We Must Choose Between Our Babies And Affordable Energy: The New War On Coal


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
We must now choose between keeping our babies healthy and being able to pay our electric bills.

This is how low these folks have stooped.

From the same folks that want goverment funded abortions comes this latest attempt to raise our energy bills.

They claim that coal fired energy plants need to be shut down until they can meet new stricter polution standards.

Mercury, that old nemisis has reared it's ugly head again.

They want to decrease birthdefects by shutting down energy plants when a good filtration system would do the same thing.

So another wedge-issue is born.

Ether turn off your ac or and your waterheaters or your bill will be tripled.

Thanks Obama.
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We must now choose between keeping our babies healthy and being able to pay our electric bills.

This is how low these folks have stooped.

From the same folks that want goverment funded abortions comes this latest attempt to raise our energy bills.

They claim that coal fired energy plants need to be shut down until they can meet new stricter polution standards.

Mercury, that old nemisis has reared it's ugly head again.

They want to decrease birthdefects by shutting down energy plants when a good filtration system would do the same thing.

So another wedge-issue is born.

Ether turn off your ac or and your waterheaters or your bill will be tripled.

Thank Obama.

so the EPA wants govt. funded abortions?
The report finds that over 13,000 deaths each year are attributable to fine particle pollution from U.S. power plants.
Death and Disease from Power Plants - Clean Air Task Force (CATF)
govt. funded abortion through Planned Parenthood was funded even through republican controlled Congress and President Bush
You are aware of the flush of new regulations coming out of the EPA?

The old ones were fine. The new regs will shut down most of the energy plants in the country causing rolling brown-outs next Summer. This will necessarily cause our energy bills to sky-rocket.
You are aware of the flush of new regulations coming out of the EPA?

The old ones were fine. The new regs will shut down most of the energy plants in the country causing rolling brown-outs next Summer. This will necessarily cause our energy bills to sky-rocket.

how does coal mining and burning impact the environment - Google Search

It's just terrible.

Okay, come up with an alternative instead of simply pricing us out of using it. Energy fuels the economy and you want to make it more expensive now?

What kind of imbeciles are you willing to support?
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You are aware of the flush of new regulations coming out of the EPA?

The old ones were fine. The new regs will shut down most of the energy plants in the country causing rolling brown-outs next Summer. This will necessarily cause our energy bills to sky-rocket.

It's my understanding that 5000 new regulations will be heaped upon businesses and that will really make a positive difference.....:cuckoo:
The goal is to make energy "Rare and Expensive" rather than "Cheap and Plentiful". That's not rhetoric, it's what you get when you're answer to energy is conservative rather than innovation..

The entire coal issue is touchy. On the list of Gaia approved "eco-alternatives" is biomass conversion. Literally burning vegetation to provide power. Somehow THIS can be done cleanly and non-polluting, but coal can't be. Don't tell me you can't close the emissions process in using "biomass" of any kind.

The real problem is -- a LOT of the coal plants were New Deal TVA deals and the govt is doing another "unfunded mandate" to upgrade these old plants. Forget mercury -- these coal plants are spewing tons of radioactive byproducts into the atmosphere and as fly ash waste. MUCH MORE of an atomic risk than nuclear..
The goal is to make energy "Rare and Expensive" rather than "Cheap and Plentiful". That's not rhetoric, it's what you get when you're answer to energy is conservative rather than innovation..

The entire coal issue is touchy. On the list of Gaia approved "eco-alternatives" is biomass conversion. Literally burning vegetation to provide power. Somehow THIS can be done cleanly and non-polluting, but coal can't be. Don't tell me you can't close the emissions process in using "biomass" of any kind.

The real problem is -- a LOT of the coal plants were New Deal TVA deals and the govt is doing another "unfunded mandate" to upgrade these old plants. Forget mercury -- these coal plants are spewing tons of radioactive byproducts into the atmosphere and as fly ash waste. MUCH MORE of an atomic risk than nuclear..

We need solutions.

The tree-huggers won't let us build nuke plants, the Chinese are building new coal plants at an alarming rate and we can't stop them from polluting our air.

I'm seeing more regulations and fewer solutions. It's obvious Obama doesn't have any answers so he allows the EPA to regulate us back into the Stone Age.
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Western countries continue to rely heavily on coal-fired power plants built decades ago with outdated, inefficient technology that burn a lot of coal and emit considerable amounts of carbon dioxide. China has begun requiring power companies to retire an older, more polluting power plant for each new one they build.

China Far Outpaces U.S. in Building Cleaner Coal-Fired Plants - NYTimes.com

and idea for the uSA


You can't make coal clean without removing it's usefulness.

There is no such thing as clean coal technology.
govt. funded abortion through Planned Parenthood was funded even through republican controlled Congress and President Bush

Oh, it's Bush's fault.

Okay Sparky.

Can't handle the truth?

Only when it's the truth rather then useless rhetoric.

The new regulations are the issue here, not the old ones, so get with the program and stop trying to score useless political points that skirt the issues being discussed.
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Western countries continue to rely heavily on coal-fired power plants built decades ago with outdated, inefficient technology that burn a lot of coal and emit considerable amounts of carbon dioxide. China has begun requiring power companies to retire an older, more polluting power plant for each new one they build.

China Far Outpaces U.S. in Building Cleaner Coal-Fired Plants - NYTimes.com

and idea for the uSA


You can't make coal clean without removing it's usefulness.
There is no such thing as clean coal technology.

I don't truly buy this.. I believe new designs would be better. At least with regards to particulate matter going into the air. The other problem of waste ash storage and disposable is another matter. And so is CO2 emissions. But if we're concerned mainly with HEALTH effects -- I do believe there IS a "cleaner" coal..

Sad part is -- you won't see this happen if you can't get a license for "new generation" coal plant because the econauts will block ANYTHING COAL sheerly out of spite.
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