Wait a minute: The guns in Fast and Furious didn't originate from the government?


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Holy shit.

All they were doing..it seems, was MONITORING gun sales.

It wasn't even like Wide Reciever..where the ATF actually had the guns to begin with.

“There was no effort to get more guns to the straw purchasers,” Eban said in an interview with host Al Sharpton, summarizing her findings. “The ATF agents in question did everything that they could to seize guns, and basically prosecutors determined that they didn’t have grounds under the laws as written to seize most of the guns that wound up flowing ultimately to criminals; that is a far cry from guns being walked.”
Fortune report complicates Fast and Furious story. Writer: 'There was no effort to get more guns to the straw purchasers' - Lean Forward

So basically..they just watched the sales..went to prosecutors in Arizona to arrest these folks..and the prosecutors refused.


Well it is, sorta, because it's the gun nuts that kept the ATF from stopping the gun walking.
Holy shit.

All they were doing..it seems, was MONITORING gun sales.

It wasn't even like Wide Reciever..where the ATF actually had the guns to begin with.

“There was no effort to get more guns to the straw purchasers,” Eban said in an interview with host Al Sharpton, summarizing her findings. “The ATF agents in question did everything that they could to seize guns, and basically prosecutors determined that they didn’t have grounds under the laws as written to seize most of the guns that wound up flowing ultimately to criminals; that is a far cry from guns being walked.”
Fortune report complicates Fast and Furious story. Writer: 'There was no effort to get more guns to the straw purchasers' - Lean Forward

So basically..they just watched the sales..went to prosecutors in Arizona to arrest these folks..and the prosecutors refused.


Well it is, sorta, because it's the gun nuts that kept the ATF from stopping the gun walking.

Congratulations, you have proven what I have said all along--you are completely ignorant. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Holy shit.

All they were doing..it seems, was MONITORING gun sales.

It wasn't even like Wide Reciever..where the ATF actually had the guns to begin with.

“There was no effort to get more guns to the straw purchasers,” Eban said in an interview with host Al Sharpton, summarizing her findings. “The ATF agents in question did everything that they could to seize guns, and basically prosecutors determined that they didn’t have grounds under the laws as written to seize most of the guns that wound up flowing ultimately to criminals; that is a far cry from guns being walked.”
Fortune report complicates Fast and Furious story. Writer: 'There was no effort to get more guns to the straw purchasers' - Lean Forward

So basically..they just watched the sales..went to prosecutors in Arizona to arrest these folks..and the prosecutors refused.


Well it is, sorta, because it's the gun nuts that kept the ATF from stopping the gun walking.

You can't be that dumb the gun nuts have nothing to do with this. You must be a paid poster huh? :lol:
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Under Project Gunrunner and the Phoenix off-shoot, dubbed Fast and Furious, the ATF encouraged gun store owners to sell to straw buyers -- consumers who they suspected of working on behalf of Mexican drug cartels.

Project Gunrunner purposely allowed the straw buyers to illegally buy and export guns only to see where they surfaced in Mexico. Using this investigative technique, the ATF hoped to take down the entire gun trafficking organization. Instead, records show it allowed more than 1,700 guns, including hundreds of AK-47s and high-powered, armor-piercing .50-caliber rifles to be trafficked to Mexico

Buying guns for non-personal use is illegal. Yet gun store owners were assured by ATF agents the buyers were under investigation and the guns were being intercepted before crossing into Mexico.

Instead, whistleblowers say the guns were allowed "to walk."

Obama Administration Under Mounting Pressure for Botched Gun Trafficking Investigation | Fox News

Are you guys asserting that the guns used in the sales..were given to the sellers by the ATF?

Because it seems that wasn't the case.
Under Project Gunrunner and the Phoenix off-shoot, dubbed Fast and Furious, the ATF encouraged gun store owners to sell to straw buyers -- consumers who they suspected of working on behalf of Mexican drug cartels.

Project Gunrunner purposely allowed the straw buyers to illegally buy and export guns only to see where they surfaced in Mexico. Using this investigative technique, the ATF hoped to take down the entire gun trafficking organization. Instead, records show it allowed more than 1,700 guns, including hundreds of AK-47s and high-powered, armor-piercing .50-caliber rifles to be trafficked to Mexico

Buying guns for non-personal use is illegal. Yet gun store owners were assured by ATF agents the buyers were under investigation and the guns were being intercepted before crossing into Mexico.

Instead, whistleblowers say the guns were allowed "to walk."

Obama Administration Under Mounting Pressure for Botched Gun Trafficking Investigation | Fox News
So Fox is a hold out, but Rupert, not so much.

Rupert Murdoch takes a shot at Romney on Twitter

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