Walmart Moms are Putting Obama Over the Top in Swing States

omg, now they are polling Walmart moms?

from garbage man to walmart moms

can you people get any more desperate for Obama

Wait....are not WalMart moms worthy of being polled? You aren't being a tad snobbish, are you?

I'm sure Stoopid Steph considers them to be part of the 47% who don't take responsibility for their own lives. Obviously Stoopid Steph has no clue what its like to be on your feet all day, having to make it to day care to get your kids, fighting a dead beat dad for child support and putting up with less that fair pay for an enormous corporation that cares nothing for anything but their profit.

Stoopid Steph wouldn't consider educating herself by watching this --

WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

Nope because Stoopid Steph already knows everything.

Garbage man - works long hours and gets written off by Mitt's 47% toss off line too.

These are real people who work very hard at real jobs but rw's like Stoopid Steph kicks them aside like they're nothing.

Stoopic Steph is the perfect representation of the pubpots like Mitt and LyanRyan with his 30% lie. They treat people like shit and only care about what they can steal from them.

And then they insult them by not understanding how they could support the president who has fought pubpots for equal pay for women.

SS is disgusting and just not very bright.

BTW, this rant really is not about Stoopid Steph as much as it is about all the rw's post their filth and their lies every day and who will vote against the best interests of their own families by voting for MitWith and Lyan Ryan.

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