We could use some HEAT here man!


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
I had some meetings down at the USGS offices in Menlo Park on Monday so yook my camera along for the trip as I was going to take Hwy 88 (a VERY beautiful drive) and was curious as to what the snow conditions were like up over the passes. Well they are awesome! At Carson Pass there is still over 12 feet of snow and very dense. The Sierra snow pack average right now is at 128% of normal with the maximum being 213% of normal and the minimum being 71% of normal for various regions. The area I was travelling through is at 168% of normal for most of the area and 112% for the rest. When I came back yesterday it was snowing again and another 8 inches was added to the region.

Warmest March in history eh old fraud?

Enjoy the pictures!


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I had soem meetings down at the USGS offices in Menlo Park on Monday so yook my camera along for the trip as I was going to take Hwy 88 (a VERY beautiful drive) and was curious as to what the snow conditions were like up over the passes. Well they are awesome! At Carson Pass there is still over 12 feet of snow and very dense. The Sierra snow pack average right now is at 128% of normal with the maximum being 213% of normal and the minimum being 71% of normal for various regions. The area I was travelling through is at 168% of normal for most of the area and 112% for the rest. When I came back yesterday it was snowing again and another 8 inches was added to the region.

Warmest March in history eh old fraud?

Enjoy the pictures!

Tha lake is Caples Lake and it is STILL completely iced over. The latest ice breakup I have personally heard of. Silver Lake which is another 800 to 1000 feet lower is likewise completely iced over with just the bear hint of the edges starting to melt. Kirkwood is still completely covered in snow.


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I had soem meetings down at the USGS offices in Menlo Park on Monday so yook my camera along for the trip as I was going to take Hwy 88 (a VERY beautiful drive) and was curious as to what the snow conditions were like up over the passes. Well they are awesome! At Carson Pass there is still over 12 feet of snow and very dense. The Sierra snow pack average right now is at 128% of normal with the maximum being 213% of normal and the minimum being 71% of normal for various regions. The area I was travelling through is at 168% of normal for most of the area and 112% for the rest. When I came back yesterday it was snowing again and another 8 inches was added to the region.

Warmest March in history eh old fraud?

Enjoy the pictures!

Tha lake is Caples Lake and it is STILL completely iced over. The latest ice breakup I have personally heard of. Silver Lake which is another 800 to 1000 feet lower is likewise completely iced over with just the bear hint of the edges starting to melt. Kirkwood is still completely covered in snow.

And here is the snow coming down.


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As I posted in another thread, the local news reported last night that April and May combined are the coldest on record ever for the Bay Area.

We could use us some of that Global Warming right about now.
After one of the warmest winters, a very cool spring in Oregon.

Yet, the western US is hardly a major portion of the world. The rest of the world has been having a record heat spell.
Don't you know that any weather, cold or hot, is because of Globull Warming? What the hell is wrong with you people? :rolleyes:

PS- They'll be Skiing in Mammoth until July 4th this year!!!
It's been nearly 90 degrees here in Chicago for the last few days. I can't remember it ever being this warm so early in the year.
I had some meetings down at the USGS offices in Menlo Park on Monday so yook my camera along for the trip as I was going to take Hwy 88 (a VERY beautiful drive) and was curious as to what the snow conditions were like up over the passes. Well they are awesome! At Carson Pass there is still over 12 feet of snow and very dense. The Sierra snow pack average right now is at 128% of normal with the maximum being 213% of normal and the minimum being 71% of normal for various regions. The area I was travelling through is at 168% of normal for most of the area and 112% for the rest. When I came back yesterday it was snowing again and another 8 inches was added to the region.

Warmest March in history eh old fraud?

Enjoy the pictures!

Lesson on the "Theory of Evaporation". When the sun heats up the ocean, water goes way up high. And we know that water "way up high" freezes. Frozen water is called "snow". More snow means "higher levels of evaporation" from increased heat.

Did that really have to be "explained"?
I had some meetings down at the USGS offices in Menlo Park on Monday so yook my camera along for the trip as I was going to take Hwy 88 (a VERY beautiful drive) and was curious as to what the snow conditions were like up over the passes. Well they are awesome! At Carson Pass there is still over 12 feet of snow and very dense. The Sierra snow pack average right now is at 128% of normal with the maximum being 213% of normal and the minimum being 71% of normal for various regions. The area I was travelling through is at 168% of normal for most of the area and 112% for the rest. When I came back yesterday it was snowing again and another 8 inches was added to the region.

Warmest March in history eh old fraud?

Enjoy the pictures!

Lesson on the "Theory of Evaporation". When the sun heats up the ocean, water goes way up high. And we know that water "way up high" freezes. Frozen water is called "snow". More snow means "higher levels of evaporation" from increased heat.

Did that really have to be "explained"?

only to you
After one of the warmest winters, a very cool spring in Oregon.

Yet, the western US is hardly a major portion of the world. The rest of the world has been having a record heat spell.

They don't understand that "higher temperatures" means "greater precipitation". Do they know that "precipitation" is "snow"?
I had some meetings down at the USGS offices in Menlo Park on Monday so yook my camera along for the trip as I was going to take Hwy 88 (a VERY beautiful drive) and was curious as to what the snow conditions were like up over the passes. Well they are awesome! At Carson Pass there is still over 12 feet of snow and very dense. The Sierra snow pack average right now is at 128% of normal with the maximum being 213% of normal and the minimum being 71% of normal for various regions. The area I was travelling through is at 168% of normal for most of the area and 112% for the rest. When I came back yesterday it was snowing again and another 8 inches was added to the region.

Warmest March in history eh old fraud?

Enjoy the pictures!

Lesson on the "Theory of Evaporation". When the sun heats up the ocean, water goes way up high. And we know that water "way up high" freezes. Frozen water is called "snow". More snow means "higher levels of evaporation" from increased heat.

Did that really have to be "explained"?

only to you

It was explained to me. But apparently not to them.

What is your problem anyway? You never add an original thought or an interesting comment. Only what you imagine is a "bon mot".
After one of the warmest winters, a very cool spring in Oregon.

Yet, the western US is hardly a major portion of the world. The rest of the world has been having a record heat spell.

They don't understand that "higher temperatures" means "greater precipitation". Do they know that "precipitation" is "snow"?

I understand that a warmer world would mean more precipitation, because warmer air can hold far more moisture then cold air, but a warmer world(being a warming world) would also have higher snow levels and less snow overall within area's that are marginal. But cold area's like the antarctic would have a increase in snowfall on the other...So dry cold areas would have a increase in snowfall, but areas that are already borderline would have much less. But it don't explain away natural cycles that have happen thousands of times in the past. Sure some area's will become drier, but overall being that a huge land area of Russia and Canada will more favorable for food production-good thing.
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One of the basic predictions of global warming.

The Weather swings will be wider and wilder, with an overall warming.

A warmer would would have less temperature gradient between the poles and the tropics overall, which should lead to a weaker jet stream with less strong extratropical development. Possibly even a farther northward jet stream for us in the northwest. At least in a couple studies I've read. Tropical cyclone development some believe should become more intense on the upper end, but some like dr.william gray believe that shear should increase in which could make it harder for them to develop. Some disagree with him.
After one of the warmest winters, a very cool spring in Oregon.

Yet, the western US is hardly a major portion of the world. The rest of the world has been having a record heat spell.

Really? Where?

China record cold, Mongolia record cold, the UK record cold, France and the rest of Europe record cold. Russia record cold. Oh my I guess it was really bloody cold out there.
I had some meetings down at the USGS offices in Menlo Park on Monday so yook my camera along for the trip as I was going to take Hwy 88 (a VERY beautiful drive) and was curious as to what the snow conditions were like up over the passes. Well they are awesome! At Carson Pass there is still over 12 feet of snow and very dense. The Sierra snow pack average right now is at 128% of normal with the maximum being 213% of normal and the minimum being 71% of normal for various regions. The area I was travelling through is at 168% of normal for most of the area and 112% for the rest. When I came back yesterday it was snowing again and another 8 inches was added to the region.

Warmest March in history eh old fraud?

Enjoy the pictures!

Lesson on the "Theory of Evaporation". When the sun heats up the ocean, water goes way up high. And we know that water "way up high" freezes. Frozen water is called "snow". More snow means "higher levels of evaporation" from increased heat.

Did that really have to be "explained"?

One of the basic predictions of global warming.

The Weather swings will be wider and wilder, with an overall warming.

As has been stated before the AGW crowd has predicted EVERYTHING
Of course you're going to get one right when you predict everything....jeez, you dips have no imagination at all!

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