WA governor wants amnesty for illegal mexicans

This, my friends is the "Enemy Within".
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/aplocal_story.asp?category=6420&slug=Mexico Locke Visit

Notice how he's paying for illegals' health care with legals' tax money? And the 40 million in free housing. Why are they catering to illegals so much? Must be true about the agribussinesses greasing politicians hands. Washington apples anyone? So, tax the people to provide social services for the illegals while the aggribusiness gets rich and shares it with the governor....:mad:

Just watch as WA becomes the next CA.

One more thing: this man is a democrat!! So, there goes the argument that it's the republicans in bed with big business and exploiting the mexicans for it.
Being a WA resident, I will give you guys a little insight:

Gary Locke is a two term governor who is not running for reelection, and thus is a lame duck. He makes decisions that nobody, Republicans or Democrats, like. Basically, the man is a moron. Yet, because he has a D behind his name, he gets the automatic backing of the unions, enviro-wackos, Seattle libs, etc.

The health care bill for illegals... not too sure about that one, but I'm sure it passed the Dem-majority house with ease, and the GOP holds our state Senate by a 25-24 margin, so I'm sure it was fairly easy to put some pressure on one or two GOP senators from Eastern WA (which is majority GOP, but which also has the majority of illegals in WA) to vote for it. Very bad legislation, IMO - it encourages further illegal immigration.
Agribusiness is a good bet. Those who seek to destroy America otherwise is another.

Face it, conservatives. You aren't "conserving" anything. America is OVER.

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