Was Mitt Romney really the GOPs best candidate?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Was Mitt Romney really the GOP's best candidate? - The Week

Republicans had better options — but those people didn't run: Romney was "head and shoulders above candidates like Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. Former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, might have been more electable, but primary voters weren't interested. If Romney was the best the GOP had, though, it was because the rivals who "might have posed a challenge" to him — "Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels, and Marco Rubio come to mind" — didn't run

The GOP primaries damage even strong candidates: Romney is "robotic" and "severely out of touch," says Richard Cohen at The Washington Post, but the GOP's "real problem" is its "incredibly damaging" primary system. It forces everyone to pander to the right so much "that it all but dooms the winner." The resultant "brain drain" is why, in 1980, Ronald Reagan had to beat a future president and two future Senate leaders, but Romney just had to outshine "a bunch of nobodies" who weren't "remotely qualified."
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he was the best the republican power structure could come up with this year.
Was Mitt Romney really the GOP's best candidate? - The Week

Republicans had better options — but those people didn't run: Romney was "head and shoulders above candidates like Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. Former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, might have been more electable, but primary voters weren't interested. If Romney was the best the GOP had, though, it was because the rivals who "might have posed a challenge" to him — "Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels, and Marco Rubio come to mind" — didn't run

The GOP primaries damage even strong candidates: Romney is "robotic" and "severely out of touch," says Richard Cohen at The Washington Post, but the GOP's "real problem" is its "incredibly damaging" primary system. It forces everyone to pander to the right so much "that it all but dooms the winner." The resultant "brain drain" is why, in 1980, Ronald Reagan had to beat a future president and two future Senate leaders, but Romney just had to outshine "a bunch of nobodies" who weren't "remotely qualified."

Quit being so fucking stupid and dishonest. There's not a Republican on earth you would approve of and we all know it.
Was Mitt Romney really the GOP's best candidate? - The Week

Republicans had better options — but those people didn't run: Romney was "head and shoulders above candidates like Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. Former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, might have been more electable, but primary voters weren't interested. If Romney was the best the GOP had, though, it was because the rivals who "might have posed a challenge" to him — "Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels, and Marco Rubio come to mind" — didn't run

The GOP primaries damage even strong candidates: Romney is "robotic" and "severely out of touch," says Richard Cohen at The Washington Post, but the GOP's "real problem" is its "incredibly damaging" primary system. It forces everyone to pander to the right so much "that it all but dooms the winner." The resultant "brain drain" is why, in 1980, Ronald Reagan had to beat a future president and two future Senate leaders, but Romney just had to outshine "a bunch of nobodies" who weren't "remotely qualified."

Ultimately, Huntsman shares many of Mitt's current views. The big difference is that he's always held them..and you know what you are getting. Additionally, he proved he can work with anyone.

Mitt? Not so much. His vaunted time as Governor saw many vetoes. And he left office with record unpopularity.
Was Mitt Romney really the GOP's best candidate? - The Week

Republicans had better options — but those people didn't run: Romney was "head and shoulders above candidates like Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. Former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, might have been more electable, but primary voters weren't interested. If Romney was the best the GOP had, though, it was because the rivals who "might have posed a challenge" to him — "Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels, and Marco Rubio come to mind" — didn't run

The GOP primaries damage even strong candidates: Romney is "robotic" and "severely out of touch," says Richard Cohen at The Washington Post, but the GOP's "real problem" is its "incredibly damaging" primary system. It forces everyone to pander to the right so much "that it all but dooms the winner." The resultant "brain drain" is why, in 1980, Ronald Reagan had to beat a future president and two future Senate leaders, but Romney just had to outshine "a bunch of nobodies" who weren't "remotely qualified."

Republicans had better options — but those people didn't run

Told you that a long time ago. A lot of really good people who could do good for this country won't run because of the stupid demomcraps and their politics of personal destruction so stfu already.
Barack Obama? I mean really. That's guys interviews are painful to watch. He is awful without a speech. Realistic sampling has Obama getting his ass kicked and that's before the debates. That's the best Dems can do? They need to bring back Clinton. Oh wait.
Was Mitt Romney really the GOP's best candidate? - The Week

Republicans had better options — but those people didn't run: Romney was "head and shoulders above candidates like Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. Former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, might have been more electable, but primary voters weren't interested. If Romney was the best the GOP had, though, it was because the rivals who "might have posed a challenge" to him — "Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels, and Marco Rubio come to mind" — didn't run

The GOP primaries damage even strong candidates: Romney is "robotic" and "severely out of touch," says Richard Cohen at The Washington Post, but the GOP's "real problem" is its "incredibly damaging" primary system. It forces everyone to pander to the right so much "that it all but dooms the winner." The resultant "brain drain" is why, in 1980, Ronald Reagan had to beat a future president and two future Senate leaders, but Romney just had to outshine "a bunch of nobodies" who weren't "remotely qualified."

Quit being so fucking stupid and dishonest. There's not a Republican on earth you would approve of and we all know it.

I voted Republican for 20 years.....Reagan and Daddy Bush twice each

I could go with Jeb....but the rest are nasty pond scum
Was Mitt Romney really the GOP's best candidate? - The Week

Republicans had better options — but those people didn't run: Romney was "head and shoulders above candidates like Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. Former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, might have been more electable, but primary voters weren't interested. If Romney was the best the GOP had, though, it was because the rivals who "might have posed a challenge" to him — "Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels, and Marco Rubio come to mind" — didn't run

The GOP primaries damage even strong candidates: Romney is "robotic" and "severely out of touch," says Richard Cohen at The Washington Post, but the GOP's "real problem" is its "incredibly damaging" primary system. It forces everyone to pander to the right so much "that it all but dooms the winner." The resultant "brain drain" is why, in 1980, Ronald Reagan had to beat a future president and two future Senate leaders, but Romney just had to outshine "a bunch of nobodies" who weren't "remotely qualified."

Quit being so fucking stupid and dishonest. There's not a Republican on earth you would approve of and we all know it.

I voted Republican for 20 years.....Reagan and Daddy Bush twice each

I could go with Jeb....but the rest are nasty pond scum

Yeah all the good things Romney has done compared to Obama makes him pond scum ... what a POS he is.
Quit being so fucking stupid and dishonest. There's not a Republican on earth you would approve of and we all know it.

I voted Republican for 20 years.....Reagan and Daddy Bush twice each

I could go with Jeb....but the rest are nasty pond scum

Yeah all the good things Romney has done compared to Obama makes him pond scum ... what a POS he is.

What "good" things?

I mean aside from creating jobs in China..and making people who are wealthy much wealthier?
Was Mitt Romney really the GOPs best candidate?

Of course not. He was the one picked by the media arm of the DNC. Everyone else either had an affair or leased hunting property that once had a forbidden word painted on a rock or was a crazy lady or an insane, out of touch isolationist.
Romney was hand picked the same way McCain and Bob Dole were and the savagery only began once the nomination was sewn up.
Was Mitt Romney really the GOPs best candidate?

Of course not. He was the one picked by the media arm of the DNC. Everyone else either had an affair or leased hunting property that once had a forbidden word painted on a rock or was a crazy lady or an insane, out of touch isolationist.
Romney was hand picked the same way McCain and Bob Dole were and the savagery only began once the nomination was sewn up.

Oh please.

These were the candidates that Rove, the Koch Brothers and much of the 1% wanted to see up there.

The tea party types like Bachmann, lost their luster when everyone had a real good look.
The current Republican primary process consumes its victims and spits out a candidate incapable of winning a general election.

Republican candidates are forced to injest Tea Party dogma and reverse previously held views on Abortion, taxes, global warming and healthcare

The result is candidates who are doomed to fail
We'll find out if Romney was the best candidate during his first term, starting January 2013...

What say you House?

Have you actually endorsed anyone yet or are you just going to wait till Romney loses and throw him under the bus?
Thankfully, Republicans picked our own candidate this time, Dems picked Juan McCain last time
We'll find out if Romney was the best candidate during his first term, starting January 2013...

What say you House?

Have you actually endorsed anyone yet or are you just going to wait till Romney loses and throw him under the bus?

Romney is the best choice to remove the mistake that is Barry 0bama...

Was Barry the right choice for the Democratics? It's not looking too good for him right now...
We'll find out if Romney was the best candidate during his first term, starting January 2013...

What say you House?

Have you actually endorsed anyone yet or are you just going to wait till Romney loses and throw him under the bus?

Romney is the best choice to remove the mistake that is Barry 0bama...

Was Barry the right choice for the Democratics? It's not looking too good for him right now...

Oh...this is great

I get to label House as a Romney supporter from now on

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