Warning To The Saudis More Than The West


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
some are saying this is more proof that the Saudis are working both sides. I don't think so, they have their radicals, which they are glad to be rid of. Problem is, what made them radical?


23 Saudi Fatah al Islam Members Killed


By Huda al Saleh

Riyadh, Asharq Al-Awsat- Secretary-General of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) factions and head of Fatah Movement in Lebanon, Brigadier General Sultan Abul Ainain, informed Asharq Al-Awsat that 23 Saudi members of Fatah al Islam group were killed, according to the latest official figures. They were buried together in a mass grave in Nahr al Bared camp.

Abul Ainain revealed that the information obtained from various Fatah al Islam members who had turned themselves in indicated that the group had 43 Saudi members, of whom 23 were killed during the armed clashes with the Lebanese army.

When asked about the remains of the bodies, Abul Ainain said that the group had identified two locations where some 40 bodies, including the 23 Saudis and 20 others, were all buried together. He pointed out that Fatah movement had not received the remains of any militants who had been fighting with Fatah al Islam, as precautions had been taken to bury them in various dispersed places.

The secretary-general also disclosed that a Saudi militant, who has yet to be named, has recently surrendered to Fatah movement at the Nahr al Bared camp. The movement has handed him over to the Lebanese army in coordination with Saudi Embassy in Beirut.


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