We Were Americans! (A Brief History of Who We Once Were and Shall Likely Never Be Again)


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth

Yes, we were Americans at one time, the greatest country in the world. The strongest people of the world, nothing could stop us; we didn't know the word quit and we didn't know defeat. The tougher the uphill battle, the greater our resolve grew. 2nd best just wasn't good enough for us and it was a fight to the death to win at all costs! But then something happened: liberalism, progressivism and socialism were allowed to creep in and take hold. Now we are being overrun by violent radicalism and extremism! Let's go back briefly and review American History HOW IT WAS and what it would be like now if we had to do it all over again:

American Colonialists rose up out-manned, outgunned, out-skilled, without food, water, clothing and shoes to defeat the most powerful military in the world in order to free itself from unfair taxation and tyranny. America was met with an overwhelming force and we rose up to meet it full on with insurmountable resolve and more. It was a fight to the death by every last man, woman and child because after all, we were Americans!


If we had to fight the War all over again today, it simply would never happen. Too many leftists would question the war, refuse to participate, refuse to take arms, seek compromise, capitulation, blame the colonies calling them disloyal to the Queen and take the side of the British. Result of liberalism: America never even happens. Worse than that, the Progressive movement seeks now to not only recreate the tyranny and taxation we fought to escape, but to EXCEED it. They cannot tax enough.

Northern states rose up to oppose the confederation of the southern states to break off to form their own nation so that they could keep intact their slavery. America was torn asunder to the tune of 800,000 deaths yet American ideals prevailed. Confederation was defeated at a terrible cost finally allowing for the end of slavery and southern states learned new ways of doing their business and the nation healed stronger than ever before because, we were Americans.


The Civil War would be difficult to win or impossible today. Not only because sedition has grown common within the ranks everywhere, but slavery of today continues not with people's bodies now, but their minds, and their hearts, through the sedition and slavery of liberal media, progressive propaganda and enslaving government programs.

Beginning in the late 19th century, we began a revolution of great industry and invention which lead to us becoming the best in the world. The First. If we couldn't get off the ground, we invented the airplane. The horse wasn't enough so we invented the mass produced automobile. We invented factory automation, interstate transportation, global communication, every facet of the world we know today. We made the best, we did the best. We were unstoppable. We were the world standard. We were Americans!


If it were to happen today though, everything would be foreign owned, foreign run, and the emphasis would be on diversity and environmentalism rather than on excellence, prosperity and domination, and so, bureaucracy would be so high and overhead and costs so great that the great industrial boom simply would never happen as it did; it would be reduced to a slow mouse's squeak instead of the lion's roar. We would have to import materials, import labor, share, trade and bargain away. Progressive ideology would never allow the Carnegies, the Mellons, the Rockefellers, and the Morgans to exist today.

Beginning in the 20th Century, the world went to war. America finally stepped in to put an end to Hitler's brutal oppression and Americans everywhere stepped up to do their part to help. It was all for one and one for all. We freed the world and brought about peace and prosperity that allowed much of the world to grow into the modern age. We were Americans.


Winning a war, especially a world war, would simply be impossible now. Liberalism and anti-war sentiment has weakened our military, political correctness has constrained us. And our every move and action is now questioned and opposed by a strategically-placed 20-30% of our population who fundamentally distrusts and dislikes its own country, a situation impossible for any healthy nation to endure much less excel in. As a result, we can no longer win wars, we merely endure police actions until they eventually lose interest and fade away.

In the 1960s, the nation rallied behind the President to ensure that at any cost, we would not allow the Soviet Union to beat us to the Moon and outdo us. It was an all-out war on communism. 400,000 people, every company imaginable, worked tirelessly day and night developing new technologies from propulsion to digital computing, moving the effort to the forefront of national importance to the tune of what would be over 200 billion dollars today or about 37 billion a year, to watch and wait breathlessly to see mankind take its first steps into space and upon another world and plant the American flag there first. Because we were Americans!


It we had to do it all over again now, the Great Space Race would never happen; we would never make it there. Arguments over spending, priorities, arguments over loss of life, and arguments over and lack of national pride calling it Imperial Aggression, etc., would end the effort before it ever got off the ground.

18 years ago, the nation was rocked by terrorist attacks killing thousands. The nation stood still for a day horrified. We were shocked in disbelief and anger not only at the audacity and crime, but also at our own vulnerability and unpreparedness.


But America had fundamentally changed by then and this was the bellwether. We had just gone through eight years of the Clintons. Liberal and extremist ideals had finally taken their hold. Preparedness and pro-activeness were now considered "xenophobia" and "racism" by the popular media. The globalist Koolaid had been drunken by many allowing al Quada to strike. Worse, our every action in response was now at question rather than the people we fought instead. Indeed, our attackers were even supported and defended by many! The decay of America and its fall from greatness that McCarthy had tried to warn us against had already begun.

Instead, we began a series of ham-stringed military efforts in response ending in self-doubt, blame and unresolvable police actions. Worst of all, the greatest humility of them all was our own defeat and self-surrender! Instead of building new towers bigger and better than before in defiance of our attackers, we let ourselves be talked into replacing the now empty prime real estate in Manhattan once inhabited by the Twin Towers with an empty, feel-good parking lot of flowers and memorials complete with two flashlights shining up futilely to pollute the night sky and forever announce to the world and all the absence of what Islamic radicalism had taken from us!


The final major sign of our impending and unstoppable ignominy and castration was this year with our loyal, faithful and patriotic President trying to have a simple celebration of National Pride. Fought by many instead of lauded, it was finally held on the 4th of July as a tribute to the greatness of America, its boundless accomplishments, its heroes and our military. A time for us all to come together even for just ONE DAY and be thankful for our great nation!



But, could we do even that? Despite having nothing to do with partisan politics, it was endlessly politicized. Despite the fact that it was a very modest display that we could have had THIRTY of them for what one pointless Mueller investigation cost, it was called unaffordable and a waste of money. And despite being a day of National Pride and celebration of our nation's birthday, the national media would not even cover it, instead showing Lucy reruns and the Macy's department store parade instead.

This is not America. America cannot run a two-legged sack race if one of the people is laying down. America is now like a mighty V8 engine with two of its cylinders not even connected to the crank. Worse, they actually block the rest of the engine from working.

Instead of turning inward toward our strengths of what made us work and great, a full 20% of this country continues to try to turn us inside out. Worse, they lie to and confuse another 20% into going along with them. We were Americans. But not anymore. The core of America, its conservative movement is being overrun with the effort to label us outcasts, troglodytes, haters and racists so they can replace us and turn us inside out into something that we not only never have been and never were, but something which has never even worked. The dream of progressivism is a 3rd world 1st world country that excels through acquiescence, leads by subservient committee and rules by social division and dependence rather than autonomy and self-actualization.

And the greatest insult of all: they try to tell us they are doing it all because they think that is what America really represents.

Unless this trend is stopped and defeated, America as we know it is lost. America shall win no more wars, heal no more wounds, build no more great shining cities on the hill, lead the world never again in enterprise and entrepreneurship, defeat no more dictatorial aggressors, pioneer no more great frontiers, crush no more enemies, or celebrate no more greatness.

When a container loses its contents, what it once held spills out and dissolves lost into its surroundings. You cannot have one thing which stands out contained greater and leading by exception if it has so container. For something to be DISTINCT, exceptional, it must by definition be separate, contained--- --- an EXCEPTION. No nation can have an identity therefore if it too isn't contained, limited by borders, boundaries and laws to define it as being a thing separate from that which it seeks to excel from.

Unless something changes very soon, America will now be consigned to somewhere in the middle of the line to global mediocrity, dependence and forever asking our inferiors permission and help with the cooperation. America will be lost as the operator rather than the leader, lost in the committee rather than as the innovator, and lost as the mere galleyman now rowing his own oar for someone else's boat rather than both the builder of and captain of its own mighty ship.
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America is still America. Stop clutching at your pearls and falling back on your fainting couch.
America is still America. Stop clutching at your pearls and falling back on your fainting couch.

Oh look. My favorite ass-licking progressive america-bashing troll has arrived to stalk my thread without adding one modicum of relevant contribution much less a shred of supporting evidence to his now many wild claims.
America is still America. Stop clutching at your pearls and falling back on your fainting couch.

Actually, no....it isn't. Not even close. If you really believe it is then you are clueless.
And your cynicism, as if he made the OP in his own self interests and that you feel it is, proves the OPs point precisely.
View attachment 270552

Yes, we were Americans at one time, the greatest country in the world. The strongest people of the world, nothing could stop us; we didn't know the word quit and we didn't know defeat. The tougher the uphill battle, the greater our resolve grew. 2nd best just wasn't good enough for us and it was a fight to the death to win at all costs! But then something happened: liberalism, progressivism and socialism were allowed to creep in and take hold. Now we are being overrun by violent radicalism and extremism! Let's go back briefly and review American History HOW IT WAS and what it would be like now if we had to do it all over again:

American Colonialists rose up out-manned, outgunned, out-skilled, without food, water, clothing and shoes to defeat the most powerful military in the world in order to free itself from unfair taxation and tyranny. America was met with an overwhelming force and we rose up to meet it full on with insurmountable resolve and more. It was a fight to the death by every last man, woman and child because after all, we were Americans!

View attachment 270554
If we had to fight the War all over again today, it simply would never happen. Too many leftists would question the war, refuse to participate, refuse to take arms, seek compromise, capitulation, blame the colonies calling them disloyal to the Queen and take the side of the British. Result of liberalism: America never even happens. Worse than that, the Progressive movement seeks now to not only recreate the tyranny and taxation we fought to escape, but to EXCEED it. They cannot tax enough.

Northern states rose up to oppose the confederation of the southern states to break off to form their own nation so that they could keep intact their slavery. America was torn asunder to the tune of 800,000 deaths yet American ideals prevailed. Confederation was defeated at a terrible cost finally allowing for the end of slavery and southern states learned new ways of doing their business and the nation healed stronger than ever before because, we were Americans.

View attachment 270557

The Civil War would be difficult to win or impossible today. Not only because sedition has grown common within the ranks everywhere, but slavery of today continues not with people's bodies now, but their minds, and their hearts, through the sedition and slavery of liberal media, progressive propaganda and enslaving government programs.

Beginning in the late 19th century, we began a revolution of great industry and invention which lead to us becoming the best in the world. The First. If we couldn't get off the ground, we invented the airplane. The horse wasn't enough so we invented the mass produced automobile. We invented factory automation, interstate transportation, global communication, every facet of the world we know today. We made the best, we did the best. We were unstoppable. We were the world standard. We were Americans!

View attachment 270562

If it were to happen today though, everything would be foreign owned, foreign run, and the emphasis would be on diversity and environmentalism rather than on excellence, prosperity and domination, and so, bureaucracy would be so high and overhead and costs so great that the great industrial boom simply would never happen as it did; it would be reduced to a slow mouse's squeak instead of the lion's roar. We would have to import materials, import labor, share, trade and bargain away. Progressive ideology would never allow the Carnegies, the Mellons, the Rockefellers, and the Morgans to exist today.

Beginning in the 20th Century, the world went to war. America finally stepped in to put an end to Hitler's brutal oppression and Americans everywhere stepped up to do their part to help. It was all for one and one for all. We freed the world and brought about peace and prosperity that allowed much of the world to grow into the modern age. We were Americans.

View attachment 270565

Winning a war, especially a world war, would simply be impossible now. Liberalism and anti-war sentiment has weakened our military, political correctness has constrained us. And our every move and action is now questioned and opposed by a strategically-placed 20-30% of our population who fundamentally distrusts and dislikes its own country, a situation impossible for any healthy nation to endure much less excel in. As a result, we can no longer win wars, we merely endure police actions until they eventually lose interest and fade away.

In the 1960s, the nation rallied behind the President to ensure that at any cost, we would not allow the Soviet Union to beat us to the Moon and outdo us. It was an all-out war on communism. 400,000 people, every company imaginable, worked tirelessly day and night developing new technologies from propulsion to digital computing, moving the effort to the forefront of national importance to the tune of what would be over 200 billion dollars today or about 37 billion a year, to watch and wait breathlessly to see mankind take its first steps into space and upon another world and plant the American flag there first. Because we were Americans!

View attachment 270569

It we had to do it all over again now, the Great Space Race would never happen; we would never make it there. Arguments over spending, priorities, arguments over loss of life, and arguments over and lack of national pride calling it Imperial Aggression, etc., would end the effort before it ever got off the ground.

18 years ago, the nation was rocked by terrorist attacks killing thousands. The nation stood still for a day horrified. We were shocked in disbelief and anger not only at the audacity and crime, but also at our own vulnerability and unpreparedness.

View attachment 270570
But America had fundamentally changed by then and this was the bellwether. We had just gone through eight years of the Clintons. Liberal and extremist ideals had finally taken their hold. Preparedness and pro-activeness were now considered "xenophobia" and "racism" by the popular media. The globalist Koolaid had been drunken by many allowing al Quada to strike. Worse, our every action in response was now at question rather than the people we fought instead. Indeed, our attackers were even supported and defended by many! The decay of America and its fall from greatness that McCarthy had tried to warn us against had already begun.

Instead, we began a series of ham-stringed military efforts in response ending in self-doubt, blame and unresolvable police actions. Worst of all, the greatest humility of them all was our own defeat and self-surrender! Instead of building new towers bigger and better than before in defiance of our attackers, we let ourselves be talked into replacing the now empty prime real estate in Manhattan once inhabited by the Twin Towers with an empty, feel-good parking lot of flowers and memorials complete with two flashlights shining up futilely to pollute the night sky and forever announce to the world and all the absence of what Islamic radicalism had taken from us!

View attachment 270572

The final major sign of our impending and unstoppable ignominy and castration was this year with our loyal, faithful and patriotic President trying to have a simple celebration of National Pride. Fought by many instead of lauded, it was finally held on the 4th of July as a tribute to the greatness of America, its boundless accomplishments, its heroes and our military. A time for us all to come together even for just ONE DAY and be thankful for our great nation!

View attachment 270573
View attachment 270574

But, could we do even that? Despite having nothing to do with partisan politics, it was endlessly politicized. Despite the fact that it was a very modest display that we could have had THIRTY of them for what one pointless Mueller investigation cost, it was called unaffordable and a waste of money. And despite being a day of National Pride and celebration of our nation's birthday, the national media would not even cover it, instead showing Lucy reruns and the Macy's department store parade instead.

This is not America. America cannot run a two-legged sack race if one of the people is laying down. America is now like a mighty V8 engine with two of its cylinders not even connected to the crank. Worse, they actually block the rest of the engine from working.

Instead of turning inward toward our strengths of what made us work and great, a full 20% of this country continues to try to turn us inside out. Worse, they lie to and confuse another 20% into going along with them. We were Americans. But not anymore. The core of America, its conservative movement is being overrun with the effort to label us outcasts, troglodytes, haters and racists so they can replace us and turn us inside out into something that we not only never have been and never were, but something which has never even worked. The dream of progressivism is a 3rd world 1st world country that excels through acquiescence, leads by subservient committee and rules by social division and dependence rather than autonomy and self-actualization.

And the greatest insult of all: they try to tell us they are doing it all because they think that is what America really represents.

Unless this trend is stopped and defeated, America as we know it is lost. America shall win no more wars, heal no more wounds, build no more great shining cities on the hill, lead the world never again in enterprise and entrepreneurship, defeat no more dictatorial aggressors, pioneer no more great frontiers, crush no more enemies, or celebrate no more greatness.

When a container loses its contents, what it once held spills out and dissolves lost into its surroundings. You cannot have one thing which stands out contained greater and leading by exception if it has so container. For something to be DISTINCT, exceptional, it must by definition be separate, contained--- --- an EXCEPTION. No nation can have an identity therefore if it too isn't contained, limited by borders, boundaries and laws to define it as being a thing separate from that which it seeks to excel from.

Unless something changes very soon, America will now be consigned to somewhere in the middle of the line to global mediocrity, dependence and forever asking our inferiors permission and help with the cooperation. America will be lost as the operator rather than the leader, lost in the committee rather than as the innovator, and lost as the mere galleyman now rowing his own oar for someone else's boat rather than both the builder of and captain of its own mighty ship.
And now we don’t know which potty to use and women aren’t allowed to win sporting events anymore.
Romanticizing our past through the lense of jingo colored glasses spewing braggadocio narratives is cognitive dissonance at it's finest.

Only 3% rose up for our independence , many were literally terrorized into subjugation, ring up sons of liberty

Our civil war had little to do w/slavery, in fact there were mass awols after the emancipation proclamation debuted.

The gilded age allowed economic slavery of Americans into 3rd world disparity, which is well on it's way to another redux in this millennium

WW2 was won by the Russians , we just took credit as world debtors , grew a big head, and lost every war since

9/11 was perpetrated by the very same azzholes we're supporting in the M.E. now , because our oilocracy demands we kiss their petro-$$$ azz.

None of the above was due to libs, progs, or party affiliation, all of it was rooted in the guttural seven deadlies let loose via satan's spawn incarnate

America is still America. Stop clutching at your pearls and falling back on your fainting couch.

Oh look. My favorite ass-licking progressive america-bashing troll has arrived to stalk my thread without adding one modicum of relevant contribution much less a shred of supporting evidence to his now many wild claims.

You have made the claim, kung-fool.
America is still America. Stop clutching at your pearls and falling back on your fainting couch.

Actually, no....it isn't. Not even close. If you really believe it is then you are clueless.
And your cynicism, as if he made the OP in his own self interests and that you feel it is, proves the OPs point precisely.

The entire history of my country disproves the OP's spineless pessimism and fear. America will always rise to whatever challenge we need to. The OP provides the proof himself, however inadvertently. Some people are too weak of character to even understand my great nation.
Romanticizing our past through the lense of jingo colored glasses spewing braggadocio narratives is cognitive dissonance at it's finest.

Only 3% rose up for our independence , many were literally terrorized into subjugation, ring up sons of liberty

Our civil war had little to do w/slavery, in fact there were mass awols after the emancipation proclamation debuted.

The gilded age allowed economic slavery of Americans into 3rd world disparity, which is well on it's way to another redux in this millennium

WW2 was won by the Russians , we just took credit as world debtors , grew a big head, and lost every war since

9/11 was perpetrated by the very same azzholes we're supporting in the M.E. now , because our oilocracy demands we kiss their petro-$$$ azz.

None of the above was due to libs, progs, or party affiliation, all of it was rooted in the guttural seven deadlies let loose via satan's spawn incarnate


Gee, Darky, America is one lucky place, we tripped and fell face first into prosperity like a pig in mud, no doubt usurped from the more deserving! Makes one wonder all the more how you even stand living here?!
America is still America. Stop clutching at your pearls and falling back on your fainting couch.

Oh look. My favorite ass-licking progressive america-bashing troll has arrived to stalk my thread without adding one modicum of relevant contribution much less a shred of supporting evidence to his now many wild claims.

You have made the claim, kung-fool.

And you have proven my case, bowel-stool.
America is still America. Stop clutching at your pearls and falling back on your fainting couch.

Oh look. My favorite ass-licking progressive america-bashing troll has arrived to stalk my thread without adding one modicum of relevant contribution much less a shred of supporting evidence to his now many wild claims.

You have made the claim, kung-fool.

And you have proven my case....

How so?
Romanticizing our past through the lense of jingo colored glasses spewing braggadocio narratives is cognitive dissonance at it's finest.

Only 3% rose up for our independence , many were literally terrorized into subjugation, ring up sons of liberty

Our civil war had little to do w/slavery, in fact there were mass awols after the emancipation proclamation debuted.

The gilded age allowed economic slavery of Americans into 3rd world disparity, which is well on it's way to another redux in this millennium

WW2 was won by the Russians , we just took credit as world debtors , grew a big head, and lost every war since

9/11 was perpetrated by the very same azzholes we're supporting in the M.E. now , because our oilocracy demands we kiss their petro-$$$ azz.

None of the above was due to libs, progs, or party affiliation, all of it was rooted in the guttural seven deadlies let loose via satan's spawn incarnate


Gee, Darky, America is one lucky place, we tripped and fell face first into prosperity like a pig in mud, no doubt usurped from the more deserving! Makes one wonder all the more how you even stand living here?!

Oh i'm proud of being an American Tool dude

Just now what you'd expect

We're a nation of conquerors

We don't 'walk softly with a big stick'.....we beat the sh*t outta anyone in our path

We like to play 'big dog wins', and screw the whine bags , _____race _____condition______party_______religion______gender

sucks to be YOU if you didn't grasp the brass ring bucko!


Look at the America Sucks Crowd. Heard it was the main platform of the Dems now along with we Hate Trump.

Who left the doors open at the Lunatic Asylum again.
America gave the government too much power and forgot the teachings of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. Once the politicians got their hands on the tax dollars for anything they desired. Using it to line their own pockets and those of their donors for self gain and not service.

We are being run by a corrupt pack of thieves given too much authority and power. Exactly what the Founders Warned us about.

Oh i'm proud of being an American Tool dude

  • .....we beat the sh*t outta anyone in our path
  • We ~ ~ ~ screw the whine bags , _____race _____condition______party_______religion______gender
  • proxy-16.jpg
Right, Spark, you sound REAL proud. Dumbass. If we are a nation of all you say then, THAT INCLUDES YOU!
America is great because we don't stand still. We are always moving forward. There will be times when we struggle with each other but we should always be thankful that we have the freedom to disagree.

I appreciate that the article was started off listing some of the most prominent times in our history. It's a good reminder of how far we've come.

I long for the days of my parents and grandparents. There was a practiced civility in how we conducted ourselves even when we were being uncivil. hahahaha
America gave the government too much power and forgot the teachings of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution.

The FF;s were aristocrats who, much like Reagan, blamed big gub'mit , then set about instituting it towards their own gains Eagle.

Everything they did was for their ilk then, just as it is now

Just because they wrote a constitution on hemp doesn't mean we have to get high on it

We have many dark blots in our history but they were outweighed by acts of courage and devotion to the theme that every American has the right to be whatever s/he wants to be. All one has to do is make the effort.

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