Walker is a koch whore


Oct 2, 2007
According to union picketers...

Those smart, classy, WI teachers. They've nothing but the best interests of children and the middle class (who they are spitting on) in mind...

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wait, Libs have a double standard? Libs Shit don't stink? Libs can call names and put Targets on peoples heads, but Republicans should be Civil in their Discourse.

Holy shit no way Really?

Sarah Palin is stoooopid! Michelle Bachman is dumb! Bush sucks, Cheney is Haliburtion Blackwater secret money collector!!!! Fox News bad!! NO WAR FOR OIL!!
Oh noooo...the race card!

Remember...do you see any blacks in that union crowd? UNIONS ARE RACIST!
I..I....um....unions fight for the middle class!!! Glenn Beck is crazy! Palin is dumb!! YOu just want to give more to rich people!!! You are just a gay hater!!
Capitalist greedy CEOS who love Cheney and multiuniversal galactic uber-corporations that just wanna kick puppies in their nuts!
The Infidel, you had white hands clapping, a green man and a yellow man...............WHERES THE BLACK AND HISPANIC MAN??

YOu just wanna cut more taxes for the rich!!! You just hate teachers! You wanna pollute rivers! You work for Halliburton! Turn off Fox News! Simple minded neocon!
Truth is if you can't afford what your paying for then don't buy it, don't ask me to take less for what I have to sell.

a short term solution of giving up something I have for a while is OK, but asking me to give up what i have forever because you want more for less is BS.
Get along with less teachers, less cops, less firefighters and less maintence workers or figure out a way to pay them.
Racist, homophobic, xenophobic, arachnaphobic, cruel, hate poor people, imperialist, zionist, capitalist, right wing corporatist, global corporationy corporatism corporatist, just wanna cut taxes for the rich, hate education, hate science, you love Palin, stop watching FoxNews, Beck is crazy, Limbaugh is a druggist corporate fat cat, hater racist let new orleans drown you created the hurricane with global warming, socialism is good for us, you want people to starve without healthcare racist racist racist AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE RIGHT WINGER!!!!

Sorry guys, my liberal buddy took my computer from me for a few minutes. My bad.
well if you ain't got much worth saying as most republicans would fit under, your
a foxworthy RED NECK.
and Bucs 90, it's not yours till you leave home and be truefull, you really don't have a friend, do you?

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