Warren Jeffs says the world will end this year......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
It seems that the imprisoned FLDS leader who was jailed for having underage brides is now trying to become relevant again by saying that the end of the world is coming.

Brower said there has been a recent upsurge in construction activity at other FLDS properties. The group is known to have outposts in Texas, Colorado, New Mexico and South Dakota.

"Warren's calling them to repent, prove their loyalty, pay as much money as they can get their hands on and then to leave and go to these places of refuge and start concentrating there waiting for the end. And that's kind of a scary thing," said Brower, who recently authored a book on the group called "Prophet's Prey."

This week, Brower obtained copies of purported revelations and prophesies attributed to Jeffs in November. They say, among other things, "I am soon to cleanse all nations. … Let this be as a final warning."

Brower said the message seems to focus on Jeffs' imprisonment.

"The end is coming," Brower paraphrased the documents, "and unless they let God's servant, Warren, free, everybody will be punished. The people of the Earth will be punished."

Wyler said many members of his former church take such statements literally.

"These people honestly believe that the end is here and that everybody's going to be destroyed within the next few days," he said.

Wyler had an encounter Tuesday that underlines rising tensions in the FLDS community.

He said he was delivering notices of unpaid property taxes to many FLDS residences on behalf of a court-appointed fiduciary whose authority is not accepted by FLDS leaders. As he went through the community posting the notices, Wyler said he was attacked by "FLDS teens throwing rocks."

FLDS meet, prepare but for what? | Deseret News
It seems that the imprisoned FLDS leader who was jailed for having underage brides is now trying to become relevant again by saying that the end of the world is coming.

I've often wondered exactly what people would do if armed with the knowledge of the date of the end of mankind? Cult members though, I mean you have to wonder. The leader of their sect betokens the end in ad lib prophecy, the "flock" prepares as directed. Doesn't anyone check the news before gurgling the poison bug juice?
Warren Jeffs is a kook and that you hold him in high enough regard to post about him doesn't bode well for you.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... it gonna happen on Dec.21...

... just like dem Mayans said."

DAMN! I thought the world ended in 2000 and we're all just a bunch of ghosts on an imaginary message board typing what we think are words on these phantom computers which were given to us by Al Gore.
That sicko pedo is just praying that his sorry ass gets to croak to end his sentence.

Nope! Serve it all - you are a sick freak and deserve every day of your prison sentence, Jeffs.

Regards from Rosie
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Granny says, "Dat's right...

... it gonna happen on Dec.21...

... just like dem Mayans said."

DAMN! I thought the world ended in 2000 and we're all just a bunch of ghosts on an imaginary message board typing what we think are words on these phantom computers which were given to us by Al Gore.

Hey- don't you go dissing Walt's granny lest I smite thee.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... it gonna happen on Dec.21...

... just like dem Mayans said."

DAMN! I thought the world ended in 2000 and we're all just a bunch of ghosts on an imaginary message board typing what we think are words on these phantom computers which were given to us by Al Gore.

Hey- don't you go dissing Walt's granny lest I smite thee.

Wasn't dissing anyone. I just remember all the hype about the world ending in 2000 and I was just being sarcastic about how that turned out.
The world IS going to end.

Not sure why or when, but I can assure you with 100% certainty that the world is going to end.

So... repent or whatever.
Texas Moves to Seize Warren Jeffs' Ranch...
Texas moves to seize ranch of polygamist Warren Jeffs
Nov 28, 2012 - He's imprisoned, but his polygamist sect remains on 1,600-acre spread
The Texas Attorney General’s Office moved Wednesday to seize the remote ranch where polygamous sect leader Warren Jeffs and other men sexually abused underage girls taken as plural wives. Authorities say sect leaders purchased the YFZ Ranch to commit crimes, which constitutes money laundering under Texas law and also makes the property subject to seizure laws as contraband, according to a 91-page search and seizure warrant. Sect members bought the 1,600-acre property "in a failed attempt to establish a remote outpost where they could insulate themselves from criminal prosecution for sexually assaulting children," according to a press release from Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott.

The warrant is akin to civil foreclosure rather than a criminal investigation, but it could force the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints members living there to move off the property, said sect attorney Rod Parker. Authorities taped the warrant to the YFZ Ranch gate Tuesday afternoon and made it public Wednesday. It doesn’t appear that authorities are preparing for a repeat of the massive police raid launched on the ranch in 2008. "It’s not a raid on the ranch, it’s an order to seize the property," Parker said. "It seems like the objective is to take the property and sell it to the highest bidder."

That action would likely evict the sect members living there, Parker said. "They’re punishing the victims. These aren’t the people who committed the crimes," he said, adding that he hadn’t read the entire affidavit and couldn’t immediately respond to the money laundering charges.

Jerry Strickland, a spokesman for the attorney general’s office, said the court filings do not mean FLDS members still living at the Yearning for Zion Ranch must immediately leave. He said the warrant instead begins the final chapter in the state’s five-year prosecution against the sect’s indicted leaders and followers. "This is simply the next step," Strickland told the Associated Press. FLDS members will have a chance to respond to the charges and argue to keep the ranch at a yet-to-be scheduled hearing on the seizure effort. "From what I understand, no one has come into the ranch…We know they’re going to seize the ranch, we just don’t know how they’re going to do it," said former FLDS spokesman turned sect critic Willie Jessop, who is also seeking to seize sect assets to collect a $30 million settlement he won through a lawsuit against sect leaders.

More Texas moves to seize ranch of polygamist Warren Jeffs | The Salt Lake Tribune
Warren Jeffs hometown...

Flash Flooding Kills 15 near Utah-Arizona Border
September 15, 2015 - A small town near the Utah-Arizona border was in shock and mourning Tuesday after a flash flood killed at least 15 people.
Officials in Hildale, Utah, said 12 of the victims drowned when the unexpectedly powerful water washed away two cars. At least one person was still missing.

Three others died and four went missing when a group of explorers got caught in the same flood in a canyon in Zion National Park, about 32 kilometers north of Hildale.


Following a flash flood that killed at least 15 people, a man looks on as crews clear mud and debris from a road in Colorado City, Ariz., which adjoins Hildale, Utah

Rescuers, assisted by the National Guard and hundreds of volunteers, were searching for the missing and working to push the thick mud and tons of debris out of the small city.

Extremely heavy rains caused rivers and streams to overflow, prompting the sudden flood. Hildale residents said they had seen flash floods pour through the canyons and town before, but not with such strength. Utah Governor Gary Herbert said Tuesday that he was "heartbroken" and pledged the state's full resources to help with the cleanup.

Flash Flooding Kills 15 near Utah-Arizona Border

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