Was America more divided under Bush...or Obama?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I truly don't know how much more bitter our citizens can become towards each other than we are now. I know it can get much worse. Hell, in 1861-65 we had a Civil War where we literally killed countless of our people. So it can get much worse and has. But in today's era of massive government and globalization, I doubt Civil War would happen again, just not possible.

That said, how in the hell did we get this way? Obama has polarized this nation even more than under Bush. Thats impressive. He was supposed to be a man who united us. Oh well, so much for that.

Diversity in thought is a great thing, but it also shows we'll never agree. Our country is so diverse that some group is always gonna be the victim. Many groups, you know who you are.....are addicted to victimhood. They thirst for being offended.

So, we'll probably be bitter to each other for a few more decades, and play the victimhood game to gain political power back and forth until one day the nation just collapses.

China and Russia are laughing their asses off at us.
I truly don't know how much more bitter our citizens can become towards each other than we are now. I know it can get much worse. Hell, in 1861-65 we had a Civil War where we literally killed countless of our people. So it can get much worse and has. But in today's era of massive government and globalization, I doubt Civil War would happen again, just not possible.

That said, how in the hell did we get this way? Obama has polarized this nation even more than under Bush. Thats impressive. He was supposed to be a man who united us. Oh well, so much for that.

Diversity in thought is a great thing, but it also shows we'll never agree. Our country is so diverse that some group is always gonna be the victim. Many groups, you know who you are.....are addicted to victimhood. They thirst for being offended.

So, we'll probably be bitter to each other for a few more decades, and play the victimhood game to gain political power back and forth until one day the nation just collapses.

China and Russia are laughing their asses off at us.

You seem to have a obsession with the idea that this country is going to collapse. Just a little over a year ago, you were calling for the CIA to make President Obama resign because otherwise this country was going to collapse.
I truly don't know how much more bitter our citizens can become towards each other than we are now. I know it can get much worse. Hell, in 1861-65 we had a Civil War where we literally killed countless of our people. So it can get much worse and has. But in today's era of massive government and globalization, I doubt Civil War would happen again, just not possible.

That said, how in the hell did we get this way? Obama has polarized this nation even more than under Bush. Thats impressive. He was supposed to be a man who united us. Oh well, so much for that.

Diversity in thought is a great thing, but it also shows we'll never agree. Our country is so diverse that some group is always gonna be the victim. Many groups, you know who you are.....are addicted to victimhood. They thirst for being offended.

So, we'll probably be bitter to each other for a few more decades, and play the victimhood game to gain political power back and forth until one day the nation just collapses.

China and Russia are laughing their asses off at us.

You seem to have a obsession with the idea that this country is going to collapse. Just a little over a year ago, you were calling for the CIA to make President Obama resign because otherwise this country was going to collapse.

Well....have you even attempted to listen to anyone who is making predictions for the future? And I don't just mean political idealogues, I mean various sources.

For example, and I'll try to find the link, a group of scientists mentioned that if the entire world consumed at the level of the United States, the planet could only sustain 2 billion people.

Or that Social Security is either gonna have to be slashed, or go bankrupt.

Or that the economy is looking more and more like it's not recovering from a recession, but rather just a small increase before a possible massive drop again?

Of course, we could fix all this mess. You're right. We could definitely avoid most hard times in the future with the proper fixes. But that means we'd have to get along, make the hard choices financially, and put reality in front of emotional pet projects and entitlements. We just might...MIGHT...have to offend some people. We just might have to piss some people off. We might have to tell some people "no more". That the free ride is over.

Does that sound like the current "us"?

Or are we instead the type of people that put a problem off until it's almost too late and deal with the consequences then. Hell, just look how disgusting and fat most people have gotten. Then we bitch about wanting healthcare to fix the problems our fat asses caused by overeating and poor nutrition.

Yeah, you're right. Lets just sing koombaya and say all is well.
The whole wedge issue thing is as old as the hills but it went into overdrive with Reagan and his whole Panama Canal idiocy. Once Lee Atwater got a hold of that shit..it got cool to be a batshit crazy radical.
Here is one of them: The Financial Crisis of 2015 .: Economic Crisis in US

But lefties are right. Ignore Greece. It won't happen to us. We can just print more money. After all, we can't dare make people go hungry or so no to entitlements. We'll.....somehow figure something out. ANYTHING except spending less, right? So what if milk gets to $6-7 a gallon. Or a loaf of bread is $8. We'll be ok!
The whole wedge issue thing is as old as the hills but it went into overdrive with Reagan and his whole Panama Canal idiocy. Once Lee Atwater got a hold of that shit..it got cool to be a batshit crazy radical.

You're right. Now....it's even ok for the president to have befriended a terrorist who bombed cops and the Pentagon. Or to be mentored by a preacher who spews racism and hatred for his country every Sunday...well, maybe just the Sunday's Barack wasn't there. Heck, it's even cool to be a communist!!! Barack will make you Green Jobs Czar!!!
But lefties are right. Ignore Greece. It won't happen to us. We can just print more money. After all, we can't dare make people go hungry or so no to entitlements. We'll.....somehow figure something out. ANYTHING except spending less, right? So what if milk gets to $6-7 a gallon. Or a loaf of bread is $8. We'll be ok!

Except the guy you wanted the CIA to take out has recently put Social Security reform and Medicare reform on the table. Sooner rather than later, both programs will undergo changes. Just like Welfare did in the 90's.
The whole wedge issue thing is as old as the hills but it went into overdrive with Reagan and his whole Panama Canal idiocy. Once Lee Atwater got a hold of that shit..it got cool to be a batshit crazy radical.

You're right. Now....it's even ok for the president to have befriended a terrorist who bombed cops and the Pentagon. Or to be mentored by a preacher who spews racism and hatred for his country every Sunday...well, maybe just the Sunday's Barack wasn't there. Heck, it's even cool to be a communist!!! Barack will make you Green Jobs Czar!!!

Reagan and George HW Bush funded the muj..who went on to split off into the Taliban and Al Qaeda...ever hear of those guys?

George W. Bush went into business with Salem Bin Laden..Osama Bin Laden's half brother. Ever hear of Osama Bin Laden?

Ever hear of the World Trade Center? In New York City?

It's no longer there.


Because the guys funded by Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush, who's brother went into business with George W. Bush, plotted and succeeded in destroying it under George W. Bush's watch.

Osama was killed by President Obama.

Learn that shit.
Was America more divided under Bush...or Obama?
I truly don't know how much more bitter our citizens can become towards each other than we are now. I know it can get much worse. Hell, in 1861-65 we had a Civil War where we literally killed countless of our people. So it can get much worse and has. But in today's era of massive government and globalization, I doubt Civil War would happen again, just not possible.

That said, how in the hell did we get this way? Obama has polarized this nation even more than under Bush. Thats impressive. He was supposed to be a man who united us. Oh well, so much for that.

Diversity in thought is a great thing, but it also shows we'll never agree. Our country is so diverse that some group is always gonna be the victim. Many groups, you know who you are.....are addicted to victimhood. They thirst for being offended.

So, we'll probably be bitter to each other for a few more decades, and play the victimhood game to gain political power back and forth until one day the nation just collapses.

China and Russia are laughing their asses off at us.

Although not the start of it, the animosity intensified in 1992 when GHWB failed to win a second term. As with Obama, the right perceived Clinton as an unworthy usurper. Indeed, this established the paradigm by which the party out of power considered its opponent’s president unworthy to hold office, as we later see with GWB and Obama.

This resentment at losing the WH – considered by the GOP to be their patrician birthright – was exacerbated by the fact that after 12 years of Republican presidential rule, the entire Federal government was now controlled by the Democrats. Social conservatives and Culture Warriors helped stir the pot, as abortion was still legal and the overall social conservative agenda remained unresolved.

Although the GOP was able to take control of Congress in 1995 it failed to take back the WH in 1997, their true goal.

Then came the Clinton impeachment, the Angry White Man midterms in 1998, and the Angry Democrats of 2000, who now themselves saw GWB as the usurper.

So this really has nothing to do with GWB or Obama being ‘divisive,’ as the stage of hate and acrimony was set well before either came to office.
The whole wedge issue thing is as old as the hills but it went into overdrive with Reagan and his whole Panama Canal idiocy. Once Lee Atwater got a hold of that shit..it got cool to be a batshit crazy radical.

You're right. Now....it's even ok for the president to have befriended a terrorist who bombed cops and the Pentagon. Or to be mentored by a preacher who spews racism and hatred for his country every Sunday...well, maybe just the Sunday's Barack wasn't there. Heck, it's even cool to be a communist!!! Barack will make you Green Jobs Czar!!!

Reagan and George HW Bush funded the muj..who went on to split off into the Taliban and Al Qaeda...ever hear of those guys?

George W. Bush went into business with Salem Bin Laden..Osama Bin Laden's half brother. Ever hear of Osama Bin Laden?

Ever hear of the World Trade Center? In New York City?

It's no longer there.


Because the guys funded by Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush, who's brother went into business with George W. Bush, plotted and succeeded in destroying it under George W. Bush's watch.

Osama was killed by President Obama.

Learn that shit.

WRONG. Osama was killed by the US Navy Seals. That prick Obama did nothing but say "ok" when the military told him they had Osama in their sights.

And thats a good thing. Because the LAST DEMOCRAT in the White House was told the same thing in the late 90's. And that Democrat said "NO" to killing Osama. See how that worked out for us?

By the way, your sophomoric sarcasm is quite childish. "Ever hear of it"? You're probably one of those douche bag coffee shop hipsters with the soul patch and sandals who meets every debate with deep irony and sarcasm....but little substance. Go finish reading Rules For Radicals you dipshit.
Was America more divided under Bush...or Obama?
I truly don't know how much more bitter our citizens can become towards each other than we are now. I know it can get much worse. Hell, in 1861-65 we had a Civil War where we literally killed countless of our people. So it can get much worse and has. But in today's era of massive government and globalization, I doubt Civil War would happen again, just not possible.

That said, how in the hell did we get this way? Obama has polarized this nation even more than under Bush. Thats impressive. He was supposed to be a man who united us. Oh well, so much for that.

Diversity in thought is a great thing, but it also shows we'll never agree. Our country is so diverse that some group is always gonna be the victim. Many groups, you know who you are.....are addicted to victimhood. They thirst for being offended.

So, we'll probably be bitter to each other for a few more decades, and play the victimhood game to gain political power back and forth until one day the nation just collapses.

China and Russia are laughing their asses off at us.

Although not the start of it, the animosity intensified in 1992 when GHWB failed to win a second term. As with Obama, the right perceived Clinton as an unworthy usurper. Indeed, this established the paradigm by which the party out of power considered its opponent’s president unworthy to hold office, as we later see with GWB and Obama.

This resentment at losing the WH – considered by the GOP to be their patrician birthright – was exacerbated by the fact that after 12 years of Republican presidential rule, the entire Federal government was now controlled by the Democrats. Social conservatives and Culture Warriors helped stir the pot, as abortion was still legal and the overall social conservative agenda remained unresolved.

Although the GOP was able to take control of Congress in 1995 it failed to take back the WH in 1997, their true goal.

Then came the Clinton impeachment, the Angry White Man midterms in 1998, and the Angry Democrats of 2000, who now themselves saw GWB as the usurper.

So this really has nothing to do with GWB or Obama being ‘divisive,’ as the stage of hate and acrimony was set well before either came to office.

With George W. Bush they had a point. He failed to win the popular vote and it came down to a state where his brother was the governor and his campaign manager was the secretary of state. Katherine Harris was the one to "certify" Bush won the state even though there were irregularities with the vote.

And the Supreme Court came down to Scalia..who was appointed by Reagan..who's administration George W. Bush's father, George HW was a part of..

Any one of these factors would have conservatives screaming bloody murder.
The whole wedge issue thing is as old as the hills but it went into overdrive with Reagan and his whole Panama Canal idiocy. Once Lee Atwater got a hold of that shit..it got cool to be a batshit crazy radical.

You're right. Now....it's even ok for the president to have befriended a terrorist who bombed cops and the Pentagon. Or to be mentored by a preacher who spews racism and hatred for his country every Sunday...well, maybe just the Sunday's Barack wasn't there. Heck, it's even cool to be a communist!!! Barack will make you Green Jobs Czar!!!

Obama is friends with Bush?
But lefties are right. Ignore Greece. It won't happen to us. We can just print more money. After all, we can't dare make people go hungry or so no to entitlements. We'll.....somehow figure something out. ANYTHING except spending less, right? So what if milk gets to $6-7 a gallon. Or a loaf of bread is $8. We'll be ok!

Except the guy you wanted the CIA to take out has recently put Social Security reform and Medicare reform on the table. Sooner rather than later, both programs will undergo changes. Just like Welfare did in the 90's.

Ah, putting words in my mouth. No one said "take out". I said I wished the CIA would encourage, or beg, Obama to resign. His foreign policy is a disaster, and it's gonna result one day in another 9-11 I fear. Ok, I'll pause here for the liberal's mandatory "BUT OBAMA GOT BIN LADEN" shout...................tick tock tick tock..............OK, we heard you. Now, his handling of the Raghead Spring has been a nightmare. He's thrown Israel under the bus. He's fucking providing assault rifles to Mexican drug cartels for God's sake.

I'm sure Obama is really serious about cutting both programs. It's a political game. It's on the table, just to attempt to lure the GOP into saying "no" to a deal that includes tax hikes, and then Obama can say "I tried, but the GOP blocked it". You don't understand politics maybe.

But if you think the USA is just gonna cruise through all this mess you're crazy.
You're right. Now....it's even ok for the president to have befriended a terrorist who bombed cops and the Pentagon. Or to be mentored by a preacher who spews racism and hatred for his country every Sunday...well, maybe just the Sunday's Barack wasn't there. Heck, it's even cool to be a communist!!! Barack will make you Green Jobs Czar!!!

Reagan and George HW Bush funded the muj..who went on to split off into the Taliban and Al Qaeda...ever hear of those guys?

George W. Bush went into business with Salem Bin Laden..Osama Bin Laden's half brother. Ever hear of Osama Bin Laden?

Ever hear of the World Trade Center? In New York City?

It's no longer there.


Because the guys funded by Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush, who's brother went into business with George W. Bush, plotted and succeeded in destroying it under George W. Bush's watch.

Osama was killed by President Obama.

Learn that shit.

WRONG. Osama was killed by the US Navy Seals. That prick Obama did nothing but say "ok" when the military told him they had Osama in their sights.

And thats a good thing. Because the LAST DEMOCRAT in the White House was told the same thing in the late 90's. And that Democrat said "NO" to killing Osama. See how that worked out for us?

By the way, your sophomoric sarcasm is quite childish. "Ever hear of it"? You're probably one of those douche bag coffee shop hipsters with the soul patch and sandals who meets every debate with deep irony and sarcasm....but little substance. Go finish reading Rules For Radicals you dipshit.

Jumped over the funding..the fact the Bushes were in business with the Bin Ladens and went right to the fact that Obama was instrumental in killing that bastard...who..I suspect some conservatives have a secret admiration for..because he attacked a liberal city.

In any case..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGmnz5Ow-o]YouTube - ‪Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version)‬‏[/ame]
The whole wedge issue thing is as old as the hills but it went into overdrive with Reagan and his whole Panama Canal idiocy. Once Lee Atwater got a hold of that shit..it got cool to be a batshit crazy radical.

You're right. Now....it's even ok for the president to have befriended a terrorist who bombed cops and the Pentagon. Or to be mentored by a preacher who spews racism and hatred for his country every Sunday...well, maybe just the Sunday's Barack wasn't there. Heck, it's even cool to be a communist!!! Barack will make you Green Jobs Czar!!!

Obama is friends with Bush?

No. He's friends with Bill Ayers, the man who was leading the Weather Underground that bombed cops in San Fran, NYC, DC, and the Pentagon. They were plotting a murder of Detroit cops when an FBI informant broke it up. Somehow....Obama founded his campaign in Ayer's house. But he's NOT a friend, no, no, no!!!!! He says so.
You're right. Now....it's even ok for the president to have befriended a terrorist who bombed cops and the Pentagon. Or to be mentored by a preacher who spews racism and hatred for his country every Sunday...well, maybe just the Sunday's Barack wasn't there. Heck, it's even cool to be a communist!!! Barack will make you Green Jobs Czar!!!

Obama is friends with Bush?

No. He's friends with Bill Ayers, the man who was leading the Weather Underground that bombed cops in San Fran, NYC, DC, and the Pentagon. They were plotting a murder of Detroit cops when an FBI informant broke it up. Somehow....Obama founded his campaign in Ayer's house. But he's NOT a friend, no, no, no!!!!! He says so.

Ayer's was convicted of what, exactly?
Sallow, you're obsessed. Killing Bin Laden is gonna be your trump card that excuses every failure Obama ever has, right?

Your elementary intellect shows very clear when talking about this. To act as if only one man, Obama, was responsible for getting Bin Laden is absurd. A group effort, 10 years long, went into that night. Hell, the SEALS have been training for that mission longer than Obama has been in office.

But....if only the PREVIOUS Democrat president who was informed "Mr. President, do you give the order to kill Osama Bin Laden" had said "Yes", then maybe we'd have avoided 9-11 and both wars. Unfortunately, that Democrat was busy another WMD, Ms. Lewinsky.

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