Watch: CNN calls Trump supporters stupid illeterate rednecks


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
This is CNN. During a discussion regarding the impeachment show trial, Don Lemon and a pair of talking heads devolved into imitating southern accents and declaring that anyone who can read or spell is an elitist, in an effort to mock Trump voters as stupid rednecks.
Watch: CNN Calls Trump Supporters Stupid Illiterate Rednecks

Oh look at the liars and losers who smear lies to their sheep to believe and these are you unethical loser pigs who have nno regard for anyone but themselves. Leftist are selfish pigs. Watch how these c....lose it all because right now these low life scum think their deep state Hitler is protecting them lmfao..... Your gonnna fall pigs just keep pushing your superior stuck up attitudes you dehumanized scum.
I was just in another thread, where a lib was attacking Trump supporters for supporting Trump, who just "told them what they wanted to hear.", while I was arguing that Trump crafted policies that served their interests.

These people have such contempt for us, that they can't contain it, even when they know they should, and then attack us, for not thinking that they are on our side.

D'uh. YOu are not on our side. YOu are hostile to us. We are not going to support you.

That you think we are stupid for not supporting you, when you are so obviously hostile to us, is you being fucked in the head, not us.
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yeah and we'd say try again and dam Trump haters are always fknn lying

meanwhile, there is PROOF out of the ass on Trump haters being the most violent assholes onn earth

ANTIFA ring a bell


Trump Haters Physically Attacking Trump Supporters - The Daily Coin

I have not watched CNN for three years, but I have read that its ratings are sinking and that it has become a laughingstock in the media world.

So if CNN insults someone, that person should consider the insult as a badge of honor.
CNN is ground zero for Trump hate. It has become the de facto mouthpiece for Democratic attacks on the President but they choose to attack American citizens as well. The question is Who are the real deplorables? American citizens exercising their Constitutional Rights or partisan hacks like Don Lemon who use the power of their position to denigrate American citizens? Stinky Finger Lemon is an enemy of the State.
This is CNN. During a discussion regarding the impeachment show trial, Don Lemon and a pair of talking heads devolved into imitating southern accents and declaring that anyone who can read or spell is an elitist, in an effort to mock Trump voters as stupid rednecks.
Watch: CNN Calls Trump Supporters Stupid Illiterate Rednecks

Oh look at the liars and losers who smear lies to their sheep to believe and these are you unethical loser pigs who have nno regard for anyone but themselves. Leftist are selfish pigs. Watch how these c....lose it all because right now these low life scum think their deep state Hitler is protecting them lmfao..... Your gonnna fall pigs just keep pushing your superior stuck up attitudes you dehumanized scum.

Well you can’t spell illiterate correctly even though it’s in the title of your linked article, so they may have a point
Liberal insults is how Trump rallys went from 60,000 to 175,000. Hillary lost the election when she called us deplorables.

It gladdens me to see this fingerpointing.

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