Wake Up America


Jan 15, 2004
A combination of political and economic changes are needed starting with campaign finance reform, medical insurance, energy, foreign and military policies, right down what is in our national interest and security. In a quest for more power and control the United States federal government has over step the boundaries in the lives of Americans as well as the people rights of other nations. The United States may win the military war while losing the diplomatic battle for peace while isolating its self from the rest of the nations in the world.

Understanding that our energy policies are connected to our environmental, political, economics and social problems in the world. Realizing there is not enough oil supplies in the world for the other nations in the world to consume oil as the United States does. Our abusive energy policies are straining our relationship with many other nations in the world raising the global level of tension. A balance between what is in our national interest and global interest has to be made more rational and fair.

With our dependence on others for our high standard of living as a society has been at the expense of others. The American people consuming 25% of the worlds oil while being less than 5% of the world population. The amount of the world?s natural resources that the American consumer has turned into garbage is a crime in its own right. With the world population growing to new levels like never before creating a major strain on the earths limited natural resources. Fresh drinking water and oil are disappearing almost at the same rate from mother earth. Both have been treated as renewable resources because until resent times they were. The faster we consumed the oil the more chemical that ended up in mother earth?s water supply.

The oil industry being the primary leader in our energy policies has a dispositional amount of influence over our government?s national and foreign policies. For the United States as part of its foreign policies to have another nation?s natural resources as part of its national security is wrong. In the self serving interest of the big oil companies we have an imbalance in our energy policies that are putting us in great danger. Utilizing our military and military industrial complex to guarantee a global flow of oil is putting our national security in great jeopardy. Trading oil for weapons of death and destruction while neglecting the humanitarian needs of the people has been and is our current policies today. The over lapping interests of the oil and energy industry and military industrial complex have miss led the American people and government to the truths and realities of the facts.

Special interest groups invest millions of dollar into lobbing our government officials for multi-billion dollar contracts, policies and favors. This was clearly the case of the pharmaceutical drug bill that was passed in 2003. A drug bill written by the pharmaceutical and HMO lobbies, that is being paid for the American people. With unparallel influence the lobbies have control over our government policies in their field of self-interest.

I am at a loss to say anything else. The original post is the rhetorical equivalent of Phil Specter's wall of sound.
Originally posted by wonderwench

I am at a loss to say anything else. The original post is the rhetorical equivalent of Phil Specter's wall of sound.

I like the paragraph of nearly all gerunds.
For us to be a strong and balance Republic with a Democratic form of government we must get more than 50% of the eligible voters registered and voting. The United States and its military have become the primary leader of the industrial nations in the war on terror making the people?s vote more important than ever before in recent times. The pro Bush people are well financed by the establishment that profits from war and most of them are registered and vote while waving the flag. While many of the younger people who oppose most of the Bush Doctrines are not registered and don?t vote. With the primary reason being they are one of the same and things will not change.

Without participation of 60% or more of the eligible voters in the United States there is not a clear mandate by the people and things will remain in the hands of the special interest groups. Raising voter participation among the people will help strengthen our nation making us more of a Democratic nation and less of a Republic in the hands of the selected few. Too many people feel disenfranchised by the system therefore they do not vote. Unless those people that stand-up and speak out against our current policy, register and vote things will not change. With the United States having the lowest voter participation than any of the other Democracies in the world while being the military super power is a travesty in its self.
Originally posted by David2004
For us to be a strong and balance Republic with a Democratic form of government we must get more than 50% of the eligible voters registered and voting. The United States and its military have become the primary leader of the industrial nations in the war on terror making the people?s vote more important than ever before in recent times. The pro Bush people are well financed by the establishment that profits from war and most of them are registered and vote while waving the flag. While many of the younger people who oppose most of the Bush Doctrines are not registered and don?t vote. With the primary reason being they are one of the same and things will not change.

Without participation of 60% or more of the eligible voters in the United States there is not a clear mandate by the people and things will remain in the hands of the special interest groups. Raising voter participation among the people will help strengthen our nation making us more of a Democratic nation and less of a Republic in the hands of the selected few. Too many people feel disenfranchised by the system therefore they do not vote. Unless those people that stand-up and speak out against our current policy, register and vote things will not change. With the United States having the lowest voter participation than any of the other Democracies in the world while being the military super power is a travesty in its self.

We are not a pure democracy, nor should we be. We are a republic governed by a constitution. We have democratically elected leaders to fill key positions, is that what you mean?
Understanding that the only thing written in stone that will never change is the day you are born and the day you die. Everything in between can change over the course of time. There are patterns in the ways things happen with certain forces influencing the patterns. We are currently in a power struggle with those people who want to use the big stick our military power to dictate our policies and ways onto other people and nations. Then there are those people who want to relinquish some of our power and control to a universal multilateral platform outside our system. For any bureaucratic person or department to relinquish power to an outside higher authority is not natural. It is even seen as threatening because they no longer perceive themselves in control with less power. Working out the political and economic differences with people and nations with a different cultures and value system requires an understanding and ability to be able to compromise on our differences. Between the greed for more power and money and the lack of trust so much of this is lost. As a nation and people we are so close to the line sometimes crossing it for what we perceive to be in our own self-interest. This line is evolving and changes over time making what is considered to be right and true today to be different tomorrow including the perspective of yesterday.

Accepting the facts to reality that the large corporations have the greatest influence on our system and lives. That they are not humanitarian mission but corporations out for the most profit for their stockholders is their bottom line. Our governments bottom line is suppose to be what is in the best interest of the people as a human race. The United States being the leader of many of the new ways of the people of the world has an added burden of responsibility. Creating a conflict between what is in our own best self-interest as a nation or the global community of nations at large. A balance has to be reach where what is good for one will be good for the other as well.

Things never stay the same they are always changing sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst. One of the greatest changes is the inter-dependency on other people for life as we know it. Taking so much for granted with so little thought. This is not making us more secure as a nation having to depend upon other nations of people for so much of what we have in the United States today. In the case of oil as one example we over step the boundaries of fairness to protect our national security. We will never have real national security until we make the needed changes to our energy policies making us much more self-sufficient using a lot less fossil fuel. A better balance between the direction of the human race and Mother Earth and Father Sky is needed by the corporation nations. Realizing we must improve our changes for the better and not for the worst.

If you could monopolize large profits for a few people in making peace instead of war, peace would have a better chance. This is one of the true facts to the reality of the world that huge fortunes are made in wartime not financing peacetime humanitarian missions. How we use our natural resources and power will determine our future as a society of the human race and the future of the planet earth. Without looking back not for blame but to correct some of the wrongs of yesterday to built a stronger foundation for a better tomorrow.

There are many answers for the same problem with no agreement. This is the biggest hurdle to solving many of our problems as the leading nation in the world today. With many of the problems having no one right answer but a combination of many different answers that are connected to other problems. Looking at the world?s problems on the macro level and solving them on the micro level is the only way of understanding it. This must be done on a domestic and international level with a clearer line between the two.
I wonder how cluttered the board would become if everyone made the same post twice in two different sections?

Come on David2004 one post of that length should be enough.
The other thread started in the war on terrorism section has been deleted. David, please stop making mulitple posts throughout the board, they'll just be deleted again.
The American political system is set up with four levels of government, federal, state, county, and local. The global community of nations needs a similar system to function in the best interests of the earth?s people. A universal, hemispheric, and regional platforms are needed to work with the individual nations. One nations influence and policies can?t dictate on the universal platform level, the same could not be said on the regional platform. With less ruling and more coordinating of already existing forces of goodwill in the world on a multilateral level. A lot more could be done with a lot less danger to the future of the human race. When one level of government over steps its bounds into the arena of another it often does more bad than good. This is a problem on a national level as well as international level with our federal government. Our federal government has lost focus to its identity to its role in world.

Major changes are need within our domestic and international policies in our federal government. It is the NGO?s in the public and private sectors that led the way into the new world. By cutting down the role of the federal government in domestic and international issues and increasing the roles of the state and local governments role on one level. And increasing the role of the universal and hemispheric system as well the private non-profit NGO?s we could have a better system. It is not always the person in office that is the problem, it is the system it self that needs to be improved. With broad sweeping changes on many different levels the problems can be lessoned improving the way of life for many more people. The old saying goes ?You can lead a horse to water but you can?t make them drink.?

Many of the strings attached to our domestic and foreign policies are self-defeating creating more problems than they solve. From our military take over of Iraq and nation building to our trade policies with China and Human rights to our health care and the insurance industry. The primary focus of our government should be on the problems of the American people and our regional neighbors. The Universal system of government primary focus should be what is in the best interest of the people of the nations of the world. Today two nations who the federal government roles are good examples of this are Canada and Japan. Both nations have only entered with defense humanitarian forces on an agreed too multilateral platform. Too often the United States foreign policies is creating more wounds around the world faster than the international community can help them heal. Without a stronger international platform to be able to coordinate roles and efforts of the NGOs and other federal governments on a universal level, we are likely to find us over extending our ability to finish what we have started.
You have got to be joking. America doesnt need to wake up and embrace socialism, it needs to wake up and finish rejecting the last vestiges of socialism in our economy.

Our nation had a wake up call on 911. We were brought to the knowledge that there is evil in the world. There are men who will sacrifice their lives to destroy freedom in this world. The President and his base for the most part realize this and are willing to fight to stop them. The left on the other hand, still blinded by their socialist dreams ignore the great evil that we face. They plan to fight these evil men the same way they fought their communist cousins, do nothing to fight them and do everything to compromise our freedom to be like them so they wont be our enemies. We can not stand still let these people continue to assault our freedom.

Today the California Supreme court told Catholic Charities that they had to provide health insurance that supports contraceptives, which is contrary to the Catholic Faith. No religion should have to compromise their religious views so people can have other people pay for their access to be sexually irresponsible. In fact no company should be forced to pay for anyones health care. These socialize medical pushes are destroying our medical community and making trial lawyers like Senator Edward rich. Americans dont want your socialized healthcare. We dont need to wake up to your fantasy, you need to come out of your fantasy into reality.

Along with that, only need one Campaign Finance reform. Let people give as much as they want to whomever they want and fully disclose the sources the money comes from. Americans are not going to give up their free speech. You claim to want to weaken special interests, but who are special interests? They are American people! They are groups of concerned Americans who join a cause to push for their views in Government, something that is ESSENTIAL to a free nation. Corruption in politics is stopped by two ways: Creating opposing interest groups and Voting the Corrupt politicians OUT of office. This is a main reason i opposed Deans idea to take special intersts out of politics, You dont take the PEOPLE out of politics, you take the corrupt politicians out of politics.

Thanks to McCain-Feingold CFR bills, it is no illegal to by an add and critisize an incumbant politician 60 days before an election. Instead of taking corruption out of politics you are insuring corrupt politicians STAY in office. Those who voted for this bill just voted themselves more likely to stay in office. Not only that by limiting soft money contributions, which is money that goes to the party, You have strengthened the special interest groups you CLAIM to oppose! When interests groups were donating money to the parties, the parties had the power to decide which causes that money went to. having strong parties would weaken the special interests influence on where the party spends the money, but not that youve made it that special interests stronger because they donate straight to policians who have to listen to them to get more money.

And your BS about Freedom in more areas of the world causing my problems is sickening. Wake up from your socialist fantasy.
Avatar 4321, I commend you for your reply to David2004. However I do not believe he is engaged in a conversation. More likely he is just coping and pasting infromation from some other source.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
Avatar 4321, I commend you for your reply to David2004. However I do not believe he is engaged in a conversation. More likely he is just coping and pasting infromation from some other source.

Really, has this guy ever replied after his initial posts? If you do a search on some of his writings you'll find that he posts the same crap at other boards, and doesn't reply there either.
It doesnt matter if he wants to listen or deal with the facts or not. The truth has to be said.

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