We know why you are so desperate cons.

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
We know why you are so desperate cons.

The Statistical State of the Presidential Race - NYTimes.com

Furthermore, there tends to be less movement in the polls in reasonably close elections than in blowouts, when the trailing candidate can sometimes receive a dead-cat bounce, or when the front-runner’s advantage grows from large to larger if the trailing candidate’s supporters are too despondent to turn out, as may have been the case for Walter Mondale’s Democrats in 1984.

And indeed, volatility has been low throughout the campaign. Just as in the stock market, past volatility seems to predict future volatility in the polls.

So this is why, despite the importance of the big picture, we will also need to sweat the small stuff this week. It seems plausible that by seven days from now, the consensus of data could point toward anything from Mr. Obama being a two-point favorite (about where the race was before the conventions) to being as much as six points ahead (as some of his stronger state polls seem to imply). Likewise, he could be at anywhere from about 47 percent of the vote (if his numbers recede from a convention bounce) to 50 percent (if his bounce holds and he inches forward as undecided voters commit.)

This makes an enormous amount of difference. Based on the way that our forecast model calculates it, a candidate ahead by two percentage points at this stage would be about a two-to-one favorite to win — odds that Mr. Romney might have to accept at this stage, improving his position enough to make further gains later. But a candidate ahead by six points would have around a 90 percent chance of victory.
Guess if your going to dream, may as well dream big.

Left wing rags like the times are hoping for a self fulfilling prophesy. Good luck on that.
Not if you ask over 1300 pro-pot, porn, shock jock national radio poll:


Bubba is very pro-Obama too.

Odd trend for such a demographic.

Bubba the Love Sponge® Show
Guess if your going to dream, may as well dream big.

Left wing rags like the times are hoping for a self fulfilling prophesy. Good luck on that.

:clap2: attack the source :lol:

Poor Mitt. But the GOP primary voter selected Mitt Romney over ALL other GOP primary candidates. The least favorite going in, came out the winner. How?

Thank you Citizens United

Guess if your going to dream, may as well dream big.

Left wing rags like the times are hoping for a self fulfilling prophesy. Good luck on that.

:clap2: attack the source :lol:

Poor Mitt. But the GOP primary voter selected Mitt Romney over ALL other GOP primary candidates. The least favorite going in, came out the winner. How?

Thank you Citizens United


So you hate free speech also. Oh hell! Of course you do, your a freaking commiecrat.
WHO is likely to be more shocked at the dumping of the incumbent as the (now all but inevitable) election outcome?


The New York Slimes

President Obama?



Oh dante you're so fine you blow my mind oh dante. oh dante....

The key is the Senate.

I'm ready to kick into high gear October 1. We're going to take the Senate and hold the House.

That's the game.
WHO is likely to be more shocked at the dumping of the incumbent as the (now all but inevitable) election outcome?


The New York Slimes

President Obama?




It appears the Romney campaign's well thought out "I'm not him" strategy is running out of steam.
This will be the one time I will thank citizens united for allowing the weakest Repub candidate to prevail in his primary :clap2:

If this is the weakest Republican candidate ever how does this reflect on your President who cannot break away from him in the polls?
"Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that the First Amendment prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by corporations and unions. The nonprofit group Citizens United wanted to air a film critical of Hillary Clinton and to advertise the film during television broadcasts in apparent violation of the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (commonly known as the McCain–Feingold Act or "BCRA").[2] In a 5–4 decision, the Court held that portions of BCRA §203 violated the First Amendment."

Guess if your going to dream, may as well dream big.

Left wing rags like the times are hoping for a self fulfilling prophesy. Good luck on that.

:clap2: attack the source :lol:

Poor Mitt. But the GOP primary voter selected Mitt Romney over ALL other GOP primary candidates. The least favorite going in, came out the winner. How?

Thank you Citizens United


So you hate free speech also. Oh hell! Of course you do, your a freaking commiecrat.
Free Speech? Super PACs? Hate? They gave President Obama Mitt Romney.

We know why you are so desperate cons.

The Statistical State of the Presidential Race - NYTimes.com

Furthermore, there tends to be less movement in the polls in reasonably close elections than in blowouts, when the trailing candidate can sometimes receive a dead-cat bounce, or when the front-runner’s advantage grows from large to larger if the trailing candidate’s supporters are too despondent to turn out, as may have been the case for Walter Mondale’s Democrats in 1984.

And indeed, volatility has been low throughout the campaign. Just as in the stock market, past volatility seems to predict future volatility in the polls.

So this is why, despite the importance of the big picture, we will also need to sweat the small stuff this week. It seems plausible that by seven days from now, the consensus of data could point toward anything from Mr. Obama being a two-point favorite (about where the race was before the conventions) to being as much as six points ahead (as some of his stronger state polls seem to imply). Likewise, he could be at anywhere from about 47 percent of the vote (if his numbers recede from a convention bounce) to 50 percent (if his bounce holds and he inches forward as undecided voters commit.)

This makes an enormous amount of difference. Based on the way that our forecast model calculates it, a candidate ahead by two percentage points at this stage would be about a two-to-one favorite to win — odds that Mr. Romney might have to accept at this stage, improving his position enough to make further gains later. But a candidate ahead by six points would have around a 90 percent chance of victory.

You must actually live in an alternate Reality. Were Desperate because your Hero and Chief is over seeing the Fall of the US from Power, and economic Disaster.

"Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that the First Amendment prohibited the government from restricting independent political expenditures by corporations and unions. The nonprofit group Citizens United wanted to air a film critical of Hillary Clinton and to advertise the film during television broadcasts in apparent violation of the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (commonly known as the McCain–Feingold Act or "BCRA").[2] In a 5–4 decision, the Court held that portions of BCRA §203 violated the First Amendment."

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In a highly unusual move, Citizens United was re-argued.

The naivete of Justice Kennedy - huge corporate expenditures to aid select political candidates do not give rise to corruption or its appearance - is only surpassed by another idiot conservative Alan Greenspan, - "I made a mistake in assuming that the self-interest of organizations, specifically banks and others, was such that they were capable of protecting their own shareholders."


To emphasize his unhappiness with the majority, Stevens read part of his 90 page dissent from the bench.[26] Stevens concurred in the Court's decision to sustain BCRA's disclosure provisions, but dissented from the principal holding of the majority opinion. The dissent argued that the Court's ruling "threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across the Nation. The path it has taken to reach its outcome will, I fear, do damage to this institution." He wrote: "A democracy cannot function effectively when its constituent members believe laws are being bought and sold."
This will be the one time I will thank citizens united for allowing the weakest Repub candidate to prevail in his primary :clap2:

If this is the weakest Republican candidate ever how does this reflect on your President who cannot break away from him in the polls?

You'll never get an answer to that. The best you will get is, "if Romney's so good why isn't he way ahead." They never answer a direct question.

Any Democrats want to answer that?
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:clap2: attack the source :lol:

Poor Mitt. But the GOP primary voter selected Mitt Romney over ALL other GOP primary candidates. The least favorite going in, came out the winner. How?

Thank you Citizens United


So you hate free speech also. Oh hell! Of course you do, your a freaking commiecrat.
Free Speech? Super PACs? Hate? They gave President Obama Mitt Romney.


I'm going to answer and you can feel free to ding my rep again I don't care.

Citizens United gave coroprations the same rights that unions have always enjoyed. Corporations are owned by share holders, voters, and if they want to use their collective money to advocate for a issue, just like anyother group, they have that right. If you want to get corporations out of politics, how about we start with the unions and aarp? It's an all or nothing proposition, which way do you want it?

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