WallStreet warns republicans to shape up & pass Debt Ceiling Increase


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Aug 27, 2010
Ahh, so not only are the 100 million people needing their checks, but the big boys on WallStreet are crying as well. Can you say, it's a done deal,...Stick a fork in it.........:lol::lol:

Wall Street demands action on debt ceiling, deficit
By Patrick Martin
14 July 2011

"Representatives of the Wall Street financial oligarchy are laying down the law to the Obama administration and Congress, demanding speedy action to raise the federal debt ceiling before an August 2 deadline,..."

Chamber of Commerce president Thomas Donahue declared, “An unprecedented default on the nation’s bills would have dire consequences for our economy, our markets, and Main Street Americans.” NAM president John Engler, former Republican governor of Michigan, added that even a brief halt in debt payments would “strike an immediate and serious blow to any economic recovery.” A debt default “would be exponentially more painful” than the minor increases in taxes proposed by the White House, one executive told the Post.

Bernanke added that the measures that would be forced by a debt default would have colossal social impact, with an immediate 40 percent cut in all federal spending. “There would have to be significant cuts to Social Security, Medicare, military pay or some combination of those in order to avoid borrowing more money,” he said.
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Hmmmm.. figures the source for this is from here.... and this idiot OP picked up on it...

Wall Street demands action on debt ceiling, deficit
World Socialist Web Site - Patrick Martin - 13 hours ago
Chamber of Commerce president Thomas Donahue declared, “An unprecedented default on the nation's bills would have dire consequences for our economy, ...

If they don't fix it now when will they fix it? When was the last time the Democrats presented a budget? Years? What is the President willing to cut? What are the Republicans going to cut? Do we have any of this information.
Anyone that understands economics and how they actually work is saying the same thing. So Boehner ought to tell tell his group to grow up and do what they need to do.
And why should the Republicans listen to them? After all their Taxpayer Bailouts,they should just STFU at this point. They don't have Dog in this hunt. They got Bailed out already. Time for them to clam up.
Ahh, so not only the 100 million people needing their checks, but the big boys on WallStreet are crying as well. Can you say, it's a done deal,...Stick a fork in it.........:lol::lol:

Wall Street demands action on debt ceiling, deficit
By Patrick Martin
14 July 2011

Gee, I wonder why?

Could it be that the wallstreeters are conflicted by interest?

Bailout Nation: How Greed and Easy Money Corrupted Wall Street and Shook the World Economy

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Bailout-Nation-Corrupted-Street-Economy/dp/0470520388]Amazon.com: Bailout Nation: How Greed and Easy Money Corrupted Wall Street and Shook the World Economy (9780470520383): Barry Ritholtz, Bill Fleckenstein, Aaron Task: Books[/ame]

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You know..........when there was a Republican in the WH, the debt ceiling was raised as a matter of course.

Under Reagan, we increased it 11 times.

Under Jr., we increased it 7 times, and his treasurey secretary called it "a matter of legislative house cleaning".

Why is Obama having such a hard time if it was so routine before?

Oh wait.......I got it.........there's a black man in the White House.
Anyone that understands economics and how they actually work is saying the same thing. So Boehner ought to tell tell his group to grow up and do what they need to do.

What? Those people that "understand" economics are pry the reason we are in this situation to begin with. And Boehner hasn't said they aren't going to raise the debt ceiling Obama and his buddies just need to grow up and agree to the cuts. Then it will get raised. Or the maybe democrats can submit some sort of budget. They haven't done that in awhile.
Wall Street needs to stay out of this. They got their Taxpayer Bailouts. Most are not in Prison for their heinous crimes against the American Taxpayer. So if i were them,i would be happy with that and just stay out of this fight.
Hmmmm.. figures the source for this is from here.... and this idiot OP picked up on it...

Wall Street demands action on debt ceiling, deficit
World Socialist Web Site - Patrick Martin - 13 hours ago
Chamber of Commerce president Thomas Donahue declared, “An unprecedented default on the nation's bills would have dire consequences for our economy, ...
Hmmm, seems this imbecile watches FOX VIEWS and is denied the news, so comes here to make a fool of himself. :lol::lol:
And why should the Republicans listen to them? After all their Taxpayer Bailouts,they should just STFU at this point. They don't have Dog in this hunt. They got Bailed out already. Time for them to clam up.

You sound like the last radical at Custer's last stand. LOL!
looks to me that the warning went out to PRESIDENT OBAMA and CONGRESS. Where do you get " Wall street warns Republicans" ? Just more leftest socialist bull sh**. Tell your guy obama to get off his ass and cut spending and all will be fine.
You know..........when there was a Republican in the WH, the debt ceiling was raised as a matter of course.

Under Reagan, we increased it 11 times.

Under Jr., we increased it 7 times, and his treasurey secretary called it "a matter of legislative house cleaning".

Why is Obama having such a hard time if it was so routine before?

Oh wait.......I got it.........there's a black man in the White House.
Agreed. We shot heroin during the Bush administration so we should continue to do so under the Obama administration even though it's killing us. Brilliant!
looks to me that the warning went out to PRESIDENT OBAMA and CONGRESS. Where do you get " Wall street warns Republicans" ? Just more leftest socialist bull sh**. Tell your guy obama to get off his ass and cut spending and all will be fine.

Imbecile! We are talking about raising the debt ceiling, so they sure as hell are not talking to the Dems. DUH!!!!!!!:lol:

Do you think any politician is stupid enough to cut entitlements? LMAO!!
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Imagine a credit card, which when you came to reach the limit set, raised your limit, time after time, after time, how will it all end?:(
Of course the Government could go back to printing It's own, Interest free money, but that traditionally ends with a death of a President
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