We must prepare for extreme weather events, not vainly try to stop them


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
We must prepare for extreme weather events, not vainly try to stop them


This didn’t stop main stream media, ever anxious to hype extreme weather events as harbingers of climate catastrophe, from pronouncing it a hurricane of unparalleled proportions. In many cases they simply echoed the excited claims of climate campaigners such as 350.org’s Bill McKibben, who described Sandy as “really something that we haven’t seen before.” As Terry Corcoran wrote in Canada’s National Post, “Frankenstorm, he [McKibben] said, “is really the right name for it,” as he linked the hurricane to man-made climate change, Mitt Romney and “the most powerful and richest industry on earth.” Big oil caused the big storm.”


ICSC Science Advisory Board member, Dr. Madhav L. Khandekar, an “Expert Reviewer” of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (2007), said in a telephone interview with the author Tuesday evening that claims such as McKibben’s are “absolute bunko”.


Even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) now says that there is little or no science backing claims that human-caused climate change is responsible for current extreme weather events. Dr. Roger Pielke Jr., a professor at the University of Colorado’s Center for Science and Technology Policy agrees and explains that such links are not scientifically based. As Corcoran explains in the National Post, Prof. Pielke also asserts that there are no signs of a trend in any direction in hurricane activity. “We’ve done long-term trends with respect to hurricane damage in the United States, and it’s very safe to say that regardless of how [Sandy] plays out, there’s a century-long time series with no trend in it — and that’s in damage, the number of landfalls, or the intensity of storms at landfall.”​
First, all the large insurance companies will tell you that there has been an increase in extreme weather events over the past 40 years. An increase by a factor of 3 to 5.

Second, yes, we will have to prepare for more extreme weather events. That means upgrading our infrastructure, and, in some cases, even moving infrastructure out of harms way. A very expensive task, one which will be greeted with derision, particularly in areas that have yet to experiance a large disaster. Just go over all the expressions of disbelief concerning the seriousness of Sandy, even right up to Monday.

Third, if we keep adding GHGs to the atmosphere, then it will only get worse. However, at some point, at present unknown, we will reach a threshold where the Arctic starts outgassing from the permafrost and the ocean clathrates, and anything further we do will be irrelevant. And, that point being unknown, it could be we have already passed it.

Now there are some that would defund further study into what is happening in the oceans and the Arctic, stating that we don't need that knowledge.
First, all the large insurance companies will tell you that there has been an increase in extreme weather events over the past 40 years. An increase by a factor of 3 to 5.

Second, yes, we will have to prepare for more extreme weather events. That means upgrading our infrastructure, and, in some cases, even moving infrastructure out of harms way. A very expensive task, one which will be greeted with derision, particularly in areas that have yet to experiance a large disaster. Just go over all the expressions of disbelief concerning the seriousness of Sandy, even right up to Monday.

Third, if we keep adding GHGs to the atmosphere, then it will only get worse. However, at some point, at present unknown, we will reach a threshold where the Arctic starts outgassing from the permafrost and the ocean clathrates, and anything further we do will be irrelevant. And, that point being unknown, it could be we have already passed it.

Now there are some that would defund further study into what is happening in the oceans and the Arctic, stating that we don't need that knowledge.
Your bad science is no reason to cripple the economies of the entire western world.
Someone was telling me that MSNBC did an interview with someone associated with this report.

The general take-away was that "climate change" has morphed again.. Into the message that Daveman put into this OP.. That we should STOP fighting over the CO2 theory and work towards understanding the causes and how to mitigate the damage..

OMG -- THAT would be a real relief...

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