War Addicts


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Labeled “Alternative Mission in Afghanistan,” it’s a classic of visual wish fulfillment. Atop it is a soaring green line that represents the growing strength of the notoriously underwhelming “Afghan Forces,” military and police, as they move toward a theoretical goal of 400,000 -- an unlikely “end state” given present desertion rates. Underneath that green trajectory of putative success is a modest, herky-jerky blue curving line, representing the 40,000 U.S. troops Gates, Petraeus, Mullen, and company were pressuring the president to surge into Afghanistan.
The eye-catching detail, however, was the dating on the chart. Sometime between 2013 and 2016, according to a hesitant dotted white line (that left plenty of room for error), those U.S. surge forces would be drawn down radically enough to dip somewhere below -- don’t gasp -- the 68,000 level. In other words, three to six years from now, if all went as planned -- a radical unlikelihood, given the Afghan War so far -- the U.S. might be back close to the force levels of early 2009, before the President’s second surge was launched. (When Obama entered office, there were only 31,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan.)
And when would those troops dwindle to near zero? 2019? 2025? The chart-makers were far too politic to include the years beyond January 1, 2016, so we have no way of knowing. But look at that chart and ask yourself: Is there any doubt that our high command, civilian and military, were dreaming of, and most forcefully recommending to the president, a forever war -- one which the Office of Budget and Management estimated would cost almost $900 billion?

The War Addicts: the Pentagon and Military Would Do Almost Anything to Continue Neverending War | | AlterNet
War is not healthy for children and other living things. I read that on a poster back in the 60's. Hasn't changed much over the years.
Is there any doubt that our high command, civilian and military, were dreaming of, and most forcefully recommending to the president, a forever war -- one which the Office of Budget and Management estimated would cost almost $900 billion?
A forever war would cost an infinite amount of money.
Something about the place just leads to crazy.

We should round them all up, put them in padded cells and feed them thorazine. And seal off all the borders to the place.

At no time in history have the people living there been anything but batshit crazy.
Is there any doubt that our high command, civilian and military, were dreaming of, and most forcefully recommending to the president, a forever war -- one which the Office of Budget and Management estimated would cost almost $900 billion?
A forever war would cost an infinite amount of money.
That's OK. They'll charge it..........to YOU.
I'm buying a flag factory in Bangladesh so I can supply you idiots after the next false flag.
What is it about the left? Is it that they have no historic perspective or they are blinded by their political bias? Historic perspective of the bloody 20th century indicates that Americans lost about a Million servicemen in thei prime of their lives during democrat administrations. Woodie Wilson told Americans that he would never send Americans to be killed in a foreign war and then he sent 100,000 Doughboys to die to liberate France. FDR looked Americans in the eye about 20 years later and said that he would never send American boys to die in a foreign war while he was planning to invite Japan to attack the US so he could get into the "real war" in Europe. Truman never asked congress for authorization to send US Troops to Korea. LBJ never asked for Congressional permission for VietNam. Bill Clinton never consulted congress when he bombed Yugoslavia.

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