiracy theories, many fed to them by politicians and commentators who blithely blather about government concentration camps and impending martial law and plans to seize guns and other dystopian gibberish, apparently unaware there are people listening who don’t know it’s all lies. These extremists turn to violence—against minorities, non-Christians, abortion providers, government officials—in what they believe is a fight to save America. And that potential for violence is escalating every day.

“Law enforcement agencies in the United States consider anti-government violent extremists, not radicalized Muslims, to be the most severe threat of political violence that they face,” the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security reported this past June, based on surveys of 382 law enforcement groups.

Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS

The cops don't see the extreme right as harmless. They have reason not to like the extreme left, either, but that faction has not killed nearly as many as the extreme right.

In that first link 'New America' there strangely is no date to the article and the only reference is the timeline.......2016.

You're talking 'Extremists' here, who make up only a small percentage of all Republicans in this second link by Newsweek.

Sorry, I don't buy either as sources to 'the violence of Trump supporters' being comparable to Alexandria & early Christians.

Now if you want........I can give you plenty of links to Democrats & Leftists actual violent activities since election night
415 AD, a woman in Alexandria was pulled from her carriage, had her clothes pulled off her, and then skinned alive. Her body was dismembered, and parts cast into the desert. Her crime? She was a witch, and invented or improved on instruments of divination. That woman was Hypaptia, and the instrument of divination was an astrolabe. The mob were early Christians.

They then sacked and destroyed the greatest single accumulation of knowledge in the world at that time, the Library of Alexandria. They did this in the name of God. Very few of them could read, and regarded those that could, and that accumulated knowledge with distrust and fear. A Bishop that understood their psyche used that to destroy those who he felt threatened his power. A Bishop with no morals or ethics, only a thirst for power and willing to do whatever it took to get power. Even if it destroyed the wealth of that great city.

Today in this nation, we are seeing a very similar situation, a man that has risen to power, and has contempt of knowledge, and those that work to acquire that knowledge. And he has a cadre of followers that are proud of their ignorance, and despise those that work harder and smarter. They are willing to use violence and to pervert the law to destroy those that are wise.

Will our descendants one day weep for the United States?

So, in other words, you had to go back 1600 years to find a gripe on Christians? The reason for the above was because at that time, the Church was also the government and the Library was in stark contrast to the Church's power and teachings!

I only have to go back 6 months to find a gripe on Democrats.

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