Warren Buffet: "Tax Cuts for the Rich With the Hope They Spend Does NOT Work..."

Melinda Gates: "In the U.S. we feel the greatest inequity is education, that not every child in this country is getting a phenomenal education," she said. "And they ought to -- that's the civil rights issue in our country"

Education is a civil rights issue...

Of course the wealthy are not going to use additional cash to create jobs. Adding jobs has always been deductable from gross profit as a business expense.

Cutting taxes results in the rich pocketing the extra money
Warren Buffett: "There's been this increasing disparity between the rich and the poor, and we found out that a rising tide just lifted all yachts, not all boats."

Warren Buffett has been practically begging the country - begging the congress to tax him more. In fact many of the richest Americans like Buffett, Bill and Melinda gates and ted turner say they should pay higher tax.
Of course the wealthy are not going to use additional cash to create jobs. Adding jobs has always been deductable from gross profit as a business expense.

Cutting taxes results in the rich pocketing the extra money

Cute argument full of straw.
BUFFETT: "the rich are always going to say that you know, just give us the money and we'll go out and spend more and then it will all trickle down to the rest of you. But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on. "
That one doesn't have the balls to do anything more than post cutesy one-liners
Warren Buffett on T.V. said:
BUFFETT: I think that it hasn't been to the interest of the people in Washington to get as riled up about that as they get riled up about other things. You know, we're going to raise $2.2 trillion this year or something like that. Nine hundred billion will come from individual income taxes. Nine hundred billion will come from payroll taxes. So the payroll taxes become 40 percent of our total revenue just like the income tax. And people that talk about how the rich pay their share and all that sort of thing, they totally ignore the payroll tax. You know, I did this little survey in my office a few years ago and there were 16 people who responded. And I had the lowest tax rate of the 16. I didn't have any tax shelters. I didn't have any tax planner. It was all courtesy of the U.S. Congress. I mean, they did my tax planning for me. And, literally, the average for the office, counting payroll taxes was 32 percent and mine was 16 and a fraction percent.

Emphasis mine...

It is AMAZING the return on investment you get with a well paid lobbyist!!
This makes so much fucking sense!

TURNER: Saving the world is a hard job.

AMANPOUR: What would you say to people who don't have so much money, should they be doing that too?

TURNER: Or don't have any money. One thing they can do is pick up trash. That's what I do. We're in New York now and yesterday I walked around the block and I picked up trash and put it in the garbage --

AMANPOUR: I don't believe you.

TURNER: I swear to God. Absolutely. I pick up trash in Atlanta.


TURNER: Because I want to set a good example. President Kagame of Rwanda has passed a rule that on the third Saturday of each month, the entire country has to go out from 8 - 11 and pick up trash, including him, and the cabinet of Rwanda. They all go out and pick up trash and Rwanda is just as clean a country as Switzerland is.

'This Week' Transcript: The Giving Pledge - ABC News

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