Watch a Demonically Possessed Man

Has to be at least a dozen demons in there getting all pissed an old lady is praying to God.

Brian Sims @BrianSimsPA

Here is a picture of a demon right after he devoured Romney's soul.

You believe that humans are possessed by demons???

Dear Lysistrata
Some can be, similar to viral parasites that invade a host; demonic entities feed off negative energy when people
don't forgive past abuses but carry them in continuing a vicious cycle that perpetuates sickness on a deep addictive abusive level.

Examples of well publicized cases of people sick with demonic voices and obsessions:
* Coral Eugene Watts, serial killer obsessed with seeing "demons" in women
* David Berkowitz formerly "Son of Sam" serial killer who was later healed of his demonic obsession
and started ministerial outreach to publicize the need for criminally ill people to get cured as he did, but BEFORE they commit crimes
Son of Hope: Testimony of David Berkowitz
* Andrea Yates, who explained that "voices in her head claiming to be angels" compelled her to kill her children while they were innocent would guarantee them entrance into heaven. These voices would not leave her alone until she obeyed them.

If you want to read what Scott Peck observed when applying deliverance and exorcism as therapy to
two "incureable" Schizophrenic patients, I recommend his book "Glimpses of the Devil" where
he observed demonic behavior pattern in patients, as well as their stages of response to therapy

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