WE have it very good here! Thats why people dont 'rise up' or secede.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
This is getting ridiculous. The rednecks of this nation are some spoiled rotten mothertruckers aren't they? Asking why people dont "rise up" or secede. Why? Here is why: We have it good. No, we have it GREAT:

- Our nation has an obesity epedimic. Meaning, we consume far more calories than we WORK off. Yes, we eat too much, and work too little. Billions in the world would envy us. Calories, aka ENERGY, are the core source of human motion, aka, living. We Americans can drive our fat asses up to a drive through window in a massive truck, sit in the air conditioning, and order about 10,000 calories worth of food (more than some get in a whole week in the world)....all for $10-12 dollars. God damn we're spoiled.

- Its hard to secede and 'rise up' when we have air conditioned homes and NFL football on. I mean...fight a revolution, or watch the Ravens vs Broncos with a large pizza? Hmmmm hard choice.

- We're safe. Safer than anyone could dream of. Our military and police have eliminated almost any true threat to the average American. If you avoid the drug world, you'll probably never see more violence than a basic high school or bar fight once or twice in your lifetime. Beware of those papercuts though, they'll get ya!

- Welfare. Yes, our government makes it to where our poor, lazy and disabled DONT SUFFER MUCH! Thats right, they dont suffer much. Depending on our ideology, thats either great or awful. But, my former hometown Atlanta has some very scary neighborhoods full of a lot of potentially violent people. They also have Buckhead, full of rich spoiled people. Why dont the poor, violent thugs of, say, Jonesboro come to Buckhead and do a mass crime spree stealing, killing and raping? Well, because the govt tosses them just enough to get by. Right or wrong...it works. And we have less violence...or "rising up" as a result. (BTW, most red states are welfare states, taking more from the Feds than they give).

So, all you wannabe revolutionaries out there need to basically grow up. You have it so good. You're gonna go somewhere tonight and watch the NFL playoff game. Statistically, you are likely fat, meaning you eat too much, and work TOO LITTLE.

You likely have a car, a roof over your head, heating and air, clean running water, and can own almost any firearm your heart desires, within reasonable limit.

You are the envy of the rest of the world.

And all you can do is whine about rising up?

Grow the hell up. We dont have time for that shit.
We had it good under Reagan, Clinton, Bush 1, Bush 2, and Obama.

We have become the most spoiled, whining, fat, delusional population of crybabies the world has ever seen.

We dont walk out of our homes worried if we, or our families, will be kidnapped by drug gangs for ransom, or if we'll be killed in the cross fire of a civil war, or if we'll get beheaded because of what religion we believe in. We dont go to sleep at night worried if we'll be invaded or bombed overnight. We dont wake up worried where we'll find food for the day. We dont get scared when we hear a winter storm is coming and wonder if we'll survive the cold, or if our families will.

Nope. Our biggest worries are about what we heard on an internet site that the evil government may or may not try to pass a bill about.

God damn, if I didnt love this country so much, I'd leave it.
You can always tell when someone has not rebuttal when they respond with a one-line insult. Not that Im surprised. Why? Read the OP!
they are cowards who will NEVER point their gun at their fellow America.

they are just full of rush and hannity bluster and bullshit.
Good post bucs90. Put things in the right perspective. All this "revolution in waiting" just because there is a desire to lessen mass killings with semi auto rifles. Amazing.

No one I know of wants to ban pistols, shotguns or hunting rifles. Let alone "take" them from the lawful owners. Just want to curb the number or assault style weapons available on the market.

And you would think the world is coming to an end.
they are cowards who will NEVER point their gun at their fellow America.

they are just full of rush and hannity bluster and bullshit.

You do an awful lot of criticism of Hannity, Rush, Levin FOX...tell us how you seem to know so much about all of them?


He reads the The Daily Kos, Huffington Post, and Media Matters so he can get his daily talking points about the right.
they are cowards who will NEVER point their gun at their fellow America.

they are just full of rush and hannity bluster and bullshit.

You do an awful lot of criticism of Hannity, Rush, Levin FOX...tell us how you seem to know so much about all of them?


He reads the The Daily Kos, Huffington Post, and Media Matters so he can get his daily talking points about the right.

When did TM learn to read. Most of her posts are totally unrelated to what's being said.

- Welfare. Yes, our government makes it to where our poor, lazy and disabled DONT SUFFER MUCH! Thats right, they dont suffer much. Depending on our ideology, thats either great or awful. But, my former hometown Atlanta has some very scary neighborhoods full of a lot of potentially violent people. They also have Buckhead, full of rich spoiled people. Why dont the poor, violent thugs of, say, Jonesboro come to Buckhead and do a mass crime spree stealing, killing and raping? Well, because the govt tosses them just enough to get by. Right or wrong...it works. And we have less violence...or "rising up" as a result. (BTW, most red states are welfare states, taking more from the Feds than they give).


There ya go! By your own admission, you give them just enough to get by. That's your whole point, isn't it. Just enough so they are still dependent; not enough to get out of the swamp.
You see the poor as no more than votes, their leaders as no more than black asses you have to kiss occasionally to keep the people from "rising up".

And yet you feel comfortable calling those of us that want to put the poor to work, "racists".

- Welfare. Yes, our government makes it to where our poor, lazy and disabled DONT SUFFER MUCH! Thats right, they dont suffer much. Depending on our ideology, thats either great or awful. But, my former hometown Atlanta has some very scary neighborhoods full of a lot of potentially violent people. They also have Buckhead, full of rich spoiled people. Why dont the poor, violent thugs of, say, Jonesboro come to Buckhead and do a mass crime spree stealing, killing and raping? Well, because the govt tosses them just enough to get by. Right or wrong...it works. And we have less violence...or "rising up" as a result. (BTW, most red states are welfare states, taking more from the Feds than they give).


There ya go! By your own admission, you give them just enough to get by. That's your whole point, isn't it. Just enough so they are still dependent; not enough to get out of the swamp.
You see the poor as no more than votes, their leaders as no more than black asses you have to kiss occasionally to keep the people from "rising up".

And yet you feel comfortable calling those of us that want to put the poor to work, "racists".

I'll be honest, you make a great point. I agree with a lot of what you said. Thats why I voted Republican for the past 20 years. Its a screwed up system, but the system works for the most part.

But I worked in those neighborhoods, and this is just my opinion, but one I'm sure anyone else who worked in similar places would say...taking those handouts away would result in mass violence and chaos in the cities. I know you guys may see those people as just lazy welfare recipients, and if we just force them to work they will.

They mostly wont. Most of them aren't even hireable. Their rap sheets and simple cultural upbringing means they wouldn't last more than a couple weeks working at McDonalds. ITs why they're poor in the first place.

Taking away all those handouts would mean a few decades of violence before it settled. We'd need to double our police forces just to keep the peace in the suburbs. So that money we save in welfare would just be spent on police and jails.

Sorry, thats reality as I saw it, and Im sure nothing has changed.

- Welfare. Yes, our government makes it to where our poor, lazy and disabled DONT SUFFER MUCH! Thats right, they dont suffer much. Depending on our ideology, thats either great or awful. But, my former hometown Atlanta has some very scary neighborhoods full of a lot of potentially violent people. They also have Buckhead, full of rich spoiled people. Why dont the poor, violent thugs of, say, Jonesboro come to Buckhead and do a mass crime spree stealing, killing and raping? Well, because the govt tosses them just enough to get by. Right or wrong...it works. And we have less violence...or "rising up" as a result. (BTW, most red states are welfare states, taking more from the Feds than they give).


There ya go! By your own admission, you give them just enough to get by. That's your whole point, isn't it. Just enough so they are still dependent; not enough to get out of the swamp.
You see the poor as no more than votes, their leaders as no more than black asses you have to kiss occasionally to keep the people from "rising up".

And yet you feel comfortable calling those of us that want to put the poor to work, "racists".

I'll be honest, you make a great point. I agree with a lot of what you said. Thats why I voted Republican for the past 20 years. Its a screwed up system, but the system works for the most part.

But I worked in those neighborhoods, and this is just my opinion, but one I'm sure anyone else who worked in similar places would say...taking those handouts away would result in mass violence and chaos in the cities. I know you guys may see those people as just lazy welfare recipients, and if we just force them to work they will.

They mostly wont. Most of them aren't even hireable. Their rap sheets and simple cultural upbringing means they wouldn't last more than a couple weeks working at McDonalds. ITs why they're poor in the first place.

Taking away all those handouts would mean a few decades of violence before it settled. We'd need to double our police forces just to keep the peace in the suburbs. So that money we save in welfare would just be spent on police and jails.

Sorry, thats reality as I saw it, and Im sure nothing has changed.

You're probably right to a large degree, but I think the actual number of people incapable of holding a job is quite small. Many are in the Criminal Justice System already, for the rest, hunger is a great motivator.
No one is saying to scrap the safety net over night. What I'm saying is it should be painful to be on the dole. Someone collecting checks for sitting on their ass should not be able to do so in a leather upholstered chair.
A cell phone, internet service, cable TV and Porterhouse are not "rights".
If I'm eating Raman noodles because I'm barely squeaking by on my check from McDonald's, your child has no fucking business wearing $200 sneakers and gold teeth.

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