We all used to sing...


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2008
I saw a news clip on TV not long ago. It reminded of something I 'd all but forgotten. Most of you have probably already seen it on you tube, but for those of you that haven't the show was Britain's Got Talent and here was this dowdy little old Scottish lady, standing strong as the audience jeered shouted get of the stage, while the judges all looked on with looks that said surely you jest and the lamentable Simon Cowell licked his chops in anticipation of the butt chewing he was going to give the old bag for wasting his time.

Then she started to sing. The jeers turned to cheers and if Simon Cowells's jaw had drop another 2 inches he'd have knocked out all his front teeth as it impacted the judges stand.

Indeed, we all used to sing; soldiers on the way to and from the battle field, construction workers keeping cadence as they carried heavy loads among them, tinkers and tailors, soldiers and sailors, rich men and poor men. I still do. Sometime though, after FDR took power, we decided to leave the singing to the professionals and both music and our souls are the poorer for it.

You see that's what troubles me about this brve new socialist world order Obama is in the process of ushering in. Bureaucrats don't have the time nor are they willing to take the time even if they have it to see each of us as the unique individual each of us is. In this brave new socialist World order this middle aged Scottish lady never gets heard and the world misses out because the bureaucrats who will soon run every facet of our lives won't ever let her get close to a stage not because they have anything against her mind you but because like that audience before they heard that wonderful voice echo through the hall she's not what they're looking for. She's not what they expect when they hear the word singer so obviously she can't be a singer whatever she thinks to the contrary.

That's the world we're getting folks. The one in which no one ever takes the time to read beyond the cover of the book. And we will all miss out and we shall all be the poorer for it.
I saw a news clip on TV not long ago. It reminded of something I 'd all but forgotten. Most of you have probably already seen it on you tube, but for those of you that haven't the show was Britain's Got Talent and here was this dowdy little old Scottish lady, standing strong as the audience jeered shouted get of the stage, while the judges all looked on with looks that said surely you jest and the lamentable Simon Cowell licked his chops in anticipation of the butt chewing he was going to give the old bag for wasting his time.

Then she started to sing. The jeers turned to cheers and if Simon Cowells's jaw had drop another 2 inches he'd have knocked out all his front teeth as it impacted the judges stand.

Indeed, we all used to sing; soldiers on the way to and from the battle field, construction workers keeping cadence as they carried heavy loads among them, tinkers and tailors, soldiers and sailors, rich men and poor men. I still do. Sometime though, after FDR took power, we decided to leave the singing to the professionals and both music and our souls are the poorer for it.

You see that's what troubles me about this brve new socialist world order Obama is in the process of ushering in. Bureaucrats don't have the time nor are they willing to take the time even if they have it to see each of us as the unique individual each of us is. In this brave new socialist World order this middle aged Scottish lady never gets heard and the world misses out because the bureaucrats who will soon run every facet of our lives won't ever let her get close to a stage not because they have anything against her mind you but because like that audience before they heard that wonderful voice echo through the hall she's not what they're looking for. She's not what they expect when they hear the word singer so obviously she can't be a singer whatever she thinks to the contrary.

That's the world we're getting folks. The one in which no one ever takes the time to read beyond the cover of the book. And we will all miss out and we shall all be the poorer for it.

In many ways, I can see where you are coming from....

That is....except every place where you put the word liberal or bureaucrats....

I so wish that you and others would stop trying to put the blame on to a "side of the aisle" or on to a political side... :( it would go alot farther perhaps, with less bickering and more self evaluation...

because truthfully, it is the "people" of this country or Britain or a number of other countries that choose to classify or identify, with what they perceive as the type of person that should fill a certain position....or what a successful person in a certain position, including the art of entertaining, should look like, especially when it comes to women imo.

Susan Boyle was so gifted with her voice....I watched and rewatched the you tube of it at least 10 times with goose bumps and tears, then began all over again when my husband got home from work to show him....who also wanted to rewatch it.

I don't know if you have ever heard of the term, "Reaping what you sow"....but the cold, waxed over feelings as PEOPLE seem to become more and more numb in the ability to sympathize or empathize with others, especially for others with less than them, whether it be monitary or it be in our God given "looks"....the worse we become on the whole as humans, as people...imo...and to use another term, "Someday, it will come back to bite ya!"....they or we, will reap what we sow....

Yes, we judge people all the time, just by appearance....we are cold as ice lately, on the whole....and this is not a political thing or bureaucratic thing, it is US, AS PEOPLE that let ourselves become so numb....and dumb...and a number of other things as well...we do have free will...after all...at least I believe we do!

I still think Susan Boyle can use a makeover....not for all of us, but for herself...I just did 3 weeks down in Florida at my mom and dad's, and my mom planned a whole makeover for me....just a bunch of small little things that I would never think of paying for anymore.... now that I am a homemaker and not working outside of the home anymore, so money is precious and limited....

anyway, new hair color, new hair cut, saw the dermatologist to rid me of some brown spots (from too much sun ladies, so be careful of your sun worship when you are young! :) ) that could have been precancerous, she bought me some new clothes and shoes and nighties, got my teeth whitened and cleaned at her dentist and a few other things over the 3 weeks i was there....it was totally unexpected, and the simple life I have been living was just fine with me...it's not like all the other women don't just cut their own hair and color it at home up in Maine anyway, and that's only after six months of the gray hair you got showing....but it sure DID make me feel good, better about myself....

and I don't even know why...but I had a bounce in my step...like i was my old lasso apso after she had gone to the doggy groomer and came home with bows in her hair on her head....she had an extra skip in her walk, she knew she was "pretty" again! hahahahaha!

Well, anyway, this is girl stuff...but it does relate to another thread that I had skimmed over on whether susan boyle should get a make over....and I guess i was ranting on...about such...

.in the kindest of ways, even if susan does not think she needs a makeover of any kind, I think she would personally love it and love herself more, if she does it...even if she fights it tooth and nail....

Oh, and there is NO WAY IN THE WORLD would you or any of my excoworkers want to hear me sing....(i sing great, in my head...it's just when it comes out...it ain't pretty...let's just say that!!!! lol)

but my husband is a singer and he makes up for all the singing I don't do and all the talent I am lacking! :D
I saw a news clip on TV not long ago. It reminded of something I 'd all but forgotten. Most of you have probably already seen it on you tube, but for those of you that haven't the show was Britain's Got Talent and here was this dowdy little old Scottish lady, standing strong as the audience jeered shouted get of the stage, while the judges all looked on with looks that said surely you jest and the lamentable Simon Cowell licked his chops in anticipation of the butt chewing he was going to give the old bag for wasting his time.

Then she started to sing. The jeers turned to cheers and if Simon Cowells's jaw had drop another 2 inches he'd have knocked out all his front teeth as it impacted the judges stand.

Indeed, we all used to sing; soldiers on the way to and from the battle field, construction workers keeping cadence as they carried heavy loads among them, tinkers and tailors, soldiers and sailors, rich men and poor men. I still do. Sometime though, after FDR took power, we decided to leave the singing to the professionals and both music and our souls are the poorer for it.

You see that's what troubles me about this brve new socialist world order Obama is in the process of ushering in. Bureaucrats don't have the time nor are they willing to take the time even if they have it to see each of us as the unique individual each of us is. In this brave new socialist World order this middle aged Scottish lady never gets heard and the world misses out because the bureaucrats who will soon run every facet of our lives won't ever let her get close to a stage not because they have anything against her mind you but because like that audience before they heard that wonderful voice echo through the hall she's not what they're looking for. She's not what they expect when they hear the word singer so obviously she can't be a singer whatever she thinks to the contrary.

That's the world we're getting folks. The one in which no one ever takes the time to read beyond the cover of the book. And we will all miss out and we shall all be the poorer for it.

I see your intentions in your post, I really do. But when you try to blame this on the current president, that's where you lose me. You honestly don't think the world was like this even a year ago? You don't think America, with it's love of reality shows and tabloid magazines and internet gossip was like this in 2007or 2008?

You know who is "keeping her" from the World Stage?

The media, the people that watch those shows where you vote people off because you don't like them, and people who do judge on looks alone.

None of this has to do with politics, it has to do with what Americans of ALL beliefs have let happen, and what they settle for something called "Entertainment."
You obviously miss the point and didn't pick up on Roosevelt either.

You should also perhaps understand that I don't figure bureaucrats as belonging to any specific party though they certainly can.

While it is certainly true that individuals also will not find talent where they are unwilling to look individuals do not have the right to prevent other individuals from looking there. Bureaucrats, whether they work for a governemnt bureaucracy or a corporation, do.

My wife is a better singer than I am. But I have always sung. I know at least some of the words to as many as 200 songs and the music to about half of them;)
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