Wafa Sultan: Friend of USA & Israel


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xohIzs6xvfE&feature=fvwrel]Wafa Sultan explaining Islam - YouTube[/ame]
Wafa Sultan is a lady of love, peace, justice & truth. Believe it or not, I once even met her in person. So dedicated & powerful are her messages to the world that she travels surrounded by her security guards as she is right on top of the Middle East Muslim terrorist hit list.

I can see her as Sec'y General of the UN. An amazing person.
I love the way she gives those True Believers fits. They foam at the mouth and reply with the usual talking points, Taqqiyah and Turnspeak.
Wafa Sultan is a nasty slut and a traitor to her people and culture.

you are a nasty pimp and a traitor to mankind------Wafa Sultan simply has a POV your comment is indicative of the filth from whence you came
Wafa Sultan is ----simply an intelligent and insightful woman there are many muslim men and women like her-------few are so brave
For a Muslim to speak up & tell the truth against Islam is a death warrant.

Wafa Sultan is ----simply an intelligent and insightful woman there are many muslim men and women like her-------few are so brave
God Bless Wafa Sultan.

Only in your dreams God will bless a pig. Hashem already gave up on Jews long ago. He threw you out so many times. Hashem gave Muslims the key to Jerusalem. Why did he give the Muslims Jerusalem?
For a Muslim to speak up & tell the truth against Islam is a death warrant.

Wafa Sultan is ----simply an intelligent and insightful woman there are many muslim men and women like her-------few are so brave

As if that's supposed to mean anything you bum. A lot of people speak out against religon. Doesn't matter at all. She does this for money and I love her for taking scared white people's money
God Bless Wafa Sultan.

Only in your dreams God will bless a pig. Hashem already gave up on Jews long ago. He threw you out so many times. Hashem gave Muslims the key to Jerusalem. Why did he give the Muslims Jerusalem?

He did? Last time I chacked, Jews can pray in the WesternWall, Jerusalem is ISRAEL's capital city, and it does not appear even ONCE in your Qur'an, while it appreares dozens of times in the Biblical texts.

It seems Muslims get the short end of the strew on this one.
God Bless Wafa Sultan.

Only in your dreams God will bless a pig. Hashem already gave up on Jews long ago. He threw you out so many times. Hashem gave Muslims the key to Jerusalem. Why did he give the Muslims Jerusalem?

He did? Last time I chacked, Jews can pray in the WesternWall, Jerusalem is ISRAEL's capital city, and it does not appear even ONCE in your Qur'an, while it appreares dozens of times in the Biblical texts.

It seems Muslims get the short end of the strew on this one.

Muslims did have Jerusalem for a while can you answer why Hashem have Muslims Jerusalem? Or why he let them have it? If you're so anti Islam. You have to back up you're claims. Hashem didn't protect the Jews many occasions why?

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