We have been at war since 2001


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
And as one looks on the ruins of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen, and adds up the thousands dead and wounded and trillions sunk and lost, can anyone say our War Party has served us well?

Is Trump the Peace Candidate?
That whole mess they have made should speak volumes but your anti's on here will claim otherwise. By the way Eisenhower thought he could make business work with the devil too.
GB thinks they are warriors of the world's a British Metal song ....
The war party? lol its hard to distinguish which one you are talking about.. they are both filled with neo cons
Actually, there was once upon a time when Obama declared the Iraq War to be over and declared peace on earth and goodwill toward men.
We have been at war since 1953 in Korea. Harry Truman hired an old Soldier who had done his duty in WW1 and retired as COS prior to WW2 to be the commanding officer for ground troops in Korea in 1950. MacArthur never spent a single night in Korea and the old man didn't have anything left when he ordered American Troops to the biggest ambush in military history. The war in Korea should have ended in a year but the combination of the timid president and the possibly mentally impaired "Old Soldier" resulted in a three year stalemate and the loss of 50,000 American Troops and we ended up where we started. The liberal media which had become the propaganda arm of the democrat party refused to cover the negligence of the Truman administration and instead classified the Korean Conflict as the "forgotten war".

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