We need to destroy the Dome of the Rock and rebuild the Temple

The Dome of the Rock is not where the Temple stood.

The Temple stood over the Dome of the Tablets.
It is about time that we kick the trespassing Arabs out of the holy land.

They need to be removed far south of the Ancient Jewish city of Medina, which some crazy Islamics think is a Moslem Holy City.

It is Holy only to the memory all of the Jews who were slaughtered there by Mohammed when he wanted the Jewish men Killed so Mohammed and his followers could rape the younger Jewish widows and sell their children into slavery.

Once the Arabs have been removed from Greater Israel (As specified in the most Holy Bible as extending from the Litani River to Damascus and on to the Euphrates River and then south to the Indian Ocean and then east to the River of Egypt and then north towhere it enters the Mediterranean Sea.) we can progress with the destruction of the illegal and disgusting Dome of the Rock on the Jewish Temple Mount.

After a period of ritual cleansing, the Mount will be declared as suitable for the building of a Third Temple to YHWH.

We certainly have waited long enough for this temple to be built. The Bible says it will happen in the Later Days (The time immediately prior to the arrival of the long promised Jewish Messiah who will be the "All Conquering Lion of Judah" and not the meek "Lamb Of God" Messiah that Jesus represented when he was in the Holy Land.

This "All Conquering Lion of Judah" is going to be more angry than Jesus was when he attacked and beat the money changers on the Temple grounds. His official title will be, "The Word of God." and he is going to eliminate all the satanic worshipping people all over the world. Amen!

Let's get 'er done!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all children here below.
Praise Him above you heavenly host.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
I am a christian, although we do not agree on everything I do believe we need to get the hodgie bastards out of where your temple should be, and if someone dosent do it soon, I will. God bless
Your first post ever is to resurrect a four year thread started by a guy who knows about as much about Christianity as Obama Bin Laden did and you agree with him?

The OP has tried to return under different screen names before. My immediate thought is you are the OP trying to stir up controversy again.

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