Watching History Repeat Itself


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
actions and responses.

Anti-semitism has been building in Europe for decades, the US now is quickly catching up-from the top, down. Same with 'blame the rich,' really I guess that's just code for the Jews and their 'lackeys.' Just like then, it's weird to see how many Jews join in on the bash Israel bandwagon, guess they think it's enlightened? (((shrug)))

Loss of jobs, loss of land values, credit tightening, helplessness. Someone must be blamed.

Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest
actions and responses.

Anti-semitism has been building in Europe for decades, the US now is quickly catching up-from the top, down. Same with 'blame the rich,' really I guess that's just code for the Jews and their 'lackeys.' Just like then, it's weird to see how many Jews join in on the bash Israel bandwagon, guess they think it's enlightened? (((shrug)))

Loss of jobs, loss of land values, credit tightening, helplessness. Someone must be blamed.

Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

Some truth in this.

I think Israel is not beyond critic but it is quite obvious that when they deserve it - it is handed out on a very large scale. This last incident almost justifies war to some. When Israel is at the recieving end, attacks are often briefly commented.

Media usually print names of killed Palistinians to an higher extent than they do killed Israelians. (IMO, no facts).

I tend to do this myself a bit - and the reason is that I feel that Israel is... hard to explain... I expect more from them. They are on the same wavelength... (make any sense?)
So, where I can think that the Israels shouldn't have beaten this or that guy - a guy beaten by Hamas should consider himself lucky.
Perhaps this isn't totally fair, but it is very far from anti semitism. It comes from holding Israel in high regards to begin with.

On this MB however I think it matters less. It is almost a non-issue. Here we can find anti semites, nazis, racists, radical islamists and all other -ists there are. Although I find the hateful, biased and dehumaning speech going on here a bit sad, it it also good. It confirms that there need to be a force focusing on humanity, human values and compassion. It would be worse if people died in the real world - and no one had any feelings at all. If this place was quitet.
I fail to see how defending one's country has zip to do with being held to a higher standard. Indeed it seems that the only acceptable response Israel can make is to use rifles against missiles sent by Iran through Gaza. Now Israel should just allow that to happen.

Personally I'd like to see the response of our fellow NATO member if this comes off:

Ideas for ?reverse flotillas? gain steam

Ideas for ‘reverse flotillas’ gain steam
Israeli groups mull sailing toward Turkey to "remind the world of Turkish hypocrisy."

Although most of the recent talk regarding flotillas has revolved around ships sailing toward Gaza, at least two plans have emerged for “reverse flotillas” – from Israel toward Turkey – to highlight what organizers have labeled the Turks’ “shameless hypocrisy” in their criticisms of the Jewish state.

The most ambitious of the two plans has been devised by members of Israel’s National Student Union, who this week announced their intention to set sail toward Turkey, in an effort to bring humanitarian aid to the “oppressed people of Turkish Kurdistan” and to members of the “Turkish Armenian minority.”
history? the history that doesnt matter....after all i am told time and time again that the uss liberty...doesnt was too many years ago blah blah blah...

neither side cares about peace....when americans realize this and stop paying both sides for a peace that will never be....perhaps then they will truly need peace.
actions and responses.

Anti-semitism has been building in Europe for decades, the US now is quickly catching up-from the top, down. Same with 'blame the rich,' really I guess that's just code for the Jews and their 'lackeys.' Just like then, it's weird to see how many Jews join in on the bash Israel bandwagon, guess they think it's enlightened? (((shrug)))

Loss of jobs, loss of land values, credit tightening, helplessness. Someone must be blamed.

Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

The most interesting thing to me, coming from Sweden is that it speaks about peace at all cost. Something Sweden embraced a little too much during WWII. (There wasn't a question of military power, Sweden had none - but from not beeing able to stand up for what you think is right, to collaborating with what you know is wrong - that is a huge differance)
Perhaps, the worst of all isn't always war.
actions and responses.

Anti-semitism has been building in Europe for decades, the US now is quickly catching up-from the top, down. Same with 'blame the rich,' really I guess that's just code for the Jews and their 'lackeys.' Just like then, it's weird to see how many Jews join in on the bash Israel bandwagon, guess they think it's enlightened? (((shrug)))

Loss of jobs, loss of land values, credit tightening, helplessness. Someone must be blamed.

Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

The most interesting thing to me, coming from Sweden is that it speaks about peace at all cost. Something Sweden embraced a little too much during WWII. (There wasn't a question of military power, Sweden had none - but from not beeing able to stand up for what you think is right, to collaborating with what you know is wrong - that is a huge differance)
Perhaps, the worst of all isn't always war.

War may not always be the worst response, but it's always better to respond forcefully through diplomatic means, before the problem devolves into war. I believe that was the point of the piece I originally posted.
I fail to see how defending one's country has zip to do with being held to a higher standard. Indeed it seems that the only acceptable response Israel can make is to use rifles against missiles sent by Iran through Gaza. Now Israel should just allow that to happen.
Isn't it a question of scale? If every single action is cosidered to be "all-in" everything in the end only is about which poulation is going to die.

History will have repeated itself no matter who gets genocided.

The most important thing to me, in order to avoid this, is to focus our attention on the civilian population - not being satisified with any killing, mistreating or opressing of civilians. Much like we haven't ever done.
everyone seems more than willing to amp things up in the middle east....

i have wondered if the new reverse floatilla will become a reality....i see just endless nightmares there...

i.e. if the reserves floatilla is boarded and people are killed...what will the opinions be there?
I fail to see how defending one's country has zip to do with being held to a higher standard. Indeed it seems that the only acceptable response Israel can make is to use rifles against missiles sent by Iran through Gaza. Now Israel should just allow that to happen.
Isn't it a question of scale? If every single action is cosidered to be "all-in" everything in the end only is about which poulation is going to die.

History will have repeated itself no matter who gets genocided.

The most important thing to me, in order to avoid this, is to focus our attention on the civilian population - not being satisified with any killing, mistreating or opressing of civilians. Much like we haven't ever done.

I have to disagree. The problem grows through institutionalization of the prejudices, through media, then officials. In this country the election of those that look to Europe and 'religious' leaders for guidance on this particular issue stand squarely with the elite of the past. We're heading for the same disastrous results if changes aren't made.
actions and responses.

Anti-semitism has been building in Europe for decades, the US now is quickly catching up-from the top, down. Same with 'blame the rich,' really I guess that's just code for the Jews and their 'lackeys.' Just like then, it's weird to see how many Jews join in on the bash Israel bandwagon, guess they think it's enlightened? (((shrug)))

Loss of jobs, loss of land values, credit tightening, helplessness. Someone must be blamed.

Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest

The most interesting thing to me, coming from Sweden is that it speaks about peace at all cost. Something Sweden embraced a little too much during WWII. (There wasn't a question of military power, Sweden had none - but from not beeing able to stand up for what you think is right, to collaborating with what you know is wrong - that is a huge differance)
Perhaps, the worst of all isn't always war.

War may not always be the worst response, but it's always better to respond forcefully through diplomatic means, before the problem devolves into war. I believe that was the point of the piece I originally posted.

Where do you think (And Sweden during WWII is a great example) the line goes between the inability to act with force and collaboration? One could argue that placing yourself in a situation where you can't act is collaboration to start with...
On the other hand there are nations like China, bordering nations that cannot ever hope to have ability to do anything in reality...
do you not think the institualization of anti semitic views has a lot to do with the attitude of the governement of israel....or do you think its just a swing back? that america had become too pro israel and now the country is turning away from that?

i do not put much in the word of thomas...she is an 80 yr old woman from lebanese ancestory....
but i was shocked she said what she said.

i am shocked to see people discussing david duke as a viable political option.

you know i would like to cant come to the death camps again....but in reality...i see fucking crazy going on....and just getting crazier...i am just not sure at this point who they will be trying to place in death camps....but i do hope, as a country...we resist this...not only with the jewish people but with all people.
genocide goes on daily.... we need to fight it daily.

I have to disagree. The problem grows through institutionalization of the prejudices, through media, then officials. In this country the election of those that look to Europe and 'religious' leaders for guidance on this particular issue stand squarely with the elite of the past. We're heading for the same disastrous results if changes aren't made.

I don't get that really. I would think the jews in particular is somewhat safeguarded by history now. It's the jews we think about when we say "never again"...
do you not think the institualization of anti semitic views has a lot to do with the attitude of the governement of israel....or do you think its just a swing back? that america had become too pro israel and now the country is turning away from that?
I was thinking along the same line...

But I also feel in Europe there has always been people waiting for Israel to screw up, enabling them to scream out loud. The media has been biased. That by turn maybe is because Israel have always had U.S.A. backing them up. I don't know...
you know i would like to cant come to the death camps again....but in reality...i see fucking crazy going on....and just getting crazier...i am just not sure at this point who they will be trying to place in death camps....but i do hope, as a country...we resist this...not only with the jewish people but with all people.

I don't think it will happen in this conflict. They eyes of the world is watching. We only have to have learned a little more since 1939 to be able to avoid this. We only have to keep the eye on the civilians. Never close our eyes on when some people treat other people as less human.
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but it does seem to be.."never again to us"....i am certianly not pro israel....but do i see this coming to the point of repeating

the me is a rock and hard place. you have many peoples claiming the same holy grounds...each willing to die for the land they hold or wish to hold. israel has fought for its existence since it began. they have developed a seige mentality and who can blame them? but this has become their weakness ....hamas and the arabs know a simple nip at the heels of israel will bring a major reaction....this peace floatilla is a prime example of that. as with the embargos.....the problem...after a while people forget what bitches the underdog is...and strart siding with them....they are being starved etc...but people forget why it all began.
actions and responses.

Anti-semitism has been building in Europe for decades, the US now is quickly catching up-from the top, down. Same with 'blame the rich,' really I guess that's just code for the Jews and their 'lackeys.' Just like then, it's weird to see how many Jews join in on the bash Israel bandwagon, guess they think it's enlightened? (((shrug)))

Loss of jobs, loss of land values, credit tightening, helplessness. Someone must be blamed.

Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest


Blame the rich is not AT ALL the same as blame the Jews.

The only people who buy into that are antisemites.

Most of the rich people I know (and who I would seriously consider hanging) are not Jews.

The sociopathic rich cannot hide behind the Jews, folks.

Some of them are, without a doubt, Jews, but then too MOST of these selfish sociopathic monsters are not.

Each person needs to be judged on his or her own merits.

Stop thinking like racist morons and start looking at the FACTS.
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actions and responses.

Anti-semitism has been building in Europe for decades, the US now is quickly catching up-from the top, down. Same with 'blame the rich,' really I guess that's just code for the Jews and their 'lackeys.' Just like then, it's weird to see how many Jews join in on the bash Israel bandwagon, guess they think it's enlightened? (((shrug)))

Loss of jobs, loss of land values, credit tightening, helplessness. Someone must be blamed.

Walter Russell Mead's Blog - The American Interest


Blame the rich is not AT ALL the same as blame the Jews.

The only people who buy into that are antisemites.

Most of the rich people I know (and who I would seriously consider hanging) are not Jews.

The sociopathic rich cannot hide behind the Jews, folks.

Some of them are, without a doubt, Jews, but then too MOST of these selfish sociopathic monsters are not.

Each person needs to be judged on his or her own merits.

Stop thinking like racist morons and start looking at the FACTS.

You are simply jealous. Your rant shows that clearly. If only YOU had the money.

You make ignorant comments at all rich and then say " each person needs to be judged on his or her own merits"

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