Washington Post Reports on Stormfront/Obama

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004

A site that drew a few thousand visitors per day in 2002 has expanded into Black's full-time job, attracting more than 40,000 unique users each day who can post on 54 different message boards, he said. Black has enlisted 40 moderators and his 19-year-old son to help run Stormfront.

Thoughts from the source:


We in the pro-white movement love to talk about how this or that event will "wake up white people" and the revolution will kick off. I generally don't believe that, but you gotta admit, with a black President and a First Lady who shoots kill whitey rays from her eyes, the pro-white groups start to look just a little bit less nutty.
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The younger Black should get into politics when he comes of age. THAT WOULD BE INTERESTING!

I think more pro-white folks SHOULD get into politics, but the Jewish system will crush them if they make a peep. So, they usually run as conservatives.

I think more pro-white folks SHOULD get into politics, but the Jewish system will crush them if they make a peep. So, they usually run as conservatives.

I wouldn't be sure about that. I suspect there is at least as much distaste for undue Jewish influence in the USA and anti-Zionisism in as many democrats as republicans. Who knows, maybe even more. Why do you think all the zionist Jews are flocking over to the neocon direction? And that the most conservative cable news network, FOX, is nothing more than a zionist fantasy land.
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I wouldn't be sure about that. I suspect there is at least as much distaste for undue Jewish influence in the USA and anti-Zionisism in as many democrats as republicans. Who knows, maybe even more.

I hope you're right. But the Israel-firsters make a lot of noise, and the America-firsters hang quietly in the back. They don't have allies in academia, in the media, in the think tanks, etc. I just read this incredible account in The New Yorker about one Sheldon Adelson, third-richest man in America and a huge Israel booster. It was pretty disgusting. The article's honesty about him was a nice departure from the crap you get on Fox.
Wolf Blitzer: A card carrying member of AIPAC who also just so happens to be a well known, well followed mainstream media figurehead with plenty of influence over people's perception.

Just for example. Is there not a conflict of interest there?

A site that drew a few thousand visitors per day in 2002 has expanded into Black's full-time job, attracting more than 40,000 unique users each day who can post on 54 different message boards, he said. Black has enlisted 40 moderators and his 19-year-old son to help run Stormfront.

Thoughts from the source:

Washington Post reports on StormFront, Obama - Stormfront White Nationalist Community

We in the pro-white movement love to talk about how this or that event will "wake up white people" and the revolution will kick off. I generally don't believe that, but you gotta admit, with a black President and a First Lady who shoots kill whitey rays from her eyes, the pro-white groups start to look just a little bit less nutty.

Dream on, jackboot cowboy.
You know what they say...

First they laugh at you.

Then they get mad at you.

Then they they say they agreed with you all along!
I hope you're right. But the Israel-firsters make a lot of noise, and the America-firsters hang quietly in the back. They don't have allies in academia, in the media, in the think tanks, etc. I just read this incredible account in The New Yorker about one Sheldon Adelson, third-richest man in America and a huge Israel booster. It was pretty disgusting. The article's honesty about him was a nice departure from the crap you get on Fox.

Dude this forum itself should be evidence enough. Look at all these fuckers that pretend to be right on most issues. They can't trip over themselves fast enoguh to get their tongue up the asshole of some of the most perverted zionist history:

I've got a few friends who are just brainwashed by their churches into worshiping modern Jewish people. And on their side it is really a sick fascination because for their aspirations to come true these people they worship have to be slaughtered in some new great world war.

Until Nationalist wield a solid voting block like Evangelicals, no politician will ever listen. We're much more likely to be faced down by 4AM FBI/BATF raids than a nodding Congressman (especially after the 2010 Census). The problem is that while we have to start out being a constituent we most not allow ourselves to be relegated to another stop on the campaign trail. Once we have a voice, we must make the political establishment yield to it.

As long as the movement is split between nationalist, separatist, supremacist, fascist, constitutionalist, theocrats, libertarians, anarchist, and luddites nothing will emerge.
I've got a few friends who are just brainwashed by their churches into worshiping modern Jewish people. And on their side it is really a sick fascination because for their aspirations to come true these people they worship have to be slaughtered in some new great world war.

Until Nationalist wield a solid voting block like Evangelicals, no politician will ever listen. We're much more likely to be faced down by 4AM FBI/BATF raids than a nodding Congressman (especially after the 2010 Census). The problem is that while we have to start out being a constituent we most not allow ourselves to be relegated to another stop on the campaign trail. Once we have a voice, we must make the political establishment yield to it.

As long as the movement is split between nationalist, separatist, supremacist, fascist, constitutionalist, theocrats, libertarians, anarchist, and luddites nothing will emerge.

I could sign on to a NATIONALIST PARTY. After all, I do think america should put Americans first.

But the White supremacy and Jewish supremeacy on this board doesn't much impress me, to be frank.

While I'm on the subject of america first I think we ought to outlaw duel citizenships, altogether

Shit or get off the pot.

You're either an American citzen or your not.

Enough with this I'm a citizen of someplace else AND the USA, crap.
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Is not it amazing? Jews are hated all over the world, mistreated, 6 million gassed, and yet you guys insist they run everything. I love the logic flaw in your premise.
Is not it amazing? Jews are hated all over the world, mistreated, 6 million gassed, and yet you guys insist they run everything. I love the logic flaw in your premise.

no--they own things and have the most powerful lobby in Washington. What happens to all the screaming about "church and state" when it comes to Jews? Oh I get it--it doesn't say "synagogue and state".
Is not it amazing? Jews are hated all over the world, mistreated, 6 million gassed, and yet you guys insist they run everything. I love the logic flaw in your premise.

Spot on.

I much prefer the Illuminati run the world theory.

After all, anyone can be part of that organization, so there's still hope that you or I might be recruited into that elite circle if you buy into it.
Is not it amazing? Jews are hated all over the world, mistreated, 6 million gassed, and yet you guys insist they run everything. I love the logic flaw in your premise.
A.) Who is you guys?

B.) Really? The Jews are hated in Bangkok? What about in Iceland? In Teirra Del Fuego?

C.) Since several Presidents have been assassinated I guess that means that no American President has ever had power.

editec said:
Spot on.

I much prefer the Illuminati run the world theory.

After all, anyone can be part of that organization, so there's still hope that you or I might be recruited into that elite circle if you buy into it.
Somehow, you always show a bright and sunny side of the darkest day. :D
Honorary Member of the Vast Illuminati Conspiracy since 2003.

I could sign on to a NATIONALIST PARTY. After all, I do think america should put Americans first.
Yeah, but have you seen some of the knuckleheads that create these things? It never works out well here and over yonder in Europe, it gets people dead. The Minor Third Party used to be a good function as it was powerful enough to turn the heads of the Big Two but not powerful enough to get their reactionary schemes into power. Except for the Libertarian Party, America no longer has that function.

For instance Ross Perot, what did he stand for?
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