We knew it would...and here it comes...lefty hysteria. Even earlier than expected!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Xanax and Lithium sales are going to skyrocket!

"But this was a disaster for the president "

"It's beyond depressing."

" He choked. He lost. He may even have lost the election tonight. "

"The liar has managed to make Obama seem dishonest. " [This is my favorite, lololol]

"My wife and I are feeling the same hysteria you're expressing..."

"But hearing Obama defend his record, after hearing Clinton, is painful. Truly painful."

" I find myself bored silly by Obama. If I am bored silly by this wonkish lecture, and his refusal to rebut specific points, i.e. lies, Obama's in trouble."

"It's 9:46, and you're becoming hysterical."

"This is a rolling calamity for Obama. He's boring, abstract, and less human-seeming than Romney! I can't even follow hm half the time. Either exhausted, over-briefed ... or just flailing."

Live-Blogging The First Presidential Debate 2012 - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast
It's hilarious.

Romney is no McCain. The sudden head spinning realization that Obama is not as intelligent as they wanted to believe is too much to handle.

All they have is big bird. Lol.

It's awesome. I'm loving the meltdown.
"It's beyond depressing".

That should be the new Obamotto.
Though "We share your hysteria" is pretty good, too.
My gut tells me that the media is going to abandon Obama. I think they've taken a beating during his tenure as prez, and I think they're going to dump him.

I'm glad, because he can't accomplish shit without them.
My gut tells me that the media is going to abandon Obama. I think they've taken a beating during his tenure as prez, and I think they're going to dump him.

I'm glad, because he can't accomplish shit without them.

Great - they finally stop fellating him one month before it officially ends for him.

It really speaks as to what an epic failure this die-hard Marxist was that he couldn't even garner support for a second term with the media working 24x7 on his behalf.
I think they thought writers for the state (propagandists) are treated WELL by tyrants.
My gut tells me that the media is going to abandon Obama. I think they've taken a beating during his tenure as prez, and I think they're going to dump him.

I'm glad, because he can't accomplish shit without them.

Great - they finally stop fellating him one month before it officially ends for him.

It really speaks as to what an epic failure this die-hard Marxist was that he couldn't even garner support for a second term with the media working 24x7 on his behalf.

See you in November, pal.
My gut tells me that the media is going to abandon Obama. I think they've taken a beating during his tenure as prez, and I think they're going to dump him.

I'm glad, because he can't accomplish shit without them.

To koshergrl: Nice thread.

Media decision makers would have to be idiots not to know he couldn’t win. I think they are stuck in the mode they’ve been in for at least six months: NO LANDSLIDE DEFEAT. Now, it looks they can’t even prevent that.

In the same vain Sarah Palin is right on the money:

Palin Warns: Obama Camp Will Not Go Down Without Swinging; Will Pull Something | RealClearPolitics
My gut tells me that the media is going to abandon Obama. I think they've taken a beating during his tenure as prez, and I think they're going to dump him.

I'm glad, because he can't accomplish shit without them.

Great - they finally stop fellating him one month before it officially ends for him.

It really speaks as to what an epic failure this die-hard Marxist was that he couldn't even garner support for a second term with the media working 24x7 on his behalf.

See you in November, pal.

No you won't... After Oabama loses a landslide election to Romney like Carter did to Reagan, you will be in hiding licking your wounds.

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