We banned a flag not too long ago...HEY what about this one? A very long rant...


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
To the leftists here:

You wanted to ban this flag when some white boy shot up a black church. You got your wish:


Not soon after the massacre, a picture of Dylann Roof was found where he was sporting a Confederate flag, and then again not soon after, liberals behaved as if banning that flag would somehow bring those poor souls who died in Charleston back to life. It didn't. If it were only that simple.

But when a black gay man kills two people on live TV, what would have been the reaction if people began calling for a ban of the Gay Pride Flag? This flag does represent him, does it not?


If you want to ban one flag when someone goes on a killing spree, why don't we ban all of them? Sins have been committed under all sorts of banners and flags. Banning the flags will not undo any of the crimes.

But here liberals are, using the very same narrative which they once viewed as a defense of racism, hatred, slavery, or even the murderer himself to defend a flag which represented the sexual preference of the man who murdered two people. What if we used that same logic against gay rights activists? That flying that flag is a defense of the man who killed two people in cold blood?

Even in her ignorance, the woman in the tweet below asks an important question. How does removing (banning) a flag change someone's actions? It doesn't. But here we are, fighting over which flags to ban when some psychopath goes on a killing spree. My gosh, such petty arguments over such things as pieces of fabric. Why aren't we condemning the person instead of the flag? Why are we blaming the flag or the weapon he used? On a separate note, a number of you liberals want to ban firearms when a perceived conservative commits a mass murder, however, when a gay black man commits murder, no longer is he the perpetrator, but the firearm itself. How I wish you knew how much of a double standard is being perpetrated here.

If only all of you (both sides now) realized how colossally hypocritical your narratives are. Ban one, keep the other. Ban, ban, ban, ban! This offends me! Ban it! Ban all the things! Wow. No... I can't even... just... just stop. Seriously.


If you're about to use the same narrative you criticize, you will have a bad time.
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You are either confused or very stupid. It wasn't banned, it was moved. That flag wasn't moved because a guy shot a bunch of blacks. It was moved because it has been a symbol of oppression since the civil war. It was virtually forgotten until the KKK took it as a symbol, and wasn't displayed on public property until civil rights were granted. Only a racist idiot would say it was banned (again, it was not) because of roof.
You are either confused or very stupid. It wasn't banned, it was moved.

Moved. Banned. What's the difference? Removing it from the public view or hiding it away is essentially banning it.

That flag wasn't moved because a guy shot a bunch of blacks. It was moved because it has been a symbol of oppression since the civil war.

That's a lie and you know it. Yes the flag represented those things; but had he not done what he did, we wouldn't even be talking about it, now would we?

It was virtually forgotten until the KKK took it as a symbol, and wasn't displayed on public property until civil rights were granted. Only a racist idiot would say it was banned (again, it was not) because of roof.

I love how you have deluded yourself into thinking that way. Hey, why didn't you push this argument before he did it? I mean it represented slavery and oppression before he killed those folks, I wonder why you weren't so eager to have it banned or moved at that point in time? Where was all of this fervent rhetoric then?

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Nobody banned the flag. They removed the battle flag of a treasonous army away from government grounds. And that battle has been taking place long before Dylan Roof shot up that church. All he did was draw renewed public attention to it.
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And that battle has been taking place long before Dylan Roof shot up that church

I'm not even referring to what happened in the SC state capitol. I am referring to all of the other displays of the flag that were removed or taken down because of the shooting in Charleston (oka: a kneejerk reaction).

And just for kicks, why this, and why did it take a shooting to make this happen?

House votes to ban Confederate flags at federal cemeteries


Suddenly our very history is offensive. Why, all of a sudden, did we decide to get rid of it now? And why do we desecrate the resting places of our dead to meet such an end?

Protesters start to DIG UP body of Confederate general in Memphis

I cannot honestly believe the excuse that "it represented this that or the other thing, therefore it had to be removed." Sure. If you say so.

(By the way, you owe me some twinkies pal. Pay up or I'll find you.)
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You are either confused or very stupid. It wasn't banned, it was moved.

Moved. Banned. What's the difference? Removing it from the public view or hiding it away is essentially banning it.

That flag wasn't moved because a guy shot a bunch of blacks. It was moved because it has been a symbol of oppression since the civil war.

That's a lie and you know it. Yes the flag represented those things; but had he not done what he did, we wouldn't even be talking about it, now would we?

It was virtually forgotten until the KKK took it as a symbol, and wasn't displayed on public property until civil rights were granted. Only a racist idiot would say it was banned (again, it was not) because of roof.

I love how you have deluded yourself into thinking that way. Hey, why didn't you push this argument before he did it? I mean it represented slavery and oppression before he killed those folks, I wonder why you weren't so eager to have it banned or moved at that point in time? Where was all of this fervent rhetoric then?

If you don't know the difference between moved and banned, you are stupider than I thought. Look in a dictionary.
That flag has been a source of contention for a long time. I'm not sure how a functioning person could not be aware of that. The murders did serve to focus the ongoing outrage of a racist symbol with a treasonous past being flown over public property, and the country as a whole just decided it had been long enough. Moving it would have never happened without the years of work that went into the fight to get it moved. Yes I was for moving it long before those murders. Millions of us were. I guess someone as uninformed as you are has trouble understanding that.
And that battle has been taking place long before Dylan Roof shot up that church

I'm not even referring to what happened in the SC state capitol. I am referring to all of the other displays of the flag that were removed or taken down because of the shooting in Charleston (oka: a kneejerk reaction).

And just for kicks, why this, and why did it take a shooting to make this happen?

House votes to ban Confederate flags at federal cemeteries


Suddenly our very history is offensive. Why, all of a sudden, did we decide to get rid of it now?

(By the way, you owe me some twinkies pal. Pay up or I'll find you.)

You ever see a flock of birds in a field. All of them ready to fly, but none will until one bird decides he has waited long enough. Within a second or two, they all follow. Think of it like that.
I'm not sure how a functioning person could not be aware of that. The murders did serve to focus the ongoing outrage of a racist symbol with a treasonous past being flown over public property, and the country as a whole just decided it had been long enough.

Of course, but we're missing the bigger picture here. If we're going to display that much outrage over that one flag, why not the gay flag? Hmm? The man claimed to be gay, and that flag is a banner for the LGBT movement. Why this kind of absurdity, why this double standard?

Yes I was for moving it long before those murders. Millions of us were. I guess someone as uninformed as you are has trouble understanding that.

Cute, as much as you like insulting me, I already knew it was a source of contention. I remember well when I was in middle school how our state decided to change the Georgia State flag. Now, as I did then, I didn't think it was a problem. Nor do these people:


Believe me, being a southerner, it's a point to keep up with this kind of thing. I'm in the thick of it. You? You're just thick headed. Excuse me.
Children who are raised under the rainbow flag will be more likely to adopt a gay lifestyle, and you know it! And, NO we're not about to sit around and wait ten years for the statistics to prove this fact!
To the leftists here:

You wanted to ban this flag when some white boy shot up a black church. You got your wish:


Not soon after the massacre, a picture of Dylann Roof was found where he was sporting a Confederate flag, and then again not soon after, liberals behaved as if banning that flag would somehow bring those poor souls who died in Charleston back to life. It didn't. If it were only that simple.

But when a black gay man kills two people on live TV, what would have been the reaction if people began calling for a ban of the Gay Pride Flag? This flag does represent him, does it not?


If you want to ban one flag when someone goes on a killing spree, why don't we ban all of them? Sins have been committed under all sorts of banners and flags. Banning the flags will not undo any of the crimes.

But here liberals are, using the very same narrative which they once viewed as a defense of racism, hatred, slavery, or even the murderer himself to defend a flag which represented the sexual preference of the man who murdered two people. What if we used that same logic against gay rights activists? That flying that flag is a defense of the man who killed two people in cold blood?

Even in her ignorance, the woman in the tweet below asks an important question. How does removing (banning) a flag change someone's actions? It doesn't. But here we are, fighting over which flags to ban when some psychopath goes on a killing spree. My gosh, such petty arguments over such things as pieces of fabric. Why aren't we condemning the person instead of the flag? Why are we blaming the flag or the weapon he used? On a separate note, a number of you liberals want to ban firearms when a perceived conservative commits a mass murder, however, when a gay black man commits murder, no longer is he the perpetrator, but the firearm itself. How I wish you knew how much of a double standard is being perpetrated here.

If only all of you (both sides now) realized how colossally hypocritical your narratives are. Ban one, keep the other. Ban, ban, ban, ban! This offends me! Ban it! Ban all the things! Wow. No... I can't even... just... just stop. Seriously.


If you're about to use the same narrative you criticize, you will have a bad time.

If you think you can get rainbow flags banned, then by all means, go for it.
I'm ALL for banning that flag. It's become a symbol of hate and is waved in our faces and on YOUR WHITE HOUSE to say. fxxk you
You are either confused or very stupid. It wasn't banned, it was moved.

Moved. Banned. What's the difference? Removing it from the public view or hiding it away is essentially banning it.

That flag wasn't moved because a guy shot a bunch of blacks. It was moved because it has been a symbol of oppression since the civil war.

That's a lie and you know it. Yes the flag represented those things; but had he not done what he did, we wouldn't even be talking about it, now would we?

It was virtually forgotten until the KKK took it as a symbol, and wasn't displayed on public property until civil rights were granted. Only a racist idiot would say it was banned (again, it was not) because of roof.

I love how you have deluded yourself into thinking that way. Hey, why didn't you push this argument before he did it? I mean it represented slavery and oppression before he killed those folks, I wonder why you weren't so eager to have it banned or moved at that point in time? Where was all of this fervent rhetoric then?


As of June, the places where the Confederate flag has been banned:

Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation last year prohibiting state agencies from selling or displaying items bearing the flag. (August 21, 2014)

South Carolina
Following the Charleston shooting, governor Nikki Haley called on Monday for the flag to be removed from the statehouse grounds. On Tuesday, legislators proposed a measure to consider removing the flag. (June 22, 2015)

Lawmakers in the state are planning to remove the emblem from the state flag. (June 23, 2015)

Virginia's governor has moved to have the flag banished from state license plates. (June 23, 2015)

Governor Nathan Deal apparently wants to redesign the state's license plates. (June 23, 2015)

On Wednesday morning, governor Robert Bentley ordered the flag removed from state capitol grounds. (June 24, 2015)

Sears and Kmart
Sears Holdings, which operates Kmart and Sears, will no longer allow third parties to sell Confederate-themed merchandise online. (June 22, 2015)

The world's largest retailer has taken down reproductions of the Confederate flag from its physical and online stores. "We don't want to offend anyone with the products that we offer," spokesman Brian Nicksaid in a statement. (June 22, 2015)

The online auction site has vowed to ban the listing of Confederate flags and items. (June 23, 2015)

On Tuesday afternoon, a spokesperson confirmed the company would pull Confederate flag merchandise. (June 23, 2015)

The newly-public company announced on Tuesday it would remove all Confederate flag products. (June 23, 2015)

Google Shopping
The company plans to pull paraphernalia with images of the flag, it said Tuesday. (June 23, 2015)

Warner Bros.
The "General Lee," the iconic Dodge Charger from the TV series The Dukes of Hazzard, is aboutto lose its roof emblem. (June 23, 2015)

Annin Flagmakers
The nation's oldest and largest flag manufacturer will stop making and selling the Confederate flag. (June 24, 2015)

The National Park Service
NPS said Wednesday that it's asking "associations, concessions, and partners to voluntarily withdraw sales in their stores of Confederate flags and other items, such as stickers, that depict the Confederate flag as a stand-alone feature." (June 24, 2015)

Spencer Gifts
The novelty shop is yet another to stop selling Confederate flag merchandise. (June 24, 2015)

"As our industry works collectively to ensure that all fans are welcome at our races, NASCAR will continue our long-standing policy to disallow the use of the Confederate Flag symbol in any official NASCAR capacity," the company said recently. (June 23, 2015)
I'm not sure how a functioning person could not be aware of that. The murders did serve to focus the ongoing outrage of a racist symbol with a treasonous past being flown over public property, and the country as a whole just decided it had been long enough.

Of course, but we're missing the bigger picture here. If we're going to display that much outrage over that one flag, why not the gay flag? Hmm? The man claimed to be gay, and that flag is a banner for the LGBT movement. Why this kind of absurdity, why this double standard?

Yes I was for moving it long before those murders. Millions of us were. I guess someone as uninformed as you are has trouble understanding that.

Cute, as much as you like insulting me, I already knew it was a source of contention. I remember well when I was in middle school how our state decided to change the Georgia State flag. Now, as I did then, I didn't think it was a problem. Nor do these people:


Believe me, being a southerner, it's a point to keep up with this kind of thing. I'm in the thick of it. You? You're just thick headed. Excuse me.

You need to make up your mind. First you say nobody cared before, and then you say you were aware that many people were always opposed to the flag being flown. Admit it. You are just mad because that symbol of hatred was finally removed, and you are looking for something to fight back with, The gay flag is nothing like the confederate battle flag.

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