Wealth gap widens


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
The wealth gap between whites and minorities has risen to a historic high, according to new census data analyzed by the Pew Research Center, as the collapse of housing prices more severely affected the net worth of African American and Hispanic households.

The report, which was to be released Tuesday, shows that the recession wreaked havoc on the wealth of all Americans but that whites lost the least amount as a percentage of their holdings.

Between 2005 and 2009, the median net worth of Hispanic households dropped by 66 percent and that of black households fell by 53 percent, according to the report. In contrast, the median net worth of white households dropped by only 16 percent.

The median net worth of a white family now stands at 20 times that of a black family and 18 times that of a Hispanic family — roughly twice the gap that existed before the recession and the biggest gap since data began being collected in 1984.

Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities, report says - The Washington Post
The wealth gap between whites and minorities has risen to a historic high, according to new census data analyzed by the Pew Research Center, as the collapse of housing prices more severely affected the net worth of African American and Hispanic households.

The report, which was to be released Tuesday, shows that the recession wreaked havoc on the wealth of all Americans but that whites lost the least amount as a percentage of their holdings.

Between 2005 and 2009, the median net worth of Hispanic households dropped by 66 percent and that of black households fell by 53 percent, according to the report. In contrast, the median net worth of white households dropped by only 16 percent.

The median net worth of a white family now stands at 20 times that of a black family and 18 times that of a Hispanic family — roughly twice the gap that existed before the recession and the biggest gap since data began being collected in 1984.

Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities, report says - The Washington Post

Dam, we missed it again, it's all about racism, thanks Chris....:cuckoo:....you're so good to let us know how everything we do is racist...
There have been several times in my life where I was worse off financially than any given minority group. Did I bitch and whine like a little schoolgirl? Fuck no I got off my ass and did what I had to do- and I did it within the framework of the law and performed my activities according to IRS regulations.
The wealth gap between whites and minorities has risen to a historic high, according to new census data analyzed by the Pew Research Center, as the collapse of housing prices more severely affected the net worth of African American and Hispanic households.

The report, which was to be released Tuesday, shows that the recession wreaked havoc on the wealth of all Americans but that whites lost the least amount as a percentage of their holdings.

Between 2005 and 2009, the median net worth of Hispanic households dropped by 66 percent and that of black households fell by 53 percent, according to the report. In contrast, the median net worth of white households dropped by only 16 percent.

The median net worth of a white family now stands at 20 times that of a black family and 18 times that of a Hispanic family — roughly twice the gap that existed before the recession and the biggest gap since data began being collected in 1984.

Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities, report says - The Washington Post

Dam, we missed it again, it's all about racism, thanks Chris....:cuckoo:....you're so good to let us know how everything we do is racist...

What he's saying is that blacks and hispanics need the dems to look after them because they are too fuckin' stupid to make wise decisions for themselves.
Not to mention the wealth gap is widening between the ultra wealthy and the average middle class worker. But some would say that we should keep protecting the wealthy. I say they dont need ANY more protection or do we stand by them.
The wealth gap between whites and minorities has risen to a historic high, according to new census data analyzed by the Pew Research Center, as the collapse of housing prices more severely affected the net worth of African American and Hispanic households.

The report, which was to be released Tuesday, shows that the recession wreaked havoc on the wealth of all Americans but that whites lost the least amount as a percentage of their holdings.

Between 2005 and 2009, the median net worth of Hispanic households dropped by 66 percent and that of black households fell by 53 percent, according to the report. In contrast, the median net worth of white households dropped by only 16 percent.

The median net worth of a white family now stands at 20 times that of a black family and 18 times that of a Hispanic family — roughly twice the gap that existed before the recession and the biggest gap since data began being collected in 1984.

Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities, report says - The Washington Post

Dam, we missed it again, it's all about racism, thanks Chris....:cuckoo:....you're so good to let us know how everything we do is racist...

Who said anything about racism?

By the way, how's the weather down there?
Why is the fact that the wealth gap is widening a surprise to folks?
More and more people are seeking and receiving disability than ever before. More than half of the folks turning 62 are taking social security and entitlement spending is at an all time high.
Why work when government sends you a check? Over 70 million Americans now receive a government check. And growing. 24% of the population.
Those of us THAT FUCKING WORK are getting wealthier. Imagine that. Getting wealthier than those that do not work.
Only a complete dumb ass has trouble figuring this one out.
The more people are making money, the better the economy. We want people to be making more money. It means the economy is growing.
The wealth gap between whites and minorities has risen to a historic high, according to new census data analyzed by the Pew Research Center, as the collapse of housing prices more severely affected the net worth of African American and Hispanic households.

The report, which was to be released Tuesday, shows that the recession wreaked havoc on the wealth of all Americans but that whites lost the least amount as a percentage of their holdings.

Between 2005 and 2009, the median net worth of Hispanic households dropped by 66 percent and that of black households fell by 53 percent, according to the report. In contrast, the median net worth of white households dropped by only 16 percent.

The median net worth of a white family now stands at 20 times that of a black family and 18 times that of a Hispanic family — roughly twice the gap that existed before the recession and the biggest gap since data began being collected in 1984.

Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities, report says - The Washington Post
The Pew Center is a liberal think tank.
The wealth gap between whites and minorities has risen to a historic high, according to new census data analyzed by the Pew Research Center, as the collapse of housing prices more severely affected the net worth of African American and Hispanic households.

The report, which was to be released Tuesday, shows that the recession wreaked havoc on the wealth of all Americans but that whites lost the least amount as a percentage of their holdings.

Between 2005 and 2009, the median net worth of Hispanic households dropped by 66 percent and that of black households fell by 53 percent, according to the report. In contrast, the median net worth of white households dropped by only 16 percent.

The median net worth of a white family now stands at 20 times that of a black family and 18 times that of a Hispanic family — roughly twice the gap that existed before the recession and the biggest gap since data began being collected in 1984.

Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities, report says - The Washington Post
The Pew Center is a liberal think tank.

How is determining net worth partisan to one party over another?
This is all bullshit.

Look at the stats based on education. That is the barometer that actually counts. No education means no wealth. President Bush spent more money on education than any other president and the difference is negligible. If you don't pay attention in school and apply yourself you got no one to blame but yourself for your poverty.

If blacks and hispanics have a wealth problem maybe they should look within to find the problem instead of blaming it on everyone else.
The most disturbing part is that the average American worker is becoming more productive, but hasn't seen a parallel increase in income. Its almost blatant outright theft.

Another disturbing part is Dems continuation of class war. For all their bitching, they are doing a great job at making the poor, poorer, the rich, richer, and almost everyone else is stagnating or struggling.

Unless you are uber rich, then you don't belong in Obama's America. All heil, the corporatists, bankers, and the MIC.
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The wealth gap between whites and minorities has risen to a historic high, according to new census data analyzed by the Pew Research Center, as the collapse of housing prices more severely affected the net worth of African American and Hispanic households.

The report, which was to be released Tuesday, shows that the recession wreaked havoc on the wealth of all Americans but that whites lost the least amount as a percentage of their holdings.

Between 2005 and 2009, the median net worth of Hispanic households dropped by 66 percent and that of black households fell by 53 percent, according to the report. In contrast, the median net worth of white households dropped by only 16 percent.

The median net worth of a white family now stands at 20 times that of a black family and 18 times that of a Hispanic family — roughly twice the gap that existed before the recession and the biggest gap since data began being collected in 1984.

Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities, report says - The Washington Post

Yes. We have black unemployment much higher than white unemployment. The rate among black teens is about 40%, about like Palestinians.
ANd yet the black community continues to support Barack Obama, even though his policies have caused disproportionate hardship among the very people he claims to be for.
How can we explain this?
The wealth gap between whites and minorities has risen to a historic high, according to new census data analyzed by the Pew Research Center, as the collapse of housing prices more severely affected the net worth of African American and Hispanic households.

The report, which was to be released Tuesday, shows that the recession wreaked havoc on the wealth of all Americans but that whites lost the least amount as a percentage of their holdings.

Between 2005 and 2009, the median net worth of Hispanic households dropped by 66 percent and that of black households fell by 53 percent, according to the report. In contrast, the median net worth of white households dropped by only 16 percent.

The median net worth of a white family now stands at 20 times that of a black family and 18 times that of a Hispanic family — roughly twice the gap that existed before the recession and the biggest gap since data began being collected in 1984.

Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities, report says - The Washington Post

class warfare crap is gay

and it doesnt matter except to far left k00ks...............

Rasmussen Consumer Index
Just 18% Say U.S. Economy Getting Better These Days
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rasmussen Consumer Index

s0n......now Im blowing your threads to shit in here too???:up::fu:

s0n........perpetually gay............:lol:
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The wealth gap between whites and minorities has risen to a historic high, according to new census data analyzed by the Pew Research Center, as the collapse of housing prices more severely affected the net worth of African American and Hispanic households.

The report, which was to be released Tuesday, shows that the recession wreaked havoc on the wealth of all Americans but that whites lost the least amount as a percentage of their holdings.

Between 2005 and 2009, the median net worth of Hispanic households dropped by 66 percent and that of black households fell by 53 percent, according to the report. In contrast, the median net worth of white households dropped by only 16 percent.

The median net worth of a white family now stands at 20 times that of a black family and 18 times that of a Hispanic family — roughly twice the gap that existed before the recession and the biggest gap since data began being collected in 1984.

Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities, report says - The Washington Post
The Pew Center is a liberal think tank.

How is determining net worth partisan to one party over another?
Like any group with an agenda, Pew takes raw numbers, categorizes them into statistics that satisfy their agenda and then publishes them. This while offering no criteria, no references by which they came up with their statistics.
Without a clear disclosure of understanding, the statistics must be called into question.
An informed person asks questions then questions answers.
The statistics do not determine net worth. Rather, they are used to create a story. The idea of the story was the reason the statistics were commissioned in the first place. This is how it works. The story is a plant.
The facts say otherwise. The growth of the black middle class deifies these statistics. Home ownership among blacks is at an all time high. Yes their net worth has been adversely affected due to the loss in equity and foreclosures, but this cuts across all demographic lines. The statistics count all people with Spanish surnames as "Hispanic".

The truth is only those of Caribbean Island descent are actually Hispanics. Mexicans, Central and South Americans are not Hispanic. They are Latino. If Pew's research was accurate, they would have categorized Cubans and Puerto Ricans who tend to be more educated and wealthier, separately. Pew also should have included disclaimers that stated Mexicans without regard to immigration status were grouped together. Illegals tend to be less educated and poorer than Hispanics and Latino immigrants that are here legally.
Class warfare began with Reagan's mythological Cadillac mother in which he could never track down and substantiate. Essentially, it was an attack against minorities, single mothers, and the poor. It was an over-exaggeration and the initiation of class warfare.

Then Republicans responded with policies that benefited the uber rich and here we are today, with a complete erosion of our Republic and democratic institutions. Now, the ruling elites control this country with their lobbying and politicians jerking off to them.

Our democratic republic has turned into a plutocracy. Whenever you get a chance, thank a Republican for it, then thank a Democratic for trying to emulate Republicans.
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