Walker Wins;Ok,Then Where Is Debbie Wasserman? Hiding? No Comment Today? Coward?

Mar 16, 2012
Sarasota & Naples, Florida

So where is Wasserman today? Afraid to admit she was wrong about her prediction that the election outcome will be a dry run of things to come?
Between Wasserman and her big brother Ed, we can now officially claim that the liberal village has two birdbrains on the loose.
I heard a few Lib callers today to Big Head Ed
claim last night as a victory.
So you gotta take into consideration the people
we have to deal with in life.
Debbie What's her face will lay low
till the news cycle moves on a bit
then she will resurface like nothing happened.

Typical Lib political move.
Anybody hear from TM....

47% of voters wanting a Governor tossed out mid term is a victory? The election was in 2010, Walker is busy doing a 180 today, ".....Wisconsin beer for the legislature". He is a smart man.
I can't stand Wasserman-Schultz. She is nearly as irritating and ugly as Pelosi. But I don't fault her for her comments because she did exactly what politicians are supposed to do. She talked big about her own party and turned down the other one. Shocker. Repubs do it. Dems do it.
But Obama didn't do it.
There's your coward.
you got to wonder what excuses wasserman gave her teachers in grade school when she often forgot to do her homework.
Wasserman: Uhm, Miss Crabtree, well, u see, my dog "George Bush" ate my homework.

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