
'ol Perfessor

May 7, 2004
Does the DNC really have the gall to complain about 62 tv stations running an anti-kerry documentary? Was not the unbeloved infidel Michael Moore a cornerstone of their convention?
Didn't Dan (he's the definition of wearecorrectyouarenotism), Rather( get the story on than verify the facts )run several like stories over the last year to denigrate GW?
Didn't Mark Halperin urge additional bias over the weekend?
Fortunately for America the electorate isn't listening.
Isn't a law or something that TV Stations have to be pro Kerry ?

Besides it'll just muddy the water if the American electorate has to sort out the fact that Kerry was colluding with the Vietnamese communists During the War.

Or that he apparently just plain sucked as a leader. Even without the Swiftboat veterans (belonging to the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy) testifying about his lies, what kind of man sets the record for fastest Purple heart discharge ( without dying ) from his unit and then claims to be fit to lead the Entire US Armed Forces ?
Is it just me, or did the Halperin story die very quickly?

Where are you, blogosphere? People need to know about this!

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