We should abolish our borders. Really?

Did anyone else see the ads that accompany this article? One of them is for White Date, a dating site for white Europeans.

I'm kinda suspicious of your source dude.
What could be suspicious about a website called the american renaissance? :laugh:

Well, there are sites with questionable names that I trust quite a bit because they haven't lied to me yet. One of them is VICE News.

But, VICE News doesn't do racist advertising, the American Renaissance does.

Hmmm, I wondered if there was such a thing a race based dating sites, so I checked, and there are. There are Black, White, Latino and Asian dating sites. There are also Christian, Jewish and Muslim dating sites. I guess that some people have racial and religious preferences. Liberals seem to have a tough time forming sentences without using the words "racist" or "bigot"

Guess you didn't read the "about us" part of their site. Or, I guess you missed the site map where they denounce a whole bunch of hate crimes as "hoaxes".

Sorry, but this is a white power site.
I didn't look at the guy's link. I was just wondering if there are race based dating sites, and there are.
Are race based dating sites racist?
I know there are dating sites for blacks.
Guess you didn't read the "about us" part of their site. Or, I guess you missed the site map where they denounce a whole bunch of hate crimes as "hoaxes".

Sorry, but this is a white power site.
I didn't look at the guy's link. I was just wondering if there are race based dating sites, and there are.
Are race based dating sites racist?

If you never looked at the link, then how in the hell do you know anything about the site? It's a white power site. They even admit it freely in their About Us portion of their site.

Me? I never swallow something whole without checking out the source first. There are too many weird sites out there with lots of conspiracy theories.

What is wrong with white power? Please expound on that....we are all waiting with bated breath....yeh right.

This is going to influence how many people read anything else you ever type.

White power is associated with white racism and hate.

If you have another chosen definition please type it carefully otherwise may be time for a new login.

I do care what liberals associate with white power and the only real racism and hate today comes from Negroes and liberals.

Wow. Well I wouldn't want the modern day George Wallace voters on my team either!

What counts is you have given the impression you hate the racists also. Man, In the old neighborhood I knew plenty of white folks who hated blacks for "lowering their property values". In the new one I just know plenty of white folks who look all scared in timid whenever they see a black man OR WOMAN! Its funny. Really every so often pre Ferguson white people would disappoint me and no one would shout down the guy telling the black jokes or whatever until I said something really obnoxious about Egyptions and the dark ages. Post Ferguson, man, that just invited the wanna be Klansmen here out of the woodwork. Not that the rioters didn't act like idiots, but it felt like what I imagined the 50's to have been. I gotta remind people their grandparents lived in ghettos where only their native tongues were kept and that someone did not turn the "Sopranos" of their hood into the cops either. On the corporate level if your name is Johnson or something more typical of a black man and you list a high school or zip code were mostly black folks live its a great way for my past bosses to ignore you also.

So while I have no doubt enough blacks hate whites, I just don't see it as a black only problem. Maybe if you don't look white you don't hear what white people say? I don't credit my neighbors with being that smart though.

Edit: I'm not the optimist, but maybe its only a St Louis problem? Or at least not a national thing in more progressive (democrat or republican, R's up north voted for the civil rights acts also!) areas.

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