We are facing death in Iraq for no reason


Oct 2, 2003
Another letter from a serviceman. It's from September, but I don't think I saw it here. Interesting that it didn't get much attention in the US. I just found it translated in a Spanish mag I subscribe to, and looked it up in English for any of you that might be interested. In the US, it was only published in two papers, one his hometown rag from Peoria, and the other the LA Times.


Tim Predmore
Friday September 19, 2003
The Guardian

For the past six months, I have been participating in what I believe to be the great modern lie: Operation Iraqi Freedom.
After the horrific events of September 11 2001, and throughout the battle in Afghanistan, the groundwork was being laid for the invasion of Iraq. "Shock and awe" were the words used to describe the display of power that the world was going to view upon the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom. It was to be an up-close, dramatic display of military strength and advanced technology from within the arsenals of the American and British military.

But as a soldier preparing to take part in the invasion of Iraq, the words "shock and awe" rang deep within my psyche. Even as we prepared to depart, it seemed that these two great superpowers were about to break the very rules that they demanded others obey. Without the consent of the United Nations, and ignoring the pleas of their own citizens, the US and Britain invaded Iraq. "Shock and awe"? Yes, the words correctly described the emotional impact I felt as we embarked on an act not of justice, but of hypocrisy.

From the moment the first shot was fired in this so-called war of liberation and freedom, hypocrisy reigned. After the broadcasting of recorded images of captured and dead US soldiers on Arab television, American and British leaders vowed revenge while verbally assaulting the networks for displaying such vivid images. Yet within hours of the deaths of Saddam Hussein's sons, the US government released horrific photographs of the two dead brothers for the entire world to view. Again, a "do as we say and not as we do" scenario.

As soldiers serving in Iraq, we have been told that our purpose is to help the people of Iraq by providing them with the necessary assistance militarily, as well as in humanitarian efforts. Then tell me where the humanity is in the recent account in Stars and Stripes (the newspaper of the US military) of two young children brought to a US military camp by their mother in search of medical care.

The two children had, unknowingly, been playing with explosive ordnance they had found, and as a result they were severely burned. The account tells how, after an hour-long wait, they - two children - were denied care by two US military doctors. A soldier described the incident as one of many "atrocities" on the part of the US military he had witnessed.

Thankfully, I have not personally been a witness to atrocities - unless, of course, you consider, as I do, that this war in Iraq is the ultimate atrocity.

So what is our purpose here? Was this invasion because of weapons of mass destruction, as we have so often heard? If so, where are they? Did we invade to dispose of a leader and his regime because they were closely associated with Osama bin Laden? If so, where is the proof?

Or is it that our incursion is about our own economic advantage? Iraq's oil can be refined at the lowest cost of any in the world. This looks like a modern-day crusade not to free an oppressed people or to rid the world of a demonic dictator relentless in his pursuit of conquest and domination, but a crusade to control another nation's natural resource. Oil - at least to me - seems to be the reason for our presence.

There is only one truth, and it is that Americans are dying. There are an estimated 10 to 14 attacks every day on our servicemen and women in Iraq. As the body count continues to grow, it would appear that there is no immediate end in sight.

I once believed that I was serving for a cause - "to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States". Now I no longer believe that; I have lost my conviction, as well as my determination. I can no longer justify my service on the basis of what I believe to be half-truths and bold lies.

With age comes wisdom, and at 36 years old I am no longer so blindly led as to believe without question. From my arrival last November at Fort Campbell, in Kentucky, talk of deployment was heard, and as that talk turned to actual preparation, my heart sank and my doubts grew. My doubts have never faded; instead, it has been my resolve and my commitment that have.

My time here is almost done, as well as that of many others with whom I have served. We have all faced death in Iraq without reason and without justification. How many more must die? How many more tears must be shed before Americans awake and demand the return of the men and women whose job it is to protect them, rather than their leader's interest?

· Tim Predmore is a US soldier on active duty with the 101st Airborne Division, based near Mosul in northern Iraq. A version of this article appeared in the Peoria Journal Star, Illinois
What a remarkable account. Since you read the Spanish press (as I'm unable to do) I'd be interested to get your opinions on how impressions of the war among Spanish speakers have changed, if at all.
hmmm. Well, that's hard to say. In the beginning, 90% of Spain was against the war, and I myself participated in a protest here in Madrid that by even conservative accounts approached a million participants. Here, getting behind the war before hand was an easy thing to do. But we've seen various local elections since then, and the ruling party responsible for Spain's inexplicable support of the war in the face of so much dissension went unpunished. So, malaise, forgetfulness, whatever, I can't really explain it. There are many calls from the opposition to bring Spanish troops home, but as Spanish participation is limited, well, so is the public response. In the streets, I know no Spaniard who is not highly sceptical of the motives behind this war, but apparently, the majority don't feel strongly enough to cast votes based on this issue. Spanish politics is a very complicated business. It has been fascinating learning their history and present character.

I thought this letter was interesting because of it's take on the "soldier's duty", which has become a topic on some other threads. Also for it's take on the funny phrases our military frequently developes for operations: "shock and awe" I think pretty much sums it up. Our objective was to terrorize the world. And of course, the hypocrisy of it all...
:) Yes, our soldeirs die there for no reason. They do their job well, but we have a poor commander in chief. He must be fired.

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