Weapon in space???


Mar 28, 2006
Why does the U.S military need weapons in space? I thought they have nuclear subs , ICBMS and nuclear bombers to blow the shit outtta their enemies. But THIS IS TOO MUCH..........!!!!



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Why does the U.S military need weapons in space? I thought they have nuclear subs , ICBMS and nuclear bombers to blow the shit outtta their enemies. But THIS IS TOO MUCH..........!!!!

Does it make you nervous? I hope so....and I hope it makes our enemies more than nervous...I hope it makes them afraid.
We already have an arms race in this freakin planet.. Why do you need nukes in space?? To bomb aliens?

Hey CSM have a look at the x-38 which can go into space carrying a nuke!

I though it was a spy plane but was shocked to see "NASA" written on it!

The pic is attached as a thumbnail on my earlier post

Hey CSM have a look at the x-38 which can go into space carrying a nuke!

I though it was a spy plane but was shocked to see "NASA" written on it!

The pic is attached as a thumbnail on my earlier post


First of all, get your "facts" straight. The X-38 was a prototype vehicle used to research crew return vehicles (CRV) for space stations. The program has since been cancelled.


Secondly, the US has had "space capability" for some time now. We can launch nukes from the ground into space, let them loiter, and then send them back to the ground. So can many other countries including Russia, China, France, India, and more. This is over and above the old fashioned inter-continental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) that everyone sees in movies and on TV. I would venture to say that any nation that has a space program can and has developed the same capability.

Third, countries like North Korea are developing missiles at an accelerated rate. Do you think they will be content when their missiles have enough range to reach the US with a payload or do you think they will keep development going until they can threaten anywhere on the planet?
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From the tone of this ABC article, it could have been released by Isvestya. After the slant is srtipped, however, the information remains interesting:

U.S. Says 'Keep Out of My Space'

Complete article: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=2583812&page=1

New National Space Policy Favors Weapons in Orbit

Oct. 18, 2006 — The White House has quietly put out a new National Space Policy — a document that, among other things, makes it clear that the Bush administration will not sign any treaty that limits America's ability to put weapons in orbit.

The document, much of which is classified, also promotes the growth of private enterprise in space, and calls on NASA to continue its exploration missions, but those come after a call "to ensure that space capabilities are available in time to further U.S. national security, homeland security and foreign policy objectives."

"Freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea power," the policy states.

Beyond 'Star Wars'

"Consistent with this policy, the United States will preserve its rights, capabilities and freedom of action in space … and deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile to U.S. national interests."

In other words, analysts say, don't expect the United States to sign any new treaties that try to keep weapons from being launched.

"Star Wars"-type programs, while hotly debated by policy wonks, have mostly been far-off notions. Most Americans have heard about Defense Department experiments with exotic weapons, but it's hardly been a front-burner issue.

Craig Eisendrath, a former State Department official who worked on the first treaty to keep space free of military activity in 1967, says things are changing.

"We're going to be testing weapons toward the end of this year," he says. "Deployment will follow. It's not that far away."
I'm all for the USA having EVERY technological advantage it can. I'm ALL FOR the USA having and USING every means necessary to win a battle. The USA is the ONLY country on the planet which can handle the responsibility.

I'm all for the USA having EVERY technological advantage it can. I'm ALL FOR the USA having and USING every means necessary to win a battle. The USA is the ONLY country on the planet which can handle the responsibility.


Amen Brotha!!!!!
Who would possibly be against us having the advantage of weapons in space?

Oh yea...our enemies... so ... :gives:
Who would possibly be against us having the advantage of weapons in space?
The answer is almost every nation on the planet, save for Japan, Australia, and a few others. Even Canada rejected the Missile Defense initiative because, among other reasons, the Liberal Government at the time claimed that Missile Defense would lead to the weaponization of space. The current Conservative Government of Canada may reconsider that position. Other nations want to block America from introducing weapons into space (even defensive weapons), and this pertains especially to Russia, China, and the EU, because they know that America's enormous military and technological advantages will then grow even larger. Currently there is no other country, or combination of countries, that can compete with the US on the battlefield. If America wants it keep it that way, it will lift its new technologies into space as rapidly as possible.
Excuse me Mr CSM , the X-38 can carry a nuke into space to bomb enemy satellites (Read Area 7 by Matthew Reilly). The X-38 can also carry cruise missiles into space.

But , why does America need wepons in space??
Is it afraid of CHina?? Because U.S has more nukes to wipe out CHina twice from this planet. Plus , CHinese satellites arent as sophisticated as American satellites. As far as i know American spy satellites are the best in the world. So Why does the U.S want to have nukes in space??

Hold on..... I dont know exactly wether the pic I posted was the X-38.Maybe its called something else?

All I know that this craft is designed jointly by the U.S.A.F and NASA and can carry nukes and missiles!!!!
Excuse me Mr CSM , the X-38 can carry a nuke into space to bomb enemy satellites (Read Area 7 by Matthew Reilly). The X-38 can also carry cruise missiles into space.

But , why does America need wepons in space??
Is it afraid of CHina?? Because U.S has more nukes to wipe out CHina twice from this planet. Plus , CHinese satellites arent as sophisticated as American satellites. As far as i know American spy satellites are the best in the world. So Why does the U.S want to have nukes in space?? Akshay
The US is not planning to deploy nukes in orbit. That would cost an enormous amount of money and yield zero strategic or tactical benefit. It already has submarine lauched nukes (and many other types) that can hit anywhere on the planet with a few minutes. Orbital weapons research is focused on anti-satellite and anti-missile devices. There have been studies of orbital "kinetic bombardment," i.e., hitting a target on the ground with a very high velocity devices such as tungsten rods or poles.
I don't have a problem with space-based weapons per se. I think as technology advances you might see the line between regular airplanes and space capable craft blur. If we had an airplane that could take off from american soil and strike any target on the globe, would it really matter whether it went into space or not?

I do have a problem with using our military to threaten nations which pose no harm to us, but that is not a problem unique to space-based weapons.

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