We are little more than CANNIBALS!


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
My turkey doesn't know what's in store for it while it innocently bides it's time defrosting in the fridge. As if being murdered, plucked, and frozen stiff wasn't enough, when the door finally opens, it will be grabbed by it's ankles and tossed onto a counter. Advanced kung-foolery will be used to pierce it's abdomen and rip out it's heart and liver...just because you can't hear it scream doesn't mean it isn't. ((((SHUDDER)))). Then it's stuffed full of stuffing, it's legs tied together, and finally the poor thing is tossed into an incinerator....slowly being roasted alive/dead/whatever. When that's over with, the bird will be tossed on a platter and carved into bite-size pieces....((((THE HORROR)))) What's the matter with us? I should maybe be ashamed of what I'm about to do but I'm not, and then I'll eat the poor thing....and nobody can stop me. The FBI, the CIA, the Highway Patrol...even the President can't stop me! :funnyface:

The worst part. There are rednecks out there who fuck turkeys. Can you imagine? Your last memory before being slaughtered is getting railed by Cletus.
The worst part. There are rednecks out there who fuck turkeys. Can you imagine? Your last memory before being slaughtered is getting railed by Cletus.

Why are you prejudiced against red necks, you’re painting us with a broad brush, don’t blame me for what my brother does with his turkeys.

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